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French prepositional compounds. Cecilia Hemming Department of Languages, University College of Skövde Swedish National Graduate School of Language Technology. Outline. Introduction Intuition – ideas Method Language specific term patterns Language independent concepts Problems
French prepositional compounds Cecilia HemmingDepartment of Languages, University College of SkövdeSwedish National Graduate School of Language Technology
Outline • Introduction • Intuition – ideas • Method • Language specific term patterns • Language independent concepts • Problems • Further work
Introduction • Neologisms in technical domains • New technology and products – new terminology • Term = linguistic sign = signifiant et signifié (Saussure) • Term production patterns ISO 1087 Vocabulary of Terminology • Term: Designation of a defined concept in a special language by a linguistic expression. • Concept: A unit of thought constituted through abstraction on the basis of properties common to a set of objects.
Production Patterns • Language specific production patterns • morphosyntax for French terms • Noun Adj Noun Noun • Noun Prep Noun Noun Prep Det Noun • Noun à Verb(inf) Verb-Noun ... • Swedish noun+noun -> French noun prep noun/verb • Swedish noun2(compl)+noun1(head) -> French noun1 prep noun2 • oljepump # pompe à huile (oil pump) • bränsleledning # conduite de carburant (fuel pipe)
Production Patterns • Semantics of the terms • concepts • plåt # tôle (plate) [material] • ventil # robinet (valve) [part] • … • relationships • plåtskiva # disque de tôle (plate disc) [made-of] • bromsventil # robinet de frein (brake valve) [part-of] • …
Intuition – Idea 1 In MT and MAHT Knowledge reuse in: Dictionnaires Terminology Databases Translation Memories Lacking information of a certain term? syntactic and semantic analyses of equivalent terms in different languages plausible translation suggestions (in accordance with the TL production patterns)
Intuition – Idea 2 (Wüster) • Another way of defining Concept (independent of term) a unit of different characteristics common to a certain number of people • Structure knowledge in special domains by pointing to differences and similarities between concepts connected to the terms within that domain [parts of brake system] bromspedal # pédale de frein [operation device] bromsrör # tuyau de frein [leading brake fluid] Disagreement: language independent concept grouping in general language (all concepts not present in all L) Concepts in technical designation: truly language independent
Limitations • Limitation 1: To begin with: terms denoting concrete objects • Limitation 2: French patterns: noun + preposition + noun* noun + preposition + verb with à and de *In patterns, treat complex complements as a unit bakhjulsbroms # frein de roue arrière (rear wheel brake)
Method • Extraction of term patterns • Swedish-French parallel text corpus ”Scania95” (manuals) 3500 terms with a noun + preposition + noun/verb-pattern • Semantic classification (concepts / relations) • both Swedish and French terms • material, part, container… / made-of, part-of, contains…
Concepts • Compound nominal semantics • HEAD concept + COMPLEMENT concept bränsletank # réservoir à carburant(fuel tank) [liquid] [container] • Semantic relation • Relation between head and complement HEAD[container] contains COMPL[liquid] réservoir à carburant
Method • Compare patterns of the two languages • morphosyntax: noun2+noun1 -> noun1 à noun2 compl head head compl • semantics: (complement expresses) Swe[location of HEAD] -> Fre[location of HEAD] …?? Swe[form of HEAD] -> Fre[form of HEAD] …?? bakfjäderbult # etoquiau de ressort arrière (rear spring bolt) kronmutter # écrou à créneaux (turret nut) bil-/säkerhets-bälte # ceinture de sécurité (safety belt) • Find regularities and differences in patterns
Method • Tag terms semantically semiautomatically/for hand • concepts and relations between head and complement • complement expresses: • Part(s) for which HEAD is intended: • batterilåda # coffre à batteries (battery box) • kolvringstång # pince à segments (piston ring pliers) • Form of HEAD: • bladfjäder # ressort à lame (plate spring) • haknyckel # clé à ergot (hook spanner) • …
Method 2 • ML-technics • Learn transfer rules from positive examples (??) • Swe compl(Material)head(Item)[made-of] -> Fre head(Item)-de-compl(Material)[made-of] plåtremsa # bande de tôle (strip plate) • Swe compl(Form)head(Item)[feature] -> Fre head(Item)-à-compl(Form)[feature] flänsmutter # écrou à embase (flanged nut) teadious tagging – writing rules directly instead??
