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Chapter 28

Chapter 28. Progressivism. Progressivism. Timeframe: ____________________ GOALS: stop _______________, _______, ______________, and __________________. Reasons why we need change…. (1) unsafe conditions at ____________________

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Chapter 28

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  1. Chapter 28 Progressivism

  2. Progressivism • Timeframe: ____________________ GOALS: stop _______________, _______, ______________, and __________________. Reasons why we need change…. (1) unsafe conditions at ____________________ (2) questioned the dominant role of corporations (_____________________) (3) Corrupt political practices (______________________) • *Aimed to return control of the government to the PEOPLE (average citizen), restore economic opportunity, and correct the injustices of America 1. Initiative – a bill by the people 2. Referendum – a vote on the bill by the people 3. Recall – take out leaders (aimed at corruption) 4. Secret Ballot – vote without intimidation or altered direction 5. 17th Amendment: Direct election ofSenators *16th Amendment – helps pay for social reform movements (Settlement Houses) Splintered from the Populist Party (1890s)

  3. 3 Main Goals of Progressivism (1) ________________________(SG Movement) (2) Promote ____________________(WCTU / Prohibition) (3) Create _________________(state/local level)

  4. (1) Protecting Social Welfare • Social Gospel Movement: • Late 1800s reform programs that focused on helping the __________________________________________________________________________________ Leads to: 1. _______________ (___________________) 2. YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) 3. Salvation Army (fed the poor in soup kitchens) 4. _________________: influenced by Jane Adams and dedicated her life toward improving the lives of • ____________ and (b) ________________ • Helped pass the ________________________ *No more Child Labor – becomes a model for other states

  5. (2) Promoting Social Welfare • _______________- Banning the production, sale, and transportation of alcohol! Note: • ___________________* • Ratified in 1919 and Repealed in 1933 by the 21st Amendment (alcohol Is legal; taxed!)

  6. (3) Creating Economic Reform(STATE LEVEL) PROGRESSIVISM STARTED AT THE _____________!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Galveston, Texas (City-Manager Scheme) = merit-based • Spurred by Progressive Governors, states passed laws to • Regulate railroads and large businesses (fair comp.) _________________________________“FIGHTING BOB” • __________________________/ later Senator • “doesn’t want to smash corporations, just drive them out of _____________” • Major Target: _____________________ Tactics: tax the railroads _______________as other businesses & NO free passes for state officials *Reminder: Interstate Commerce Commission Mindset: Fairness gets rid of corruption! FINAL OUTCOME: (1) got power back from corrupt businesses and gave it back to the _____________ (2) Spurred other governors to do the same *Example: Charles Evans Hughes of New Yorkto attack Gas companies and Insurance companies

  7. Progressive Writers and Muckrakers ___________________wrote __________________________________(1899) Claim: People make money just to make money = “_______________” ____________________made his points through his realist fiction. In _______________(1912) and ______________________(1914) Claim: criticized promoters and profiteers. Famous Muckrakers (YOU NEED TO KNOW THESE) *Cosmopolitan - reform-minded magazines that contained excerpts from authors (1) Lincoln Steffens ___________________________________ Issue: (2) Jacob Riis __________________________________ Issue: (3) Ida Tarbell _____________________________________(Cosmo) Issue: (4) Frank Norris _____________________________ Issue: (5) Thomas Lawson _____________________________ Issue: • Upton Sinclair ________________________________ Issue: Commonality: ______________________________________________________________________ Major problem: _________________________________________ Claimed what would fix the problem: Social conscience!

  8. Progressive Women / Events Muller V. Oregon (1908) • Laws protecting women in the workplace are CONSTITUIONAL • Louis Brandeis (LAWYER): women's weaker bodies suffered harmful effects in factory work. • Issue: hindered women’s opportunity during WWI ________________________________________________

  9. Teddy Roosevelt's SQUARE DEAL Moved by the muckrakers and the Progressives' ideals, Roosevelt urged the “Three C's": • ______________________________ • _________________ • _________________

  10. (1) Controlling Corporations • Interstate Commerce Act / Commission proved to be ineffective So… ____________________________________ - more strength in stripping away rebates, refunds, kickbacks….. Basically more ______________________________ *Opens the door to this title “TRUSTBUSTER”

  11. (2) Consumer Protection Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungleabout the meat packing industry's horrible conditions. Sinclair's ORIGINAL Goal: ______________________________. Effect: gross out America and initiate action in Congress. Congressional Effect: (1) ______________________ Inspections by the U.S.D.A. (2) ______________________ Goal (1) ____________________________ (2) ___________________________. Global Effect: _________________ ____________________________

  12. (3) Conservation Conservationist and Division of Forest head ______and naturalist ______, the most well-known spokesman for Mother Nature help TR get the movement of conservation through Congress doors Most noted: _____________- passed to begin massive irrigation projects out West. _________- 125 Million acres of forests were set aside *No Christmas tree in the White House in 1902 American Culture effect: - Boy Scouts / Sierra Club -Jack London’s Call of the Wild

  13. The Roosevelt Panic • TR gets reelected in 1904 • TR DOES NOT run for a third term (08-12) • Result: Economic downturn America blames TR Economists blamed TR for his “meddling” with the economy through trust-busting Bigger Issue: Currency!?!?! Need a “Reserve” in case currency circulation gets low ______________________(1908) authorizing national banks to release money into circulation __________________________________________________________________________________________________

  14. 1908 Presidential Election WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT “______________________" Republican = ________ Democrat / Progressive = ___________ Socialist = ___________(420,000 votes) Riding on TR's popularity, Taft won the election easily, 321 to 162 in the electoral. Taft as a Trust-buster: • Brought claims against _____________ • Most famous: Dissolved the ______________in 1911

  15. TAFT / Dollar Diplomacy in Action “______________” - Investing in foreign countries, with the use of American dollars, banks and ideas, to ___________in those countries Issue: ________________________(Result of the Treaty of Portsmouth - Russo-Japanese War) Taft wanted to apply dollar diplomacy to have a presence in Southeast Asia, get the land, and sell it to ___________ NOTE: Promotion of the _______________________ Result: DID NOT WORK! (“_____________”)

  16. 3 MAJOR PROBLEMS UNDER THE TAFT ADMINISTRATION • ___________________ • ___________________ • Did not expand TR’s ________________________ (1) *Old School Rep: __________________! (Con.) *New School Rep: __________________! (Lib.) Taft promised to lower tariffs While the Payne-Aldrich Bill was in the Senate, Senator Aldrich “added” to the bill in “old school Republican advantages” It passed and Taft signed it …..BREAKING HIS PROMISE! Overall: The __________________split the Republican Party

  17. 3MAJOR PROBLEMS UNDER THE TAFT ADMINISTRATION (2) Conservation *Old School Rep: Conserve land for business purposes *New School Rep: Just Conserve for the cause Ballinger-Pinchot Affair (1911) Ballinger was old school Pinchot was new school Taft fired Pinchot…unpopular move!

  18. 1912 “My hat is in the ring!” • Republican Convention (1912) Both men fought for the Republican nomination. As the incumbent , Taft was nominated as the Republican candidate for 1912. Roosevelt wasn't done, however. TR would simply run on his own as a _____________. RESULT: TR runs for the ________________________(1912) • Taft (incumbent) (Republican /Conservatism) • Roosevelt (Bull-Moose/Progressive) • Eugene V. Debs (Socialist) • __________________(Democrat / New Freedom)

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