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T he dark universe. P. Binétruy AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Paris. Second Sino-French Workshop, Beijing, 28 August 2006. The twentieth century legacy. Two very successful theories :. General relativity. A single equation, Einstein’s equation, successfully predicts
The dark universe P. Binétruy AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Paris Second Sino-French Workshop, Beijing, 28 August 2006
Two very successful theories : • General relativity A single equation, Einstein’s equation, successfully predicts tiny deviations from classical physics and describes the universe at large as well as its evolution. R - (R/2) g = 8GN T geometry matter
Quantum theory Describes nature at the level of the molecule, the atom, the nucleus, the nucleons, the quarks and the electrons .
Difficult to reconcile general relativity with the quantum theory: bestillustration is the vacuum problem ( cosmological constant pb) Classically, the energy of the fundamental state (vacuum) is not measurable. Only differences of energy are (e.g. Casimir effect). Einstein equations: R - R g/2 = 8G T geometry energy Hence geometry may provide a way to measure absolute energies i.e. vacuum energy:
R - R g/2 = 8G T + 8G < T > vacuum energy similar to the cosmological term introduced by Einstein : R - R g/2 = 8G T + g Such a term tends to accelerate the expansion of the universe : H2 = 8 G ( + ) /3 - k/a2 / (8 G ) curvature term Present observations (k=0, < ) yield ~H02 / 8 G ~ (10-3 eV)4
Computing the vacuum energy associated with the SM vac ~ MW4 ~ (1011 eV)4to be compared with ~ (10-3 eV)4 The electroweak scale MW ( lW = 10-18 m) or the Planck scale mP = √ hc/8GN = 2.4 1018 GeV ( lP = 10-34 m) obviously do not provide the size of the Universe. Horizon scale : H0 -1 =1026 m Critical energy density c = 3H02 /8 GN c4 c = 10-3 eV
From the experimental and observational point of view, • exploration of the infinitely small electron, neutrino; up and down quarks make the proton/neutron Why do we need a muon?
exploration of the infinitely large First only detecting visible light, then all electromagnetic spectrum
But also particles… Cosmic rays Neutrinos And other types of waves … gravitational waves
Also indirect ways allow to identify new components of the Universe First example: rotation curves of galaxies dark matter e.g. spiral galaxies astro-ph/9506004
Also indirect ways allow to detect new components of the Universe First example: rotation curves of galaxies dark matter e.g. spiral galaxies luminous matter astro-ph/9506004
Also indirect ways allow to detect new components of the Universe First example: rotation curves of galaxies dark matter e.g. spiral galaxies luminous matter exponential halo astro-ph/9506004
Also indirect ways allow to detect new components of the Universe First example: rotation curves of galaxies dark matter e.g. spiral galaxies luminous matter exponential halo total contribution astro-ph/9506004
Second example: measuring cosmic distances with supernovae explosions dark energy
Supernovae of type Ia magnitude versus redshift mB = 5 log(H0dL) + M - 5 log H0 + 25 1-q0 luminosity distance dL = lH0 z ( 1 + ------- z + …) 2 q0 deceleration parameter q0 = M /2 - for a-CDM model M M / c / c
Unknown component of equation of state p = w , w < 0 (cosmological constant w= -1) Need for dark matter from the study of the universe at cosmological distance scales
Why are we so excited about this field? Theoretical ideas Experiments and observations
Theoretical ideas • We have a good candidate for the unification of gravity • with quantum theory : string theory. Modifies drastically our view of spacetime : hopes to solve the vacuum energy problem . But no clear solution in view! • Theories beyond the Standard Model provide many new fields : Dark matter New fermions or vector fields Dark energy New scalar fields
Models for dark matter Modification of gravity Dark matter baryonic non-baryonic MOND TeVeS Exotic particles Primordial Black holes Extra dimensions Clumped Hydrogen MACHO dust nonthermal thermal Wimpzillas axion SuperWIMPS Light WIMPS
Experiments and observations • present
mh2 = 0.12 mh2 = 0.13 mh2 = 0.14 Acoustic series in P(k) becomes a single peak in (r) Pure CDM model has no peak. Baryon Acoustic Oscillations Acoustic oscillations are seen in the CMB . Look for the the same waves in the galaxy correlations. CDM with baryons is a good fit: 2= 16.1 with 17 dof.Pure CDM rejected at 2= 11.7
Baryon oscillations are really discriminating for dark energy Blanchard et al 2003 Blanchard, Douspis, Rowan-Robinson, Sarkar 2005 CDM M = 0.88, v=0.12, H0 = 46 SNe ignored. cannot accommodate =0 with baryon acoustic peak.
