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A Vision for the Future. Urban League of Greater Chattanooga, Inc. A SPECIAL PRESENTATION FOR: ABC Company/Foundation (Insert Company/Foundation Logo) Month Day, Year. The Mission of Our Movement.
A Vision for the Future Urban League of Greater Chattanooga, Inc. A SPECIAL PRESENTATION FOR: ABC Company/Foundation (Insert Company/Foundation Logo) Month Day, Year
The Mission of Our Movement Our mission is to enable African-Americans and other disadvantaged persons to secure economic self-reliance, parity, power and civil rights.
The Urban League Movement • Established in 1910, National Urban League (NUL) is the nation's oldest and largest community-based movement devoted to empowering African-Americans and other underserved populations to enter the economic and social mainstream by imparting a five-point strategy. • Education and Youth Empowerment • Economic Empowerment • Health and Quality of Life Empowerment • Civic Engagement and Leadership Empowerment • Civil Rights and Racial Justice Empowerment • Headquartered in New York City, NUL spearheads the non-partisan efforts of its 100 local affiliates in 36 states and the District of Columbia. • Our local affiliates work to serve millions of individuals and families in their communities through programs, advocacy and research tailored to their communities’ specific needs.
Our Local Affiliate: Urban League of Greater Chattanooga • Urban League of Greater Chattanooga, Inc. (ULGC) has been part of the national network of Urban Leagues since 1982. • ULGC’s strategy is three-pronged and geared specifically towards serving the greater Chattanooga community: • Ensuring that children are well-educated and equipped for economic self-reliance. • Helping adults to attain economic self-sufficiency through good jobs, home ownership and wealth accumulation. • Securing civil rights by eradicating all barriers to equal participation in the economic and social mainstream of America. • Established in 1982 • 7 full-time, 1 part-time and 35 contracted employees • 24 Board members • Total operating budget of $1,195,033 • Diverse income sources: • State and local: $809,937 • Foundations: $75,000 • United Way: $74,098 • Special events: $55,743 • Corporations: $16,000 • Individual membership: $10,555 • NUL: $5,000
Our Empowering Approach to Impacting Change…Today. • Empowered through Education: with the support of partners and using educational programs, ULGC prepares students for academic success with learning initiatives • 21st Century Community Learning Centers • Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) Program • Scholastic Book Distribution Literacy Initiative • National Achiever’s Honor Society • Urban League/Infinite Scholars Scholarship Fair
Our Empowering Approach to Impacting Change…Today. • Empowered through Workforce Development: in an effort to assist clients as they gain employment and build sustainable careers, ULGC provides workforce development services to further impact the individual’s success. Offerings include job placement program, career training, resume writing workshops, job interview preparation workshops and computer and Internet training. • Empowered through Financial Stability: to assist in the eradication of poverty and help families overcome financial hurdles and obtain financial stability, ULGC offers various services, such as Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program and Dave Ramsey’s Debt Elimination and Credit Repair Training.
Our Empowering Approach to Impacting Change…Today. • Empowered through Health and Wellness: recognizing the impact a healthier lifestyle has on a client’s overall well-being, ULGC’s health initiative encompasses numerous services. • Workout Sessions conducted twice weekly by Certified fitness advisors • Nutrition and cooking classes • Health screenings • Obesity and diabetes prevention seminars • Community Health Worker Services
What to Expect from Our YP Chapter • Urban League Young Professionals (YP): the YP program allows young professionals to be part of a volunteer auxiliary that is dedicated to bringing the next generation of leaders into the Urban League movement. Through 62 chapters around the country, thousands of young professionals – from entrepreneurs to engineers – work to advance the Urban League agenda through community, corporate and social activism. With varied and diverse backgrounds, Urban League YPs are: • Between the ages of 21 and 40 years. • Considered the “best & brightest,” with the potential to directly impact the future of our movement. • Dedicated to improving and serving Urban League communities. • Committed to seeking innovative solutions to persistent societal problems.
