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Create a Banderole Ad 06/10. Definition of a Banderole Ad. A Banderole Ad Banner contains: Flash File 770x250 Pixel (swf) Videofile (flv) – Optional. Preview. A Banderole Ad autocloses after 7 Seconds Clicking the Replay Button, the Banderole Ad opens again FC is 1 per Day.
Definition of a Banderole Ad • A Banderole Ad Banner contains: • Flash File 770x250 Pixel (swf) • Videofile (flv) – Optional Preview • A Banderole Ad autocloses after 7 Seconds • Clicking the Replay Button, the BanderoleAd opens again • FC is 1 per Day
Banderole Ad with Template Please install the Eyeblaster Workshop, because only then all Scripts and the Videoloader works. Please use the Template and change the design like you need it. All Actionscripte needs to be unchanched. If your files (swf, flv) are final, please send them to creative_de@eyeblaster.com You don´t need a login.
ActionscriptEinstellungen AS2 It is necessary to use the following Script in every Ad on the first keyframe: #include "ebFlashActions.as“ function _videoLoaderInst_OnClick(){ EB.Clickthrough("banderole"); } And scripts on 3rd Frame or somewhere else: Buttonsettings Clickbutton: clickthrough_btn.onRelease = function() { EB.Clickthrough("banderole"); }; Buttonsettings Closebutton: btnClose.onRelease = function() { EB.ExpandPanel("reminder","user"); EB.CollapsePanel("banderole","user"); EB.CollapsePanel("background","user"); EB.CollapsePanel("background_auto", "user"); };
ActionscriptEinstellungen AS3 It is necessary to use the following Script in every Ad on the first keyframe: EB.Init(stage); function _videoLoaderInst_OnClick() {EB.Clickthrough("banderole");} And scripts on 3rd Frame or somewhere else: Buttonsettings Clickbutton: clickthrough_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickHandler); clickthrough_btn.buttonMode=true; function onClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void { EB.Clickthrough("banderole"); } Buttonsettings Closebutton: btnClose.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCloseHandler); btnClose.buttonMode=true; function onCloseHandler(e:MouseEvent):void { EB.ExpandPanel("reminder","user"); EB.CollapsePanel("banderole","user"); EB.CollapsePanel("background","user"); EB.CollapsePanel("background_auto", "user"); }
Create Video Banner without workshop • You can create Video-Ads without using the workshop, but its • important to have the workshop installed and activated. • Create yous ad and drag the videoloader out of the components on • your stage. • Automaticly there will be created scripts on the first frame, which you • can use to control the video. • At these components you will also find different buttons to control • the video
Create Video Banner without workshop • At the component inspector you have to choose • your path to the video. • It would be recommend to take the same folder • you choosed for the . • Here you can make more settings for your video. • “Custom” lets you make settings per • per Actionscript (on 1.Keyframe)
Advantage of Eyeblaster Workshop • Individual adjustable Templates • Uncomplicated Upload out of Flash • Preview in Flash • Interaction Monitor • Bundling all Files to one Ad
Allgemeines • You can only use Eyeblaster Workshop with MXP Extension Kit. Download • Ad Name = Asset Folder Name • You can make settings (positionierung, links) at the adserver or directly in Flash • You can save the files whereever you want • You can ajust some templates • All files are bundeled to one file (.ebs) • Download Step-for-step-Video-Documentations about making Ads with Workshop (Download) • Please ask for a log in to Eyeblaster Adserver: creative_de@eyeblaster.com
Thank youIf you have any more questions, please ask:Creative_de@eyeblaster.com