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Cogsci Capstone

Cogsci Capstone. Meeting outline. Explaining the purpose, goals, regulations, and current status of the capstone Fey on department seminar and further remarks on capstone Faculty each make remarks about possible capstones Prior capstone experiences of students Open discussion. Key points.

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Cogsci Capstone

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  1. Cogsci Capstone

  2. Meeting outline • Explaining the purpose, goals, regulations, and current status of the capstone • Fey on department seminar and further remarks on capstone • Faculty each make remarks about possible capstones • Prior capstone experiences of students • Open discussion

  3. Key points • You can (and should!) make your own thing happen • Anyone considering graduate school (i.e. phd) should seek research experience early and often, including independent study and capstone. • Those considering other paths should think about research or service projects suited to that path. • As number of capstone’s grows, we may hold a capstone class similar to other depts (e.g. James Zull’s biology capstone)

  4. http://www.case.edu/artsci/art-sciS08/index.html

  5. http://www.phys.cwru.edu/SAGEScapstones/ • The SAGES capstone program is based on courses offered by individual academic departments within the university.  These courses may vary widely in nature, as deemed appropriate for various disciplines by the department offering each course.  Some SAGES capstone courses will involve individual research while others are based on group design projects.  Some courses may be similar to an advanced seminar while others will require live performances or other creative endeavors.  In some courses, faculty will define the topic on which a course is based while other courses will provide students the option - or even the requirement  - of doing work based on their own ideas.  There are, however, some unifying principles for all SAGES capstones. Across the university, SAGES capstones must include: • - Critical thinking on the part of the student. • - Clear goals with an appropriate plan of action. • - Regular oversight by the project adviser. • - Periodic reporting of progress. • - Regular writing (e.g. drafts, progress reports, critiques) throughout the project including a final written report which may be a thesis or equivalent document associated with the project or activity, (e.g., such pursuits as performance, experiment, live case analysis, or creative writing), as approved by the department of capstone origin. • - A public presentation at the Senior Capstone Fair, a conference, a performance, a public lecture, a teaching presentation, or other, as approved by the department of capstone origin. • The SAGES Capstone Coordinator for the University, Prof. Gary Chottiner, is responsible for the content of this page.  Please contact him at gary.chottiner@case.edu  with suggestions for changes.

  6. Capstone options • SAGES / General education requirement (NOT Cogsci major requirement) • Just one capstone (NOT one per major) • Lots of options:http://www.phys.cwru.edu/SAGEScapstones/CapstoneCourses.htm • Including a non-departmental capstone:http://www.phys.cwru.edu/SAGEScapstones/UCAP395.htm

  7. UCAP 395 Contract – page 1 • CONTRACT for UCAP 395: SAGES Capstone Experience • Download this form and enter as much information as possible before printing it and obtaining the required signatures. The last signature should be that of the Director of SAGES, who must be given the opportunity to approve the contract before the end of the DROP/ADD period of the first semester of the project so that the required permit may be issued. • STUDENT NAME:____________________________________ • ID: ______________________ MAJOR(s) ________________________________ • CONTACT INFORMATION: email: _________________ phone: ______________ • This is a NEW contract or a REVISION of a previous contract (indicate which). • SEMESTER(S*) in which you plan to take UCAP 395 and the number of credits: • FALL 2____ CREDITS __ | SPRING 2____ CREDITS __ | SUMMER 2____ CREDITS __ • * If a second semester is required, than a grade of R must be initially assigned for the first semester’s grade. • MENTOR’S NAME: _______________________________________ • SIGNATURE (+ date of signing): ___________________________________ • MENTOR’S PROFESSIONAL POSITION and CONTACT INFORMATION • ADVISOR’S NAME: _________________________________________ • (write ‘same as above’ if this is the case & skip this section) • SIGNATURE (+ date of signing):_____________________________________ • ADVISOR’S ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT and CONTACT INFORMATION • OTHER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS: • _______________________________ _______________________________ • (NAME) (NAME) • _______________________________ _______________________________ • (SIGNATURE + DATE) (SIGNATURE + DATE) • _______________________________ _______________________________ • (DEPARTMENT) (DEPARTMENT) • _______________________________ _______________________________ • (CONTACT INFORMATION) (CONTACT INFORMATION) • SCHOOL CAPSTONE COORD. (+ DATE): __________________________________________ • DIRECTOR OF SAGES (+ DATE): ________________________________________________ • (page 1 of 2)

