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“Developing Grassroots Democracy”
Capacity Building of Rural Development Functionaries, Elected Representatives of PRIs, NGOs, and the CBOs for Sustainable Development and Transformation of Rural Society.
4. Infrastructure
7. Fund Requirements for Infrastructure The above items reflect our proposals for the coming years. However, proposals for Rs. 199 lacs covering many of above items are under submission with MORD which may be kindly sanctioned alongwith following:
1. Cost of construction of 20 hostel rooms :
- Rs. 138.48 lacs
2. Cost of construction of under ground parking :
- Rs. 319.40 lacs
Total estimate cost :– Rs. 199+138.48+319.40
= Rs. 656.88 lacs
8. Budget / Finance Total Budget of IGPR&GVS for
2008-09 (Including Schemes) - 18.44 crores
Recurring Budget of SIRD - 75.00 lacs
Non-Recurring Budget of SIRD - 26.60 lacs
Increase of 30% expected every year under Recurring Head.
9. Manpower IGPR&GVS strength - 41
SIRD, Rajasthan strength - 12
Total - 53
Above strength has not been increased since INCEPTION
50% increase in Employee strength required.
Preference Based Incentive needed for staff. N.I.R.D. should recommend Package.
10. Training and Research Institutional Trainings- 90-100/ year.
Decentralized Trainings-
I.G.P.R.&G.V.S. has successfully carried out 3 full fledged campaigns for P.R.I.s in 2002, 2003 & 2005
In next 5 year 2 training campaign for all 1.25 lacs P.R.I.s functionaries.Plans for P.R.I. campaigns drawn up till 2012
Decentralized training campaign conducted for N.R.E.G.S., Watershed Development, S.G.S.Y., B.R.G.F. & European Commission-State Partnership Programme.
11. Impact Growth:-
Devolution of Powers to PRIs, and emphasis on schemes like N.R.E.G.S., B.R.G.F. etc likely to throw up fresh challenges for sustained Capacity Building of PRIs & RD officials
Optimally trained P.R.I.s and officials leading to optimum benefits to the rural populace.
12. Lessons Learnt, Suggestions And Options For Future Increased volume of Training can be achieved, best through Decentralized/ Cascade mode
For cascade mode, a strong cadre of grassroot trainers has to be nurtured.
Multi-mode training interventions need to be adopted.
Skill Based trainings under SGSY, BRGF etc., need to be outsourced to specialist AGENCIES.
13. Scenario Emerging scenario
Successive Governments shall continue to focus on Rural Development owing to large populations residing in rural areas, resulting in higher allocation of funds. This shall increase training needs manifold.
Enforcement of 73rd amendment shall devolve higher power to P.R.I.s accentuating training needs.
Demand for better delivery by rural populace shall place increasing demand for better trained officialdom, thereby calling for a greater role and quality of delivery of trainings by S.I.R.D.
14. Perspective The Government would like speedy implementation of the rural schemes with little time to spare officials for repeated trainings. Hence T.O.T. and cascades mode of training would need to be emphasized. Distance trainings through use of electronic media i.e.: Satcoms, video conferencing, internet, web-cam usage may play a greater role.
15. Issues Can RD officials prepare Case Studies & Success Stories implemented by them for duplication by others.
Can a personnel policy be prepared which links quicker promotion for rural functionaries with their replicable successful rural development interventions in the state, region and nation.
16. Progress and approach on time-scale and fund requirement Strengthening of on-going works
1. Satcom work to be completed.
2. Increase in Hostel facilities.
3. Computerization at all levels.
4. E.T.C.s to be provided greater funds for infrastructure improvement.
5. Increased faculty and research posts.
New initiatives / requirements – for next five years
1. Increased no. of E.T.C.s at all Divisional Headquarter
2. New hostel buildings
3. Residential facilities need to be created
4. All E.T.C.s to be strengthened and computerized.
5. Vehicles facilities at S.I.R.D.s need to be increased.
17. Critical inputs Funds
100% funding for faculty members be increased to 7 from 5 at present.
Central assistance for recurring expenditure may be increased from 50% to 75% due to constraint of resources at State Govt. level.
E.T.C.s need to be provided Rs. 10.00 lacs each year for infrastructure & maintenance in addition to Rs. 15.00 lacs for recurring grants being provided presently.
Amount of Non-recurring grant to S.I.R.D.s need to be increased.
Training cost per trainee needs to be revisited and included.
18. INCREASE of 50% in present strength needed.
Flexibility to engage Research fellowship/ Jr. Research fellowship with assistance from N.I.R.D. for meaningful research activities.
19. HRD and training HRD training continues to be a Neglected Area.
Incentives need to be built up
N.I.R.D. may take up lead for developing a package.
21. INTRODUCTION All institutions need to have a long term vision and plan for effective working, comprehensive development and growth of the Institution.
The long term perspective plan not only sets a direction for the institute but also helps in planning mobilization of funds and resources.
