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IU 17 PIIC Coaches Meeting. Welcome. Who am I? Why are you here? Cool Stuff Share. My New Best Friend. Please take a piece of paper and number 1 to 10. Write your choice for each of the following items after the given number. You MUST choose one of the offered items. (No WRITE INS).
Welcome • Who am I? • Why are you here? • Cool Stuff Share
My New Best Friend Please take a piece of paper and number 1 to 10. Write your choice for each of the following items after the given number. You MUST choose one of the offered items. (No WRITE INS)
Record Your Choices • Coke or Pepsi • Beach or Mountains • Math or Literacy • Introvert or Extrovert • Morning bird or night owl? • Comedy or drama? • Donut or yogurt? • Dogs or Cats? • Winter or Summer? • Under or Over?
Next . . . Move around the room, introduce yourself to a new friend, compare your answers Write down the person’s name on your paper with the number of similarities you share Continue mingling, comparing, and recording your new friends’ name and number of similarities you share
Finding your New Best Friend • Review your list of new friends • Find which friend in which you share the most similarities • See if they are available, if not, continue down your list until you find your new BFF
With your NBF, see if you can answer the following questions? • What is instructional coaching? • What is NOT coaching? • What is PIIC? • What is PLN and how does it relate to PIIC? • Why am I here?
Hands Up-Pair Up • Put your hand in the air and pair up with another set of partners to form a quad. • Introduce your NBF to the other pair. If you have any unanswered questions, ask your new partners. If you have no questions, share your current roles and responsibilities
In your team of four . . . • What is instructional coaching? • What is NOT coaching? • What is PIIC? • What is PLN and how does it relate to PIIC? • Why am I here?
What do good coaches do? • Read your partnership principle. • Regroup with other people who have the same principle (color coded) and share your ‘so what’ about this principle • Mix/Mingle/Swap – Search for those who have a different principle (color), ‘swap’ descriptions of your principle, complete the ‘so what’ that this has on your work as a coach
Connections to Leadership Please Do Now Write five lines describing the characteristics of a good leader Turn to a partner and read your responses to each other.
How do you start a movement? • How do leaders start a movement? • Return back to your list. How does your list compare? • How do the lessons in the video relate to your role as an instructional or community leader?
Knowledge Under Construction • 4 Pillars Support Coaching • Separating Supervising from Coaching • Overcoming Obstacles to Teacher Leadership • Improving Relationships with the Schoolhouse • The Coach and the Evaluator • IRA’s Guidance for ELA CCS
Christina Steinbacher-Reed, IU 17 Common Core – An Entry Point to Curriculum Development
How do we begin the transition to Common Core? The knowns: • Full implementation in 2014 The tentatively knowns: • Common Core vs. PA Common Core • Assessments for Common Core
Common Core PA Common Core Common Core vs. PA Common Core • All inclusive, nationally accepted literacy standards • Includes CC that are included in eligible content (tested now)
2013 2014 Assessment Shifts • Gr. 3-8 Reading PSSA • Gr. 5 and 8 Writing PSSA • Gr. 3-5 Writing Field Test • Gr. 3-5 ELA (based on CC and includes writing) • Gr. 6-8 Reading (eligible content) • Gr. 8 Writing • Gr. 6-8 Writing Field Test
Where to Begin Learn how to navigate the standards Unpack the Standards Align or build the curriculum
How are the ELA standards organized? Three main sections • K-5 (cross-disciplinary) • 6-12 (English Language Arts) • 6-12 (Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects) Three appendices A: Research & evidence; glossary of key terms B: Reading text exemplars; sample performance tasks C: Annotated student writing samples
Literature Informational Foundational Skills
Vertical Progression of RI.1 RI Anchor Standard 1 – Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support to support conclusions drawn from text
Learning Progressions- CCR.W.1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence
Overview of Text Complexity (p.31) Reading Standards include exemplar texts (stories and literature, poetry, and informational texts) that illustrate appropriate level of complexity by grade Text complexity is defined by: 1. Qualitative measures – levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands 2. Quantitative measures – readability and other scores of text complexity 3. Reader and Task – background knowledge of reader, motivation, interests, and complexity generated by tasks assigned
Where to Begin Learn how to navigate the standards Unpack the Standards Align or build the curriculum
Unpack the standards It’s a matter of perspective
Standard Department of Ed Perspective
Standard Teacher Perspective Unpacked – what do students really need to know, do and understand
How do I ‘unpack’ a standard? • Look closely into the standard and identify what students need to: • Know - Information • Do - formative assessment – how do you know they know? • Understand – What is the enduring understanding? The big idea that is transferable to other learning
Unpacking Standards - Example • Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals , events, ideas, or concepts in historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text. • Unpack this into a KUD with a partner
Unpacking The Standards - KUDS • Delaware DOE KUD Organizers • North Carolina Unpacking Tools • pdesas.org
Standard Student Perspective Lesson Planning
Ticket out the Door Red light – Stop or hold off doing Yellow – think about doing or points to ponder Green – definitely need to move forward with
Contact Christina Steinbacher-Reed creed@iu17.org