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SO 2.5.9 “Collaborative Working Environments” Wrap up Next steps: info days, relevant workshops

IST Call 5 Preparatory Workshop on "Collaborative Working Environments" 13 April 2005 Centre Albert Borschette. Rue Froissart 36. B-1040. Brussels. SO 2.5.9 “Collaborative Working Environments” Wrap up Next steps: info days, relevant workshops Georgios TSELENTIS

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SO 2.5.9 “Collaborative Working Environments” Wrap up Next steps: info days, relevant workshops

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  1. IST Call 5 Preparatory Workshop on "Collaborative Working Environments"13 April 2005Centre Albert Borschette. Rue Froissart 36. B-1040. Brussels SO 2.5.9 “Collaborative Working Environments” Wrap up Next steps: info days, relevant workshops Georgios TSELENTIS Unit F4 New working environments

  2. General Information • 6th EU Framework Programme for RTD: http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/home.cfm • IST Priority in FP6: • www.cordis.lu/ist • IST Work Programme 2005-2006: www.cordis.lu/ist/workprogramme/fp6_workprogramme.htm • IT Publications: www.cordis.lu/ist/publications/publications.htm • IST Strategic Objective “Collaborative Working Environments”: • http://www.cordis.lu/ist/so/collab-work/home.html

  3. Important dates

  4. Support Actions cluster IST-WORLD Portal STAR-NET Info hub GET_IN EUROPEAN-IST Training & Tools CEEC-IST-NET Brokerage Portal IST-Academies Partner search Finance-NMS-IST Financial training IDEALIST34 & IDEALIST-EXTEND NCP / Partner search

  5. Call 2 Proposals

  6. Call 3 Proposals

  7. Objectives: Discuss future scenarios of mobile and collaborative working in the healthcare and wellbeing sector and will assess and validate a roadmap for innovation in the next few years. The aim is to receive feedback from selected representatives of the key stakeholder groups. In this way, the workshop will work up and validate the scenarios and to progress a roadmap for future development in mobile health and wellbeing services. Workshop participants will receive preparation material in advance of the workshop. Date: 2005-04-15Title: Workshop Health and Wellbeing Mobile & Collaborative Workplaces Place: Enschede (NL) Contact/info(e-mail/link): http://www.mosaic-network.org/news/events/050415-Wellbeing.html 1 SO 2.5.9 related events

  8. Objectives: This workshop focuses on Living Labs and System Change Aspects of New Working Environments. It is relevant to WP4 of MOSAIC and AMI SIGs especially Living Labs SIG. Date: 2005-05-13 to 14Title: Workshop on living labsPlace: Kingston (UK) Contact/info(e-mail/link): http://www.mosaic-network.org/news/events/050513-LivingLabs.html 2 SO 2.5.9 related events

  9. Objectives: Identify shared structures in the design of Collaborative Games and Collaborative Working Environments and thus key challenges for future research during the period 2005-2010. In view of the 5th IST Call and the Strategic Objective “Collaborative Working Environments” to provide a forum for networking and enable relevant forward-looking ideas for research proposals to be presented. Date: 2005-05-15Title: Game Structures & Collaborative Environments Place: Brussels (B)Contact/info(e-mail/link):leonie.schaefer@cec.eu.inthttp://europa.eu.int/information_society/activities/atwork/hot_news/eventspages/2005_05_12_gamestructures/index_en.htm 3 SO 2.5.9 related events

  10. Objectives: Info day Networking Date: 2005-05-16Title: Information day on e-collaborationPlace: Prague (CZ)Contact/info(e-mail/link):charvat@ccss.cz 4 SO 2.5.9 related events

  11. Objectives: Develop a vision about applications in rural area beyond 2015 with: e-collaboration New working methods Information Systems in agriculture Information Systems in forestry Food safety Date: 2005-05-18Title: Information systems in agriculture and forestry Place: Prague (CZ)Contact/info(e-mail/link): www.iszl.czcharvat@ccss.cz 5 SO 2.5.9 related events

  12. Objectives: 19th of May; Linking european policy, research proposals and communities 20th of May;COMIST Tutoring day for the involvement of participants from the EU New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries Date: 2005-05-19 to 20Title: “Innovation Creativity and Inclusion at Work. Empowering person-centric collaborative working environments” Ami@Work Spring EventPlace: Budapest (H) Contact/info(e-mail/link): COMIST web site & http://www.mosaic-network.org/news/events/050519-SpringEvent.html 6 SO 2.5.9 related events

