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Graduation Plans for WISD Students

This article provides information on the graduation plan options available to WISD students, including the revisions made by HB.5. It also offers tips for developing good study habits, being responsible, and making positive choices. Additionally, it discusses testing opportunities and various post-high school options such as attending an academy, university, community college, military, technical/trade school, or entering the workforce.

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Graduation Plans for WISD Students

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  1. Graduation Plans for WISD Students HB 5 Impact on Graduation Plans

  2. Purpose • To identify the graduation plan options available to WISD students in order that parents can help their student select the best graduation plan for them

  3. Focus on the Goal • High School Graduation – 2018! • Includes HB 5 revisions

  4. What do I need to develop? • Good Study Habits • Being Responsible • Making Positive Choices • Becoming Independent • Planning • Setting goals

  5. What do I need to look out for? • Attendance Concerns • Missing Assignments • Missing Credits—Credits are earned at the end of each semester • Missing Deadlines

  6. Your Future What are your plans after high school? • Academy? • University? • Community College? • Military? • Technical/Trade School? • Work?

  7. Military Bound? • Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard? • Must have a high school diploma or 15 college credit hours • ASVAB—Armed Services Vocational Assessment Battery—Very Important! Determines your vocation (job) in the military services plus your pay! • Available to Sophomores thru Seniors at the Main Campus. • Recruiters from all branches on Main Campus to visit with students at lunches.

  8. HB 5 – Major Components • Testing • Graduation Plans

  9. Testing – End of Course Exams Number of exams reduced from 15 to 5: • Algebra I • English I and II • U.S. History • Biology

  10. Testing Opportunities • High School End of Course Exams (required for graduation) • PSAT – Practice or Competition • ACT – College Admissions • SAT – College Admissions • ASVAB – Military • TSI - THEA/COMPASS

  11. Graduation Plans “The focus of HB 5 is to make sure every student graduates prepared for college and a career by creating flexibility for students to pursue their passion.” Texas Senator

  12. Grade Classification • Freshman 9th grade • Sophomore 10th grade (5.5 credits ) • Junior 11th grade (12 credits) • Senior 12th grade (18 credits) Freshmen students with 5.5 credits will move to WHS at the end of the year.

  13. A New Plan for Texas Graduation Course Requirements Public Service Business & Industry Arts/ Humanities STEM Multidisciplinary ENDORSEMENTS 26 Foundation Graduation Plan Credits English I, English II, English III, Advanced English Biology, IPC, Advanced Science World Geography or World History, US History, Government/Economics Algebra I, Geometry, Advanced Math Foreign Language (2 Credits)* Physical Education (1 Credit), Fine Arts (1 Credit) *Certain technology courses may be used as a substitute. Foundation Plan plus Endorsements You have a choice!

  14. Foundation Plan Requirements • ELA – 4 credits • Math – 3 credits • Algebra II must be taken to be eligible for top 10% and automatic admission to Texas public colleges • Social Studies – 3 credits • Science – 3 credits

  15. Foundation Plan Requirements

  16. Foundation Plan Requirements (cont.)

  17. Endorsements – Additional 4 credits • Arts and Humanities • Business and Industry • Public Service • STEM • Multidisciplinary

  18. Endorsements

  19. Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) Required Courses: Algebra II, Chemistry, & Physics Career Cluster: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Includes Courses Directly Related to: Computer Science CTE Math Science Combination of four above

  20. Business & Industry Required Courses: Additional Math and Science Career Clusters: Hospitality & Tourism, Agriculture Food & Natural Resources, Manufacturing, Architecture & Construction, Finance, Information Technology, Marketing, Business Management & Administration, Transportation, Arts, Audio-Video Technology & Communications, English Includes Courses Directly Related to: Business & Industry CTE Career Clusters Debate – Three Levels Newspaper– Three Levels Yearbook– Three Levels

  21. Public Services Required Courses: Additional Math and Science Career Clusters: Education, Health Science, and Human Services Includes Courses Directly Related to: Public Services CTE Career Clusters

  22. Arts & Humanities Required Courses: Additional Math and *Science *(may be substituted with parent approval for another course in ELA, Social Studies, LOTE or Fine Arts) Includes Courses Directly Related to: English or Social Studies or Languages Other Than English (LOTE) or Fine Arts – Art, Dance, Music, & Theatre

