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Water as a Resource

Water as a Resource. What is a resource?. What is a resource?. From Webster ’ s New World Dictionary:. 1. something that lies ready for use or can be drawn upon for aid; supply of something to take care of a need. 2. wealth; assets; available money or property.

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Water as a Resource

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  1. Water as a Resource What is a resource?

  2. What is a resource? From Webster’s New World Dictionary: 1. something that lies ready for use or can be drawn upon for aid; supply of something to take care of a need. 2. wealth; assets; available money or property. 3. something that a country, state, etc. has and can use to its advantage.

  3. A Resource is a supply of something to take care of a need. TRY THIS … THE LIFE BOX 1. Place a small jar of soil and a filled water bottle in a box and close it. 2. Ask your friends and parents to say what they see in the box when they open it. They will likely say soil and water. 3. But there’s more! Let them know that there are four items in the box, all essential for life. 4. Let them see in the box again and have them guess what the four items are. From “Water Every Drop Counts, printed July 2005, p.2

  4. How Wet Is Our Planet?

  5. Objective :To describe the amount and distribution of water in the earth's oceans, rivers, lakes, groundwater, ice caps, and atmosphere. Background :The earth is also known as the "water planet," as approximately 70 percent of its surface is water. Water is found in rivers, ponds, lakes, oceans, ice caps, clouds, and as groundwater. All these forms of water are part of a dynamic and interrelated flow called the hydrologic cycle, in which each part of the cycle shares a portion of the total amount of water on the planet. Many people think water is a limitless resource, yet simple calculations demonstrate the fact that the amount of water on our planet is in fact limited. It is known that the earth has the same amount of water now as it did when it was first created, therefore, the amount of water available to humans and wildlife depends largely on how its quality is maintained. Every person has the responsibility to conserve water, use it wisely, and protect its quality. TRY THIS Handout #1 from http://groundwater.org Kids Corner

  6. A Resource is something that lies ready for use or can be drawn upon for aid. Activity for students: Make a table with three columns. Title column 1: Where is the water ready to use? Title column 2: What uses the water? Title column 3: How does it get to the end user? QUESTION: Once it is used what happens? Does it disappear?

  7. www.spacestationinfo.com

  8. How much water do you use Welcome to the H2O Conserve Water Footprint Calculator (WFC) a brief set of questions that will get you thinking about how much water you and your household use and how water connects to almost every aspect of your life. The WFC will help you explore how you use water, estimate your household’s water footprint and learn ways to conserve. What is a Water Footprint? Your household’s water footprint is the amount of water you use in and around your home throughout the day including the water you use directly (i.e., from a tap). It also includes the water used indirectly to produce the food you eat, the products you buy, the energy you consume and even the water you save when you recycle. You may not drink, feel or see this virtual water, but it makes up the majority of your water footprint. An interactive site @ http:h20conserve.org (handout #2)

  9. A Resource is wealth; assets; available money or property.

  10. http://media.photobucket.com/image/bottled%20water/R31D/BottledWaterTruth.jpghttp://media.photobucket.com/image/bottled%20water/R31D/BottledWaterTruth.jpg

  11. Do we take care of our water resource???? Objective: To teach about the geologic formations in an aquifer, how pollution can get into groundwater and how pumping can cause a decline in the water table. Background: This activity is a fun and easy way to understand the geology of an aquifer. You will build your own edible aquifer, learn about confining layers, contamination, recharge and water tables. http://www.groundwater.org

  12. A Resource is something that a country, state, etc. has and can use to its advantage.

  13. Water is a resource which is becoming endangered. How do we protect it? Who should protect it? What is the next step?

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