  8. UCAP 395 Contract – page 2 • TITLE OF PROJECT: • ABSTRACT:Attach an abstract (1 page or less) to this contract and send a copy of the abstract via email to the SAGES office sages@case.edu . This electronic copy will be posted on the SAGES UCAP 395 web site. • PLANS FOR FINAL ORAL PRESENTATIONincluding the approximate date, if known, and the format. Examples of acceptable formats are a talk in a department seminar, presentations at the Capstone Fair or Research Day, a public performance, etc. • PLANS FOR FINAL WRITTEN REPORTincluding the due date and a short description of the nature of the report; as in style, length or any other parameters that are established in advance. • SCHEDULE OF WORK:SAGES capstone courses, like most courses in the university, should entail approximately 3 hours of work per week, on average, for each unit of credit. If there are any agreed-upon hours during which the student will work or any set dates for progress reports etc., please note them below.

  9. Cogsci capstone The Capstone in Cognitive Science involves guided research, or service work with a research aspect, under the direction of a Cognitive Science faculty member who serves as Sponsor. The research can be empirical (e.g. data analysis, laboratory experiment, fieldwork, modeling and testing), theoretical, or library-based. The capstone work may be carried out within the Department of Cognitive Science or within an affiliated department or across departments and units, provided there is a Cognitive Science Sponsor for the capstone work. The capstone may be taken only one semester during the student's academic career. A permit is required to take the course. The student's Cognitive Science Sponsor must approve a written report and submit it to the Chair of the Department before credit can be granted. A public presentation is also required in a format to be determined as needed by the department faculty. Approved SAGES Capstone.

  10. A larger program of research / experiential learning • Research / experiential learning experience for Capstone is NOT paid. • Capstone credit should not be given for work done prior to taking Capstone course (e.g. as part of COGS 399 Independent Study) However (“…gray areas will exist…”) • Earlier the better! • Capstone may be an extension of prior paid or credited work. • Prior work that was not paid/credited presents little obstacle provided faculty member approves it as contribution to capstone.

  11. Your capstone should fit your interests! • IF thinking about grad. school, get research experience, build relationship to profs, try to get funding, try to get published, have a high gpa, be perfect – it is a competitive world. • Check out the many secondary faculty in Cognitive Science: http://www.case.edu/artsci/cogs/people.html • Bruce Latimer blatimer@cmnh.org , the executive director of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History has expressed his enthusiasm about Case students doing capstone projects tied to the CMNH. 

  12. Get funded • http://www.case.edu/provost/source/ • SOURCE funding can support living expenses over the summer while you engage in research, some small research expenses • Deadline for applications: early March

  13. Get funded The Center for Civic Engagement and Learning , CCEL, (368-6960) helps students design capstones with a community-based focus or a community service component.  A CCEL staff member can serve as a capstone mentor and provide assistance with the selection, development, and implementation of the capstone project. Students are encouraged to consult with the Betsy Banks, Assistant Director, elizabeth.banks@case.edu , early in the process, preferably during the semester prior to enrollment in the capstone itself. Center for Community Partnershipshttp://www.case.edu/community/  provides information about Case and its connections to the local community.

  14. Get Funded • NSEP (National Security Education Program) scholarships support summer and school-year study abroad for students studying in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Russia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. Language study MUST be part of the program. All majors are eligible, but preference is given to specific majors. In 2002-03, "favored majors" were: engineering, science, computer science, management, international studies, political science, anthropology, psychology, sociology, and history. http://www.cwru.edu/provost/ugstudies/scholarships/S-nsep.htm

  15. Get Funded • Experiential Learning Fellowships support undergraduate student projects in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The George S. Traub Memorial Undergraduate Research Fund supports juniors and seniors pursuing degrees related to the history, politics, public policy, or economics of the Northern Ohio region. Guidelines and application forms are available under �Forms� at the following page: http://www.case.edu/artsci/forms/index.html . Please contact Marcia Camino (x3826) if you have any questions.

  16. Get funded • The Experiential Learning Fellowship in Anthropology, open to majors in that field, was established by Jonathan F. Plimpton '70, who has found that his degree and training in anthropology serve him well in his career in international business. • The Francis J. and Earla E. Rocks Experiential Learning Fellowship is open to students with a major or minor in art history and art, classics, English, modern languages and literatures, music, or theater and dance.