Confidence Contours Tot=1 w=-1 BAO: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (Eisenstein et al 2005, SDSS) 68.3, 95.5 et 99.7% CL See R. Pain’s talk
Dark matter See G. Gerbier’s talk
Indirect detection Through annihilation of wimps accumulated in the center of massive objects : Earth, Sun, galactic center. HESS, GLAST, AMS, ANTARES/AMANDA/KM3NET, ….
3.5 Position: FWHM: 511.06 ± 0.18 keV 2.95 ± 0.5 keV 3.0 2.5 2.0 Intensity (10-4 photon cm-2 s-1 sr-1) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0,0 -0.5 500 505 510 515 520 525 Energy (keV) Are we heading for surprises? 0 20 20 FWHM: 9° (-3° / +7°) • Difficult to understand if : • Decay of massive particles • Positrons injected by compact jet sources • +decay of radioactive nuclei released by novae • +decay of 56Co released by thermonuclear (type Ia) supernovae • More adequate : • +decay of 56Co released by gravitational supernovae/hypernovae • Annihilation of a new form of dark matter, scalar and light • (Boehm, Hooper, Silk, Cassé & Paul, PRL 92, 101301) 10 0 Galactic latitude (degrees) -10 -20 INTEGRAL/SPI spectrum of the Galactic center region The intensity of the 511 keV line emission (10-3photons s-1)implies the annihilation of ~1043positrons per second in the Galactic bulge.
Dark energy Future programs both in space (SNAP/JDEM/DUNE) and on the ground (SDSS, LSST, SKA/FAST,…)
Expected Planck performance on dark energy equation of state w = w0 + w1 z Seo & Eisenstein 2003 Huterer & Turner 2001
Other standard candles • Gamma ray bursts Determine the luminosity through a relation between the collimation corrected energy E and the peak energy cf. SVOM/ECLAIRs • coalescence of supermassive black holes
Inspiral phase (m1 m2)3/5 Key parameter : chirp mass M = (1+z) (z) (m1 + m2)1/5
Inspiral phase (m1 m2)3/5 Key parameter : chirp mass M = (1+z) (z) (m1 + m2)1/5 Amplitude of the gravitational wave: frequency f(t) = d/2dt M(z)5/3 f(t)2/3 h(t) = F (angles) cos (t) dL Luminosity distance
Inspiral phase (m1 m2)3/5 Key parameter : chirp mass M = (1+z) (z) (m1 + m2)1/5 Amplitude of the gravitational wave: M(z)5/3 f(t)2/3 h(t) = F (angles) cos (t) dL Luminosity distance poorly known in the case of LISA 10 arcmin 1 Hz ~ SNR fGW
z = 1 , m1 = 105 M, m2 = 6.105 M 3° (arcminutes) 5% Holz & Hughes dL/dL
Using the electromagnetic counterpart Allows both a measure of the direction and of the redshift 0.5% Holz and Hughes dL/dL Limited by weak gravitational lensing?
My own theoretical prejudices : • dark matter: WIMP connected with the electroweak • symmetry breaking issue • dark energy : back reaction models
Connecting the naturalness of the electroweak scale with the existence of WIMPs STEP 1 : naturalness 3mt2 22v2 6MW2 + 3MZ2 8 2v2 3mh2 8 2v2 mh2 = t2 - g2 - h2 v = 250 GeV |mh2 | < mh2 Naturalness condition : Introduce new physics at t or raise mh to 400 GeV range
STEP 2 : stable particles in the MEW mass range E New local symmetry Lightest odd-parity particle (LOP) is stable New discrete symmetry Standard Model fermions New fields
Example 1: low energy SUSY E R symmetry Stable LSP R parity Standard Model fermions Supersymmetric partners
Example 2: extra compact dimension (orbifold) E A(m) + B(n) C(p) + D(q) m+n=p+q 5-dimensional Lorentz invariance Stable lightest KK mode (B(1)) (-)n KK parity Standard Model fermions KK modes
Introduce a second Higgs doublet H2 which is not coupled to fermions (symmetry H2 -H2) Example 3: Inert Doublet Model E ? Stable Lightest Inert Particle H2 -H2 Standard Model fermions Inert scalars Barbieri, Hall, Rychkov, hep-ph/0603188
STEP 3 : compute relic density 25 109 GeV-1 xf LOP h02 ~ g*1/2 MP < ann v> Number of deg. of freedom at time of decoupling LOP h02 ~ 1 LOP mass ~ MEW < ann v>~ EW/MEW2 to be compared with DM h02 = 0.112 0.009
mSUGRA tan=5 tan=35 Y. Mambrini,, E. Nezri ~ Co-annihilation0 Focus point (WW,ZZ) Near-resonant s-channel anni- hilation through heavy Higgs states A and H (b b, + -) - tan=50
STEP 4 : search for the LOP at LHC As the LSP, missing energy signal
STEP 5: search LOP through direct detection e.g. minimal sugra model