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The Miracle of Pregnancy: Journey Through Trimesters

Explore the untold secrets of being pregnant, from conception to childbirth. Learn about the miraculous journey of growth and development, key stages in each trimester, prenatal care, labor, and different types of births. Understand the fascinating process of how a tiny cluster of cells transforms into a fully developed baby. Discover essential information about pregnancy, including medical terms, care, and monitoring for a healthy delivery. Dive into the wonders of maternity with this comprehensive guide.

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The Miracle of Pregnancy: Journey Through Trimesters

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  1. The Untold Secrets of Being Pregnant Pregnancy Prophecy

  2. Conception (first trimester) The combining of a sperm and egg cell is called conception, also called fertilization, this is the first stage to pregnancy. Once they’ve been united its called a zygote, the cells will implant themselves on the uterine wall and multiply themselves and turn into a cluster of cells. This is part of the first trimester.

  3. First Week (first trimester) The cluster of cells form an organ called the placenta. This implants itself onto the uterus. The umbilical cord connects to the organ so the mother can feed it. The placenta filters the food and drinks that goes into the mother.

  4. Next 5 Weeks (first trimester) Embryo forms out of the cluster of cells that is implanted on the uterine wall. Also the mother will probably now have a different diet to feed the baby which is called prenatal care.

  5. 2 to 3 Months into Pregnancy (End of 1st trimester) By now the embryo has grown into a fetus that is now developing. The sex of the fetus is now visible the first ultra-sound will take place.

  6. 4th Month (2nd trimester) The baby now weighs about 7 ounces and movement is beginning to start. The skin of the fetus starts to develop from a clear wrapping to actual skin. Around this time the mother usually gets an amniocentesis to check for any birth defects.

  7. 5 to 6 Months Into Pregnancy (End of second trimester) Hair and nails start to develop on the fetus and the rate of growth slows. Fetus is now responding to its surroundings.

  8. 7 Months to Birth (Full Third Trimester) The mother by now has been pregnant for 7 months to 9 months and the mother has probably been to an obstetrician several times for both her, and the baby. Here the doctor checks her hormone balances and the heart rate of the baby and things of that nature. Also answers any questions the mother has about pregnancy. Now the fetus weighs about 7 to 9 pounds and its organs are complete.

  9. Labor (The Final Stages) The final chapter in pregnancy is labor. There are three stages of labor, first is called active labor. This is when the cervix dilates to 10cm and thins out, but if it does not dilate all the way doctors must perform an incision from the vagina to the anus. The mother will also experience contractions, but do not mistake these for Braxton Hicks which are fake contractions that are preparing yourself for labor.

  10. Labor Pt. 2 Second stage of labor is called the pushing stage. This ends with the birth of the baby and begins with the cervix fully dilated. During this stage the mother is giving birth. There are many types of birth but most of them involve the mother going under an epidural, a pain medicine that paralyzes the body the waist down to help cope with the pain of labor. This is given through a tube into the spine.

  11. Labor Pt. 3 And Soon After This is the final stage of labor. This ends when the after birth is pushed out and starts right after the birth of the baby. Now the baby must be weighed and cleaned and graded on the apgar scale. This is a system used to rate the baby’s health and is from 1-9.

  12. Different Types of Birth/Key Terms 1.Cesarean Birth- when doctors cut through the layers of skin and fat and the uterus to retrieve the baby. 2.Still Birth- when the pregnancy does full tern but the baby comes out dead. 3.Breech Birth- when the baby comes out of the mother feet first. 4.Pediatrician- doctor for the baby 5.Lamaze- breathing classes that the mother takes to cope with the pain of labor. 6.Gynocologist- a doctor that specializes in the women’s reproductive system. 7.Ectopic Pregnancy- in which pregnancy is implanted in the fallopian tubes.

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