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The Technician Forum

The Technician Forum. Pharmacy Informatics Advisory Task Force Workgroup. Objectives . Describe the history of the technician forum. Discuss the importance of the technician forum to VA technicians. Identify the goals of the technician forum and the ways in which they are being carried out.

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The Technician Forum

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  1. The Technician Forum Pharmacy Informatics Advisory Task Force Workgroup

  2. Objectives • Describe the history of the technician forum. • Discuss the importance of the technician forum to VA technicians. • Identify the goals of the technician forum and the ways in which they are being carried out.

  3. History The Technician Forum was initiated in January 2011 by Adelaide Quansah and handed over to Richard Wilson as the Lead of this new and exciting workgroup. We saw this as an opportunity to develop communication between the large number of VA pharmacy technicians across the country. It has also offered the chance to network and address topics of interest and importance to this dynamic group of pharmacy team members.

  4. Members • Richard Wilson, Coatesville VAMC • Christina Andrade, Cheyenne Meds by Mail • Edith Scott, Poplar-Bluff VAMC • Tammy Anderson, Spokane VAMC • Lynn Skorniak, NWIHCS Grand Island Division • Edna Bowser, VA Butler Healthcare • Lynette Rynearson, Salt Lake VAMC • Sarah Lookabill, Charleston CMOP • Courtney Albritton, Dublin Meds by Mail • Zita Schmitt, Martinez VAMC • John A Adlesperger, GLAHS - West LA Campus • Lezlie Cohn-Oswald, Salt Lake VAMC • Marci Buckley, VHA Iron Mountain

  5. Ways of Communication • National Technician E-mail group • Lead/Supervisory Technician E-mail group • Monthly Live Meetings • Technician Forum SharePoint

  6. Email Groups • National Technician E-mail group • Lead and Supervisory technician e-mail group

  7. Live Meetings • We hold monthly Live Meetings with presentations on technician topics of interest by VA technicians from across the country. • Along with these presentations we present Information of Interest in the form of articles found in numerous pharmacy publications on the topic of technicians expanding roles.

  8. Presentations • How to Use the Pharmacy Technician Discussion Board by Christina Andrade • Get Involved With Pharmacy by Lezlie Cohn- Oswald • The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Jason Provins • Preventing and Reporting Medication Errors by LeAnn Gadbaw • 13th Annual Pharmacy Conference – A Technicians View by Zita Schmitt

  9. The Technician Forum SharePoint

  10. Ambitions and Goals • Interesting and informative forum for technicians to utilize. • Motivate all technicians to take ownership of their futures, to step out of their comfort zone and become the best that they can be. • To get actively involved beyond their daily job. • Set our sites on some lofty and ambitious goals.

  11. Project List • Gather valid up to date functional statements and work on a template for others to start theirs by. 2. Motivational Campaign - encourage more techs to get involved with local, state and national organizations. 3. Expanded Roles – Education, regulation and standardization as a long term goal.

  12. Project List • Produce a quarterly newsletter with the first edition due in October 2011. 5. Play a supporting role to the VA National Clinical Pharmacy Group in regards to expanded role positions for VA technicians. 6. Provide technicians for VA projects requiring a highly motivated, knowledgeable individual with much to offer. We will be the go to source for all technician related issues

  13. What is the Response? “Participating in the Technician Forum has given me a sense of purpose. We have a community where we can share our ideas and visions. Here we brainstorm for new and innovative ways of improving patient care and participate in the evolvement of our profession. I am excited by the possibilities.”

  14. What is the Response? “I have attended the technician forums and look forward to them monthly.  I find the technician presentations informative, motivating, and look forward to the monthly forums.  The forum provides an arena for technicians to network and seek information on pharmacy processes, automation, and work flow systems.  The forum has provided a great opportunity to technicians to step up and be heard concerning tech issues. Keep up the good work and continue to promote the work and efforts of pharmacy technicians across the VA.”

  15. What is the Response? “ I think this an awesome way for all of us to stay connected through all our sister facilities. It is important we stay on top of the technology, and connected as we strive from “jobs” to a chosen, sought after profession. I look forward for more to come out of this amazing workgroup.”

  16. What is the Response? “You have done some great work! I look forward to sharing this information, and the SharePoint with the technicians at my facility, and hope they take as much an interest as you and I.”

  17. Support We have had a great deal of support for this group from all levels of the VA Pharmacy Service, including VACO, PBM, VPE’s and at the facility level from Pharmacy Chiefs, Pharmacists, IP and OP Supervisors as well as technicians of all grades. We appreciate all the support we continue to receive and the positive encouragement for what we are doing.

  18. Obstacles • Not all technicians have outlook so they never receive any of the correspondence from the Technician Forum or national email group • Many techs are unfamiliar with email etiquette. We continue to offer email etiquette lessons. • Staffing shortages do not allow for even one tech from a facility to participate in forum Live Meetings. One could relay the information to the rest of the tech staff.

  19. Questions????

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