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Snapper Programming

What’s taking so long?. Snapper Programming. System fundamentals. Memory, gc, heap, stack Objects vs values Cost and abstraction Snappers Animations. Features - What do we need to do?. Insert Select Snap Stretch Parts Print Render. Features - What do we need to do?. Insert Select

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Snapper Programming

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What’s taking so long? Snapper Programming Linköping, November 4, 2008 / Staffan

  2. System fundamentals • Memory, gc, heap, stack • Objects vs values • Cost and abstraction • Snappers • Animations • ...

  3. Features - What do we need to do? • Insert • Select • Snap • Stretch • Parts • Print • Render

  4. Features - What do we need to do? • Insert • Select • Snap • Stretch • Parts • Print • Render BSP

  5. Features - What do we need to do? • Insert • Select • Snap • Stretch • Parts • Print • Render Neighbors

  6. Features - What do we need to do? • Insert • Select • Snap • Stretch • Parts • Print • Render Graphics

  7. BSP (binary space partitioning) • Space.snappers? (Snapper[]) • Cant do linear search! • Limit search • Depends on fast snapper local bound • ...

  8. Bottlenecks • Memory • Geometry (lines & triangles) • Local bound & BSP • Snapping & invalidation • The evil neighbors • Parts, hooks & other hazards • Undo system / what’s being copied • Drawings / what’s being streamed • …

  9. General concepts for efficiency • Do it only once 1 : Caching • Do it only once 2 : Invalidation • Do it only if it’s necessary (vs rebuild all) • Structure (know what you are doing, be in control) • Algorithms and data structures • …

  10. Example 1

  11. Example 1 continued

  12. Example 2

  13. Example 2 / protect modify

  14. Example 2 / protect bound change

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