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General Meeting Agenda (1). . 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference
1. Paul Orkwis, U of Cincinnati, presented his best paper from 2004 JPC meeting while most of the TC ate dinner.
After the paper and Q&A, Ian opened up the general meeting with introductions.Paul Orkwis, U of Cincinnati, presented his best paper from 2004 JPC meeting while most of the TC ate dinner.
After the paper and Q&A, Ian opened up the general meeting with introductions.
3. General Meeting Agenda (2)
6. Jim DeBonis presented the Membership SC report, so that everyone in attendance could better understand their roles.Jim DeBonis presented the Membership SC report, so that everyone in attendance could better understand their roles.
8. 8 New Members For 2005 The new members in attendance were introduced.The new members in attendance were introduced.
9. Subcommittee Assignments
16. Ways To Get & Stay Involved Work Through Subcommittee Chairs & Conference Organizers; Many Opportunities To Volunteer
Awards/Competitions To Judge
Technical Session Support At Conferences
Contribute To Web Site, Annual Newsletter, & Highlights Article Development
Numerous Requests For Help Via Email
Perform As TC Officer
Maintain Membership In AIAA; Pursue Membership Advances (Sr. Member, Associate Fellow, etc.)
Take Advantage Of Local AIAA Activities
21. ABP TC Activities At JPC05* 9:00 � 12:00 Steering Committee
12:00 - 1:00 Membership
1:00 � 2:00 Communications
1:00 � 3:00 Public Policy � VAATE Paper (Parallel meeting)
2:00 � 3:00 Honors & Awards
3:00 � 4:00 TCs & PCs Issues
5:00 � 7:00 Propulsion & Energy Group
Ian reviewed our meetings at JPC. Ian and Jeff Hamstra attended the Propulsion & Energy Group meeting for the TC.Ian reviewed our meetings at JPC. Ian and Jeff Hamstra attended the Propulsion & Energy Group meeting for the TC.
22. ABP TC Activities At JPC05* 9:00 � 10:00 Education
10:00 - 11:00 Turbine Engines
11:00 � 12:00 ASM & JPC
12:00 � 1:00 High Speed Propulsion
1:00 � 2:00 Integration
6:00 � 6:30 New Members Orientation
7:00 � 10:30 Technical Committee Dinner Meeting
24. Relation Between ABP, P&E, & TAC JWH � Jeff Hamstra. He is assuming this higher level role.JWH � Jeff Hamstra. He is assuming this higher level role.
25. Notes From P&E Group Meeting
26. �JPC Steering Committee� Meeting
27. Notes From P&E Group Meeting
29. Possible TC Restructuring Wayne Horwitz�s suggestion of expanding ABPTC into three TCs aligned with our Technical Disciplines was discussed. One concern is to resolve the current conflict between HYTASP PC and our High Speed Technical Discipline.Wayne Horwitz�s suggestion of expanding ABPTC into three TCs aligned with our Technical Disciplines was discussed. One concern is to resolve the current conflict between HYTASP PC and our High Speed Technical Discipline.
30. Jeff Hamstra provided a summary of the status of the Public Policy Paper on VAATE Program.Jeff Hamstra provided a summary of the status of the Public Policy Paper on VAATE Program.
31. Public Policy Initiative On VAATE*
32. USAF Turbine Engine Funding Dr. Dhanireddy, NASA GRC, pointed out that NASA�s aeronautics program has suffered an even more significant budget reduction. There was some discussion that perhaps another Policy Paper from AIAA, conducted at a higher level, supporting NASA�a aeronautics program would be in order.Dr. Dhanireddy, NASA GRC, pointed out that NASA�s aeronautics program has suffered an even more significant budget reduction. There was some discussion that perhaps another Policy Paper from AIAA, conducted at a higher level, supporting NASA�a aeronautics program would be in order.
