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Athletics Leader. If you are thinking of helping out the coaches at your club’s junior sessions, then this is the course for you. The course is particularly aimed at parents, carers, grandparents, or young leaders over 16 years of age.
Athletics Leader If you are thinking of helping out the coaches at your club’s junior sessions, then this is the course for you. The course is particularly aimed at parents, carers, grandparents, or young leaders over 16 years of age. You will learn the basic principles of running, jumping and throwing, along with lots of activity ideas through the use of task cards. Topics covered include: • Establishing the role and responsibilities of an Athletics • Leader • Understanding the working relationship with a • Supervising coach • Learning the principles of running, jumping and throwing • Delivering fun and exciting warm ups for children • The basics of athlete development • Dealing with challenging behaviour • Leading safe and fun sessions Your next course is: Date: Sunday 2nd September 2012 Code: MC0479 Venue: The Samworth Church Academy, Sherwood Hall Road, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 2DY Cost: £130 per person £95 for EA affiliated club members Candidates aged 16 -19 (or part of the school workforce, ie, teachers, assistants, parent helpers etc) can access places at 50% of the full price – tick Workforce Credit Scheme box on form and enter school name – YOU MUST APPLY BY 31ST JULY 2012 TO ACCESS THIS FUNDING For further info, please email our Membership Services team enquiries@englandathletics.org Find out more at: www.englandathletics.org/courses