Opportunity for ABC Company • Make a representative, pace-setting gift to establish ULGC’s YP chapter. • Serve as the lead sponsor for ULGC’s YP chapter. • Partner with ULGC to determine how our YPs can best impact the greater Chattanooga community. • Provide leadership and direction related to professional and career development of ULGC’s YPs. • Endorse ULGC’s mission and plan in an effort to move forward the Urban League movement. • Provide periodic professional development workshops (estate planning, legal aspects of business start-ups, etc.). • Allow access to ABC Company’s employees who may serve as role models to ULGC YPs. • Serve as an example of a good corporate citizen.
A Special Request for ABC Company • ULGC is most grateful for your interest in helping to establish our YP chapter. • With deep gratitude for your commitment to ULGC and service in the greater Chattanooga community, we ask that you partner with us as we create our YP by considering a contribution of $XX,XXX in year one, followed by a donation of $X,XXX for two years, and $X,XXX in three years, resulting in a total gift of $XX,XXX. ABC Company’s generous donations will provide ongoing support of our YP. • Your gift and sponsorship will also be recognized both locally, by ULGC, and nationally, by NUL. • Through your participation, leadership and generosity, we can serve the needs of the greater Chattanooga population by empowering our community and changing lives.
What Your Generosity Means to ULGC The impact of your gift to ULGC will be significant, because it will: • Allow for the creation of a YP that will help ULGC move forward its mission. • Encourage others to regard ULGC and the future of the movement in new philanthropic terms. • Show the impact our young leaders can have on the future of our community. • Serve as an example of good, social responsibility in an ever-changing society. • Create exceptional awareness for ULGC and its programs, as well as the needs of the greater Chattanooga community. • Help retain and make Chattanooga a place “to be” for YPs.
Ways to Give There are many ways that you may help to support our Vision for the Future. Because ULGC is relying on your generous support and leadership to move forward our movement, we urge you to consider the following methods of giving: • Gifts of cash: an outright gift of cash for which the donor receives an income tax deduction as prescribed by current law. Pledging your gift over a multi-year period may allow you to make a more substantial gift, while affording you the opportunity to adjust the timing and amount of each payment to achieve the most beneficial tax treatment. • Gift of appreciated publicly traded securities: a gift of stocks or bonds that are (or will be) readily marketable. The deduction for outright gifts of appreciated long-term securities (held more than twelve months) is equal to the fair market value of the securities on the date the donor relinquishes control of the assets to ULGC. None of the appreciate is taxable for capital gains purposes. The stock should not be sold, rather, it should be transferred to ULGC to achieve the most advantageous tax treatment. • Corporate matching gifts: these gifts will be encouraged and credited to the donor as described by the matching gift arrangement. Donors should supply the necessary forms to ULGC with the appropriate pledge documentation and contributions.
Our Appreciation Thank you for your consideration of this gift request. Your generosity will have a long-lasting impact on our Vision for the Future.
Our Leadership Warren E. Logan, Jr. President & CEO Executive Committee Charlesetta Woodard-Thompson Board Chair Erlanger Medical Center Ronald Loving Vice Chair Community Volunteer Leonard Fant Past Board Chairman Blood Assurance Wendall Morgan Treasurer McDonald’s Dr. Daniel Challener Secretary Public Education Foundation Larry Buie Chattanooga Gas Company Board Members Lydia Sindos Adams Community Volunteer Daniel Batts Enterprise Rent-A-Center Dr. Roger Brown, Ph.D. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Sandy Buquo The Johnson Group Frank Burke Chattanooga Lookouts The Honorable Judge Curtis Collier US District Court Dorothy Grisham AllState Insurance Dr. Fannie Hewlett, Ed.D. Chattanooga State Technical Community College Kathy Owen UNUM Cynthia Scales Community Volunteer Robert Siskin Robert Siskin & Associates Albert Waterhouse Waterhouse Public Relations Jimmy Winton United Parcel Services Rick Youngblood Blood Assurance
For additional information, please contact: Urban League of Greater Chattanooga, Inc. 730 Martin Luther King Boulevard Chattanooga, TN 37403 (423) 756-1762 www.ulchatt.net