  13. Objectives: International research workshop on IT design and quality assurance Involve end-users in the full design-development-assurance-redesign process Sponsors: LO, TLO, Uninnova, Users Award, CID Date: 2005-05-24 to 25Title: UITQ 2005 User-driven IT Design and Quality Assurance: Who can judge IT quality better than professional end-users?”Place: Stockholm (S) Contact/info(e-mail/link):aaken@nada.kth.se http://cid.nada.kth.se/ao/uitq05 7 SO 2.5.9 related events

  14. Objectives: Present and discuss basic issues and perspectives of the first i2010 priority. The workshop is expected to be a major event to launch initiatives around the SEIS concept. It is organised by the IST FP6 SEEMseed project “Study Evaluate and Explore in the domain of the Single European Electronic Market” Date: 2005-05-30Title: Towards the single European Information Space (provisional)Place: Brussels (B) Contact/info(e-mail/link): bonfatti@unimo.it 8 SO 2.5.9 related events

  15. Objectives: International conference with scientific papers, contributions, workshops etc. Topics among others include: Open source S/W Open standards Gaming Business applications Legal issues Standardization e-goverment 400 expected attendants from all over the world Date: 2005-05-30 to 31 and June 1stTitle: International Holland Open S/W ConferencePlace: Amsterdam (NL) Contact/info(e-mail/link):www.hollandopen.nl 8 SO 2.5.9 related events

  16. Objectives: This workshop is organized by the MOSAIC project, and supported by several AMI@Work communities, as an open debate, presenting and discussing the achieved results. The programme includes: The state of the art in mobile workplaces: technology, work practice and organizations Mobile and collaborative working, Vision 2012 Key research challenges and innovation needs Roadmap for mobile workplace technologies and solutions Strategies and large-scale projects for research and innovation Deployment of mobile collaborative working innovations in key business sectors. The workshop will discuss the MOSAIC vision, scenarios and roadmap for mobile and collaborative workplaces, and will propose a strategy for research and innovation including the deployment of mobile workplace technologies and applications in sectors like manufacturing, building and . construction, and for rural and regional areas. Date: 2005-06-21Title: Workshop on “Mobile Collaborative Working Environments”Place: Munich (D) Contact/info(e-mail/link):http://www.mosaic- network.org/news/events/050621-Mobile.html 9 SO 2.5.9 related events

  17. Objectives: This event is intended to give an opportunity to all researchers to present their work related to, at least, one of AMI@Work communities and to further contribute to the shaping of the vision and roadmap of each community. It is also intended to give a chance to practitioners from the Industry and Public organisations to join and participate to the debate in confronting their needs and requirements with presented vision scenarios. It is also intended to provide a good opportunity for "people networking" across ICE community and AMI@Work communities, open and informal discussion of new ideas as well as preparing for open and new calls-for-proposals. Date: 2005-06-22Title: AMI@Work Forum Day “Towards Ambient Intelligence at work, Vision 2010”Place: Munich (D) Contact/info(e-mail/link):http://www.mosaic-network.org/news/events/050622-AMI-Forum-Day.html 10 SO 2.5.9 related events

  18. Objectives: To present the 1st results of project VIVACE on value improvement through virtual aeronautical collaborative enterprise Date: 2005-09-20 to 22Title: VIVACE FORUM 1Place: Warwick University (UK) Contact/info(e-mail/link):Jean-Claude.Dunyach@airbus.com www.vivaceproject.com 11 SO 2.5.9 related events

  19. Objectives: Annual conference on collaborative networks covering subjects such as: Professional virtual communities Virtual organisations Breeding environments Collaborative environments ICT for collaboration Date: 2005-09-26 to 28Title: PRO-VE ’05 6th IFIP Working Conference on VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES collaboration networks and value creationPlace: Valencia (E) Contact/info(e-mail/link): www.pro-ve.org cam@uninova.pt 12 SO 2.5.9 related events

  20. www.amiatwork.com • Web Ring of CWE related projects (to participate: email elena.leibbrand@cec.eu.int) • SO EC contact person: Isidro Laso-Ballesteros • isidro.laso@cec.eu.int

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