  18. Publish! Indiana Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science Are you interested in the inner workings of the mind? Do you have a paper that deals with anything related to this complex subject? If so, then consider submitting it for PUBLICATION in a peer-reviewed journal! The IUJCS is a peer-reviewed, online journal of writing in cognitive science. The journal is currently accepting submissions of original work by undergraduate students in cognitive science and related disciplines. Submissions may originate from any field within cognitive science including, but not limited to: artificial intelligence, anthropology, biology, computer science, linguistics, logic, philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. Even if you are unsure whether your work is relevant, I encourage you to submit. The benefits of publication include: *Sharing your important research or ideas with a growing academic community *Recognition for your outstanding research and writing skills *Building your publication record for graduate school or employment, and much more. Interested authors are asked to submit their work electronically in either Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format to the following e-mail address: iacs@indiana.edu. The tentative deadline for all submissions for the Fall 2008 edition of the journal is October 31, 2008. For more information on the IUJCS or to submit your work, visit: http://www.cogs.indiana.edu/iacs/journal.html

  19. Publish! Penn Bioethics Journal The Penn Bioethics Journal (PBJ), in collaboration with the Neuroethics Society, invites submissions of papers on any aspect of neuroethics written by undergraduate students. Papers can be reports of empirical research or novel syntheses of previous work in science, philosophy, public policy, or any other discipline addressing an issue in neuroscience or neurotechnology. Submissions are due by February 11th, 2008 Term research papers are also encouraged! Cash Prizes for the Winning paper and 2 runners up!! As usual, PBJ will also accept bioethics papers beyond the main theme. More information is online at www.bioethicsjournal.com Questions should be addressed to Penn Bioethics Journal at editors@bioethicsjournal.com

  20. Present! 2008 Intersections: SOURCE Undergraduate Symposium and Poster Session Date Friday, April 18, 2008, 10am to 3pm Place: Thwing Center, Atrium and 2nd Floor The Proprosal Registration is due on March 21! Submit abstract via email and Proposal Registration via email or in Sears 451! Email to: bvp@case.edu Abstract Guidelines Proposal Registration (doc) Proposal Registration (pdf) Basics of Making a Research Poster: March 31st at noon in Nord 310B. RSVP to source@case.edu. How to Present Your Poster: April 10th at 5pm in Thwing 1914 Lounge. RSVP to source@case.edu Heavy refreshments in the form of our popular Mexican bar will be served from noon to 2:30pm. Awards: One $200.00 award and one $100.00 award for each of the following academic areas: Arts, Engineering and Computer Science, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Nursing, Social Sciences, Management and Accounting

  21. Research ethics • Anyone doing behavioral research must be CREC accredited • Online at:http://ora.ra.cwru.edu/research/orc/crec/index.cfm • Takes a good few hours studying and answering multiple choice q’s • Send your certificate to your advisor BEFORE you start testing subjects!

  22. ?Regular Capstone Meetings?A possible schedule of topics • Research Proposal • Progress reports • Critique of poster drafts • Final presentation

  23. Physics Capstone courtesy of Prof. Gary Chottiner, Sages capstone coordinator • Around for many years • Two semester capstone • Highly structured series of meetings over academic year, including: • Present proposal and experimental design • mid-term presentation • preview and critique poster drafts session • SOURCE symposium • final presentation. • Additional information about our program is available at: http://www.phys.cwru.edu/undergrad/Senior%20Projects/

  24. Capstones done or in progress • 1. Viyan Udawatta: Cross-cultural study on Morality and Mindedness. We're looking at Sri Lankan, Indian, and US populations to test our hypothesis that there are innate aspects to moral concern in all humans. We also want to determine how intuitions about mindedness compares across cultures. Fri, 8/29/08 12:12 PM  • 2. Emily Newman: Will be working with adolescents with TBI on the influence of autonomy on their perceived health related quality of life. Tue, 8/26/08 11:05 PM  • 3. Lauren Seeds: I did an extensive literature review of some recent theories of autism spectrum disorders, composed a research paper, and gave a short presentation on the findings and future directions of the research. Thu, 8/21/08 7:09 PM seedz22@gmail.com • 4. Katie Kriegshauser: I am studying the gender differences in treatment adherence behaviors, looking specifically at a Bipolar population. The specific behaviors I'm examining are fear of weight gain due to medications, value of social support, experience of public and self stigma, self medication with drugs and alcohol, and value of lessened impulsivity/irritability due to medications. If gender-specific trends emerge from this data, this will allow for more gender-specific treatment plans for Bipolard Disorder. Thu, 8/21/08 11:31 AM  kdk13@case.edu

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