34. Steering Committee Meeting Agenda Opening Remarks & General Information
P&E Group Activities
Preparation For ABP Annual Report
Engine Design Competition Improvement
Membership Discussion
Web Page
ABP Public Policy Paper On VAATE Program
Conference Planning Updates
P&E Group �JPC Long Range Planning� Committee
Preparation For Subcommittee & General Meetings
Other Discussion Topics
36. Annual Report Contents & Inputs
40. �JPC Steering Committee� Meeting
42. ABP TC Activities At JPC05* 9:00 � 12:00 Steering Committee: Ian Halliwell
12:00 - 1:00 Membership: Jim DeBonis
1:00 � 2:00 Communications: Tom Kaemming
1:00 � 3:00 Pubic Policy � VAATE Paper: Jeff Hamstra (Parallel meeting)
2:00 � 3:00 Honors & Awards: Dan Jensen
3:00 � 4:00 TCs & PCs Issues: Ian Halliwell
4:00 � 6:00 Propulsion & Energy Group: Ian Halliwell & Jeff Hamstra
43. ABP TC Activities At JPC05* 9:00 � 10:00 Education: Jed Marquart
10:00 - 11:00 Turbine Engines: Baily Vittal
11:00 � 12:00 ASM & JPC: Bill Engblom & Lance Chenault
12:00 � 1:00 High Speed Propulsion: Steve Beckel
1:00 � 2:00 Integration: Kevin Early
6:00 � 6:30 New Members Orientation: Jim DeBonis
7:00 � 10:30 Technical Committee Dinner Meeting
44. Generic Subcommittee Meeting: Goals Review & discuss refinements of Subcommittee Charter (if appropriate)
Review current business
Discuss new business; Identify new initiatives
Develop go-forward plan for next 6 months; Identify requirements/products/I\interfaces with other subcommittees
Get members� commitment on specific actions; Make sure every member has at least one well-identified task
Prepare summary of status for Tuesday evening meeting (10 - 15 minutes each)
46. Tom Kaemming presented the Communications SC report.Tom Kaemming presented the Communications SC report.
47. Communication Membership
48. SC Roles
49. Roles & Responsibilities Chair
Yearly Report
Propulsion & Energy Technical Activity Committee (TAC) Charts
Meeting Minutes
Highlight Articles
High speed
US turbine
Website (including bios)
50. Action Items Chair
Review and update content (e.g. new org)
Meeting Minutes
Take & Post 2005 JPC
Highlight Articles
Assign Responsibility
Update Member Bios
Post 2004 Highlight Articles
Post 2005 Newsletter
51. Air Breathing Propulsion Technical CommitteeHonors & Awards Subcommittee July 11, 2005 Dan Jensen presented the Honors and Awards SC report. Dan asked for some help from the entire TC to provide qualified candidates for our high level awards, especially the Air Breathing Propulsion Award.Dan Jensen presented the Honors and Awards SC report. Dan asked for some help from the entire TC to provide qualified candidates for our high level awards, especially the Air Breathing Propulsion Award.
52. 2005 ABP Honors & Awards Subcommittee Roster
53. Honors & Awards Subcommittee Charter Air Breathing Propulsion Award
Dan Jensen, Lead
Gordon C. Oates Graduate Award
Rob Bruckner, Lead
ABP Best Paper Award
John Rockensies, Lead
Other AIAA Awards On Occasion
Chairman�s Award
Additionally the Honors & Awards Subcommittee will work closely with the Membership Subcommittee to recognize outstanding performance within the TC and support Membership Upgrades.
54. Air Breathing Propulsion Award
55. ABP Award Past Recipients
56. Gordon C. Oates Graduate Award
57. ABP Best Paper Award
58. 2006 ABP Awards Timeline
59. Go-Forward Plan Feedback on this year�s process � how did concept of �Award Lead� work? Any lessons learned or suggested improvements?
More nominations for ABP Award due by 31 October - ABP Committee Needs To Help Publicize Awards Throughout Aerospace Community
ASM and JPC papers nominated for the Best Paper award are encouraged to submit to the Journal of Propulsion and Power.
Honors & Awards Subcommittee has developed a flyer publicizing the ABP Awards for distribution at JPC and next year�s ASM. Will be working with AIAA to distribute electronically to AIAA members with a professional ABP interest
We are looking into placing an ad in the AIAA Student Journal for the Gordon C. Oates Graduate Award.
Other ABPTC members interested in helping as a reviewer should contact the award lead or Dan Jensen.
60. Jed Marquart was not able to make to the TC meeting, so Ian presented the Education SC report.Jed Marquart was not able to make to the TC meeting, so Ian presented the Education SC report.
61. Education Subcommittee Meeting Agenda
Education Subcommittee Membership
Subcommittee Charter
Current Activities
Professional Development Short Course at JPC
Update on 2004-05 and 2005-06 Student Design Competitions
Elect new Education SC Chair
Revamp of Student Design Competition for 2005-06
Any Other Business
62. Education Subcommittee Meeting Education Subcommittee Membership
Introduction and WELCOME of New Members
63. Education Subcommittee Meeting Subcommittee Charter
Develop and sponsor short courses
Engine Design Short Course
Develops propulsion specifications for Student Design Competitions and selects best design team
Develop and administer Undergraduate Engine Design Competition
Other educational outreach
Ian discussed ways that the Education SC are considering improving the engine design contest. One thought is to limit the scope of the design to engine component or subsystems, rather than the entire engine. Another thought is to give them an engine design and seek a prescribed performance improvement. Finally, asking teams to collaborate was discussed.