  23. Multidisciplinary Studies Required Courses: Additional Math and Science Includes Courses Directly Related to: Advanced Courses (prepares for workforce or postsecondary education) or 4 x 4 (includes English 4, Chemistry and/or Physics) or Advanced Placement or Dual Credit

  24. Distinguished Achievement To be considered in the “Top 10% of the Classautomatic admission” • Algebra II Success • A total of four credits in science • The remaining curriculum requirements • Graduate with an Endorsement

  25. Performance Acknowledgements • Outstanding Performance(s) in: • Dual Credit • Bilingualism and Biliteracy • Advanced Placement Exams • PSAT, ACT, or SAT • Business or Industry Certificate or License

  26. Students Entering 9th Grade • Each student selects (in writing) an endorsement • The student and their parents are advised of the benefits of graduating on the Foundation Plan with Endorsements • Endorsements can be changed at any time

  27. HB 5 Personal Graduation Plan

  28. HB 5 Personal Graduation PlanWorksheet

  29. Advanced Coursework English • English IV • Advanced Journalism (Yearbook and Newspaper) • Advanced Placement (AP) English IV - Literature and Composition • Creative Writing • Business English (CTE) • Dual Credit English in Cooperation with Institute of Higher Education • TSI Readiness Course - (pending- in partnership with WC)

  30. Advanced Coursework Math Third Year Options • Algebra II • Pre-AP Algebra II • Mathematical Models with Applications • Pre-Calculus • Pre-AP Pre-Calculus • Advanced Quantitative Reasoning • AP Statistics • AP Calculus • AP Computer Science • Dual Credit Mathematics in Cooperation with Institute of Higher Education • TSI Readiness Course - (pending- in partnership with WC) Fourth Year Options • All of the courses listed above and: • Advanced Quantitative Reasoning

  31. Advanced Coursework Science Second Year Options • IPC • Chemistry • AP Chemistry • Physics • AP Physics Third Year Options • Chemistry • AP Chemistry • AP Biology • Physics • AP Physics • Advanced Animal Science (CTE) • Food Science (CTE) • Anatomy and Physiology (CTE) • Forensic Science (CTE) • Engineering Design and Problem Solving (CTE) • Aquatic Science • Astronomy • Dual Credit Science in Cooperation with Institute of Higher Education • Fourth Year Options • Same as Third Year Options

  32. Students must choose a favorite Career Cluster from below:

  33. Students Entering 9th Grade • May move to the Foundation Plan without Endorsements after their 10th Grade year • WISD encourages every student to graduate with an Endorsement • Parent/Guardian must give written permission to move to the Foundation Plan

  34. Graduation Requirements • Three Parts • Earn the correct 26 credits • Pass state required coursework • Pass STAAR-EOC requirements

  35. Class Rank & GPA • Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) will be calculated on a 4.5 scale for all students. • Pre-AP and AP classes receive an additional 1.0 weighting for G.P.A. (5.5 scale).

  36. Subject Load? • Can freshmen students take all 4 core classes as Pre-AP? • Answer is “yes” – Pre-AP is open enrollment, therefore; careful consideration must be given for additional commitment. • Pre-AP classes are easy to get into, but there is a process to get out. • Suggestion: Keep it balanced.

  37. Schedule Changes • Please choose electives wisely…you will not be able to make elective schedule changes. • Parental consent is required to drop from an AP or PAP course or quit a program, such as band, athletics, choir, etc.

  38. Course Selection Sheets These can be found under the counselor tab on the WHS website Go to Academics Guidance & Counseling Registration Information

  39. What the student will bring home and what he/she will need to do before entering selections in Skyward: • Review the NGC Roo Register found online • Complete the course selection sheet and bring it with you to register- 8 classes** • Make sure the student knows his/her login id and password for their student portal account • Students will be asked to select at least 3 alternate electives in case their first choice is full.

  40. Contact Information: Kristy Dowd- Associate Principal kdowd@weatherfordisd.com Pam Freeman- Part-time counselor pfreeman@weatherfordisd.com NGC campus phone: 817-598-2847

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