Semantics (Riegel, Pellat & Rioul) • DE • [origin], [material], [cause], [container], [Part of], [constitution] • A • [destination], [characteristic], [localization] Brøndal, Cervoni, Järborg, Spang-Hansen…
Conceptgroups noun de noun (1500in the Scania corpus) • De (1500 terms of 3500 n-prep-n in the Scania corpus) • Substance, liquid, gas, material for which HEAD is intended (COMPL[content] HEAD [exteriority])alkoholinjektor # injecteur d'alcool,avgasledning # tuyau d'échappement (exhaust pipe) bränslekammare # chambre de combustible (fuel chamber) • Substance, matter, materal of HEAD (COMPL[material] HEAD[noun] aluminiumlegering # alliage d'aluminium (Al alligation) • Complements for which HEAD is a unit (COMPL[constitution] HEAD[unit])brickfjäderpaket # pile de rondelles élastiques (coaster board packet) • Object for which HEAD is intended • Location for which HEAD is intended (COMPL[location] HEAD[noun])bakhjulsnav # moyeu de roue arrière (rear hub) • The function of HEAD (COMPL[function] HEAD[noun])anslutningskabel # câble de connexion (connection cable) • Activity for which HEAD is intended (COMPL[activity] HEAD[ channel for]avtappningskran # robinet de vidange (drain cock) avlastningsskruv # vis de desserrage (unloading screw) • The form or construction of HEADbladmått # jauge d'épaisseur (thickness gauge)
Conceptgroups noun ànoun/verb (200 in the Scania corpus) • A (200 terms of 3500 n-prep-n in the corpus) • Substance, liquid, material for which HEAD is intended [HEAD container] alkoholbehållare # réservoir à alcool • Object(s)/part(s) for which HEAD is intended[HEAD for object]kolvringstång # pince à segments (p r pliers) • Purpose of HEAD [HEAD purpose]glödstift # bougie à incandescence (heater plug) kapskiva # meule à tronçonner (slitting wheel) plomberingstång # pince à plomber (lead sealing pliers) • HEAD’s range of application [HEAD application]brandsläckare # extincteur à incendie (fire-extinguisher) • Form or construction of HEAD [HEAD construction]flatstiftkontakt # connecteur à languettes (flat pin connector) tolvkantshylsa # douille à 12 pans (..socket) • How HEAD functions [HEAD functioning]sugmotor # moteur à aspiration naturelle (aspirating engine) hamrande mutterdragare # boulonneuse à chocs (...nut runner) • By which mean HEAD is controlled [HEAD controlled by] handgas # accélérateur à main (hand accelerator) • How HEAD is controlled [HEAD controll manner]slagverktyg # outil à frapper (striking tool)
Interesting Problems • How to choose preposition: avgasrör # tuyau d'échappement bränslerör # tube à carburant (exhaust-/fuel pipe) bränslekammare # chambre de combustible bränsletank # réservoir à carburant (fuel- chamber/tank)
Suggestions 1 Kaffekopp # tasse à café [container (for coffee)] Kaffekopp # tasse de café [channel (conveys coffee)] alkoholbehållare # réservoiràalcool [container] alkoholinjektor # injecteurd'alcool [channel]
Choose preposition avgasrör # tuyauterie d'échappement avgasrör # conduite d'échappement avgasrör # tubulure d'échappement bränslerör # tuyau d’alimentation (exhaust-/fuel pipe) bränslerör # tube à carburant bränslekran # robinet de carburant (fuel cock)
Suggestions 2 • bränslerör # tuyau d’alimentation [exteriority] • bränslerör # tube à carburant [destination] tuyau/tuyauterie/conduite/tubulure (HEAD[exteriority]) échappement/alimentation (deverbal noun COMPL[purpose]) tube [destination] carburant (substance, liquid, material [content])
More Problems, different concepts • How HEAD functions [HEAD functioning] • slagverktyg (striking tool) slag------verktyg Swe compl(Functioning)head(Item) Fre head(Y)-à-functioningVerb(X) outil------------ à ---------- frapper slagverktyg # outil à frapper (outil à frapper)
different concepts • skjutmått (sliding caliper) skjut------mått Swe functioning(X)head(Y) Fre head(Y)-à-functioningVerb(X) pied------------ à ---------- pousser skjutmått # pied à pousser/faire glisser?? (pied à coulisse!!) gliding device
Further work • Extracting a wild web corpus from different technical domains (Oz, Perl scripts and E. Dura’s Lexware) • Compare the results from the Scania corpus • Implement translation suggestion code
I would appreciate comments and suggestions