Ian mentioned that Jed will be stepping down as chair and our new member, Jessica Townsend, will assume SC leadership.Ian discussed ways that the Education SC are considering improving the engine design contest. One thought is to limit the scope of the design to engine component or subsystems, rather than the entire engine. Another thought is to give them an engine design and seek a prescribed performance improvement. Finally, asking teams to collaborate was discussed.
Ian mentioned that Jed will be stepping down as chair and our new member, Jessica Townsend, will assume SC leadership.
64. Education Subcommittee Meeting Current Activities:
Professional Development Short Course at JPC (John Rockensies)
65. Education Subcommittee Meeting Current Activities:
Update on 2004-05 Student Design Competition (Jeff Philhower, Ian Halliwell)
Update on 2005-06 Student Design Competition (Jeff Philhower)
66. Education Subcommittee Meeting Current Activities:
Elect new Education SC Chair
67. Education Subcommittee Meeting Current Activities:
Revamp of Student Design Competition for 2005-06
Lack of participation/interest (two entries last year)
�Beyond the reach� of many potential participants (complexity)
Suggestions for redesign of competition:
Reduce scope to one component, rather than entire engine�component may vary from year to year.
Create �collaborative� model:
Specify that �large� universities must collaborate with �small� ones on overall engine design�each performing a certain portion of the work.
Create collaborative groups from the interested parties. Each will be responsible for a component, with interfacing required.
Other suggestions? We need to get this off the ground!!
68. Education Subcommittee Meeting Any other business?
Continue to pursue generation of mini course in Propulsion
Industrial sponsorship
Course presented via teleconferencing facility to interested schools (students & faculty). 2-year time frame?
Faculty reception in Reno to announce and seek feedback on new format for engine design competition?
Consider ABPTC participation in AIAA K � 12 activities. Discuss with Lisa Bacon?
69. Bill Engblom was not able to attend, so Dennis Yoder reported for the ASM SC.Bill Engblom was not able to attend, so Dennis Yoder reported for the ASM SC.
70. ASM Subcommittee Meeting
71. ASM Subcommittee Meeting
73. ASM 2005 Statistics 92 Abstracts received
85 submitted, 7 invited
75 Abstracts accepted, 11 sessions
68/85 submitted abstracts accepted (80%)
5 Papers withdrawn prior to conference
53/70 Papers presented (76%)
17 No-Shows
74. ASM 2005 Statistics 17 No-Shows
8 with paper
9 without paper (mainly clearance issues)
No-Shows with paper
Only one source of session dead-air (~50%)
Nearly as many from Europe as elsewhere
Recommend �No-podium, No-publication� policy?
75. Larry Huebner commented that the Technical Discipline Chairs should be used as a resource for filling the ASM & JPC specialty sub-chairs.
Larry Huebner commented that the Technical Discipline Chairs should be used as a resource for filling the ASM & JPC specialty sub-chairs.
76. ASM 2006 Statistics 110 Abstracts received + 3 late submissions
20% Increase over last year
No invited papers or sessions this year
92 Abstracts accepted, 12 sessions
92/113 submitted abstracts accepted (81%)
79. Issues for Discussion Impact of abstract deadline extension
Minimum abstract requirements
Pulled papers & conference no-shows
Foreign authors & embargoed nations
Ideas for invited papers or sessions?
80. Lance Chenault presented a report on the JPC SC.
Ryan Starkey presented a report an the call for papers for the 2006 JPC. Ryan pointed out that our call for papers has had some issues between our desires for high speed propulsion papers and the HYTASP desires. 2006 will be 10 degrees cooler in Sacramento, CA, sponsored by Aerojet. AIAA is considering including some ITAR-restricted meetings in 2006.Lance Chenault presented a report on the JPC SC.
Ryan Starkey presented a report an the call for papers for the 2006 JPC. Ryan pointed out that our call for papers has had some issues between our desires for high speed propulsion papers and the HYTASP desires. 2006 will be 10 degrees cooler in Sacramento, CA, sponsored by Aerojet. AIAA is considering including some ITAR-restricted meetings in 2006.
81. To preserve our meeting agenda, Ian asked permission from the Technical Disciplines to skip their reports so we could move on to the report from our last guest speaker.To preserve our meeting agenda, Ian asked permission from the Technical Disciplines to skip their reports so we could move on to the report from our last guest speaker.
86. Miscellaneous Discussion Topics Continued Vigilance On ABP Award Nominations
Sustained Service Award Nominations
Technical Presentations At ASM TC Meeting (vs. JPC)
Long Range Plan For Formal Short Courses
Technical Paper Quality/No Shows
ABP Social Events
Congressional Visits Day (CVD)
Local AIAA Section Activities
Liaisons With Other TCs Or Societies
Community Involvement / K-12 Programs
JPP Submissions
87. Ian closed the meeting at 10:30 pm.Ian closed the meeting at 10:30 pm.