22. OBJECTIVES The objective of the exercise of perspective plan is to optimize and operationalize trainings to be conducted in the next 5 years based on training needs assessment and to mobilize resources and funds so that a continuum of trainings leading to empowerment of PRI functionaries and officials for better governance, is maintained.
23. TRAINING – Magnitude And Complexity Of The Task The training of PRIs and Rural Functionaries is a gigantic task as it involves 1.2 lacs PRI functionaries and training of around 60,000 officials for different schemes
24. STRATEGY OF TRAINING Need to adopt a multi-pronged approach
Around 1.2 lacs functionaries have to be trained. Multi pronged approach involving SIRDs, ETCs, NGOs, CBOs, other departmental training institutions and through SATCOM needs to be adopted.
Strengthening the training infrastructure
Besides strengthening SIRDs, the ETC infrastructure needs to be improved. ETCs need to be initially opened at Divisional level & then at all District levels
29 subjects are to be devolved to PRIs. Hence infrastructure of other departments being brought under fold of Panchayati Raj can also be utilized.
25. STRATEGY OF TRAINING Compulsory induction training of development functionaries at all levels
Induction Training for all functionaries at all levels.
Refresher Trainings annually for critical employees and twice in 5 years for non-critical employees.
Adoption of distance education mode to supplement and complement institutionalized trainings
A SATCOM system is being established at SIRD Rajasthan for supplementing institutional trainings with distant education mode.
26. TNA The Institute follows Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) for conducting training courses. The following steps are involved in the SAT procedure:
Training Needs Assessment
Designing of Training Modules based on TNA findings
Preparation of Training Material
Conducting Trainings
Evaluation of Training
Proposals regarding TOT and course material development are placed as Annexure-B&C.
27. Faculty Development Need to create Core Faculty of professionals in following identified specialized areas:-
Professor Panchayati Raj Studies
Professor Rural Development
Professor Water Resources
Professor Rural Technology & Skill Development
Professor HRD
Associate Professor Computers & MIS
Faculty Development Scheme
A systematic program for development of the faculty by periodic exposure and trainings in various aspects of Rural Development needs to be designed for each faculty
28. Training Proposals The Institute proposes to conduct various training programmes during the current financial year and in coming years, which may briefly be described as under:
The district level Chief Executive Officers of Zila Parishad will be trained at SIRD level with a one week programme covering all aspects of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj every year so that they get fully equipped with the project cycle management, approaches to participatory rural development, decentralized governance, community driven development, success stories in rural development, and need for adopting an innovative approach in rural development management.
Project Officers of various sectors placed at Zila Parishad level will be trained at SIRD by organizing 3-6 days training programmes. They will be responsible for providing trainings to the block/Gram Panchayat level functionaries.
29. Training Proposals Block Development Officers of Panchayat Samitis will be trained at SIRD level in a one week training programme covering all aspects of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj every year.
Block level Officers like Panchayat Extension Officers, Junior Engineers etc. and Gram Panchayat Functionaries like Gram Sevaks will be trained at ETC level.
A team of trainers relating to different fields will be trained at SIRD level, who will in turn conduct district/block level trainings of various field functionaries and elected representatives.
Gram Panchayat level functionaries specifically Sarpanchas, Ward Panchas, Watershed User Groups etc. will be trained at block level in a decentralized manner.
30. Training Proposals Community Mobilization Campaign
To ensure effective functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions, the key institution is Gram Sabha, which to be effective needs awareness among the rural community. If Gram Sabha becomes effective then the Panchayati Raj System will automatically become effective. Keeping in view this concept in mind, a detailed Community Mobilization Campaign is proposed for all Panchayats. The Total cost of the campaign is estimated at Rs.32.56 crores.
31. Training Proposals A proposal for conducting Training of Trainers (TOT) to develop resource persons is developed and enclosed at Annexure 'B'.
It is also essential to develop training modules for conducting different types of trainings. Accordingly, a lump sum provision of Rs. 50.00 lacs is proposed and enclosed at Annexure 'C'.
It is proposed to conduct critical trainings every year so that field functionaries may remain aware with the latest developments in various RD programmes and be able to implement the same in the villages for sustained development. Similarly, non-critical trainings are proposed to be organized two times in 5 years.
32. TRAINING ACTION PLAN Estimated number of training courses required to be conducted: The Estimated maximum number of training courses required to be conducted is 4602/year Annex.- 5.1
Number of training courses required to be organized per year for different categories of target groups:
The number of training courses required to organized per year for different categories can be placed two categories:-
- Training Courses for Officials for Major RD Programmes - 1592/ year, Annex.-5.2
- Training Courses for Elected PRIs – Maximum 3010/ year - Annex.-5.3
38. Proposals for the Development of Training Modules For imparting different type of trainings to the participants of various level, it is necessary to develop training modules for each type of training so that the message percolated by different resource persons at different level may remain same. Accordingly it is proposed to develop training modules, for which it is proposed to keep a lump sum provision of Rs. 50 Lacs for the development as well as printing of modules.