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1. National Perspective on Financial Literacy & Asset Development for People in Mental Health Recovery Judith A. Cook, PhD
Professor & Director
University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Psychiatry
Presented at NYAPRS 7th Annual Executive Seminar on Systems Transformation
April 27, 2011, Albany, NY
2. A Word of Thanks to our Funders U.S. Department of Education, National Institute on Disability & Rehabilitation Research
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services
4. Financial Literacy
5. Low-Income People in Recovery May Feel Financial Planning is Futile “I just sat down the other day and wrote out checks with which to pay my bills and find out I’ve already spent my money before I even have it. There was no fat to trim, nothing to budget.”
Woman in Chicago
6. A Fatalistic View Can Get in the Way of Planning “I think when I have money, ‘You know what? I may not be here tomorrow. Look at my friend who passed away suddenly.’ Then I don’t care about the end of the month.”
Man from Georgia
7. UIC Financial Education Curriculum Lesson 1: What’s Important to You? values, needs vs wants; identifying financial goals, budgeting
Lesson 2: Income vs. Expenses difference between fixed vs. flexible expenses; developing a savings plan
Lesson 3: Managing Your Debt controlling debt, how to increase your income, 101 ways to save $
Lesson 4: Understanding Credit understanding your credit report; managing credit/debt problems
Lesson 5: Using Financial Institutions checking & savings accounts, direct deposit, debit cards, using ATMs, online banking, bank loans
Lesson 6: Building Consumer Skills smart shopping, spending traps, spotting fraud, consumer rights
8. Financial Education Course Evaluation: Pre-Post Test Results Statistically significant increases (p<.10 by 2-tailed significance on paired-t-test) were observed on:
How often do I...
Write down my financial goals.
Write out a spending plan that includes savings for goals and emergencies.
Use coupons.
Keep track of my spending.
On a scale from 1=not comfortable to 5=very comfortable...
What is your comfort level with your knowledge of financial terms and concepts?
What is your comfort level with applying what you learned?
9. “I am so aware now [about] what I am buying or what I am choosing not to buy. I use to go on sprees, now I am choosing not to waste money or overspend. I make mistakes sometimes but now I track expenses all the time. I am also more aware of credit card debt.”
“This course was a mirror and I’ve now begun to pay more attention to my spending.”
“I am saving in an envelope for vacation. And earned money by selling two things I don’t use.”
“I am now more motivated to address my debt, I’m working on agreements to pay off debt and I have a better understanding of my financial situation.”
10. You are like everyone else…
11. Asset Accumulation
12. Asset Accumulation has Documented Psychological Benefits enhanced personal efficacy
greater personal control
feelings of empowerment
future orientation
13. Assets as Important as Income to Enhancing Quality of Life Panel Study of Income Dynamics (Yadama and Sherraden, 1996) used simultaneous equation modeling
Found that assets had a positive effect on
expectations and confidence about the future
making specific plans with regard to work and family
more prudent and protective personal behaviors
more social connectedness with relatives, neighbors and organizations
Effects of assets in this analysis were found to be equal to those of income in their association with positive outcomes
14. Individual Development Account - IDA Established by Assets for Independence Act
Run by U.S. Health & Human Services Office of Community Services under the Administration for Children & Families.
Save earned income for purchase of 1st home, small business capitalization, or post-secondary education
Participants must earn less than 200% of poverty level ($21,780/yr for family of 1)
Savings must be from earnings
Locked box accounts - emergency access only
SSI/SSDI & TANF recipients are eligible
16. IDA Programs – Savers with Psychiatric Disabilities
17. New Hampshire Two programs: Dollars & Sense Credit Union Demonstration Project; Volunteer Income Tax Assistance & Financial Education Study
State universities coordinated the programs as part of research studies: U of NH; Southern NH University
4 savers with psychiatric disabilities in each program
3:1 match (Dollars & Sense), 4:1 match (VITA)
New Hampshire Community Loan Fund provided the match
Banks: Northeast Credit Union (Dollars & Sense), Citizens Bank (VITA)
1 saver matched (Dollars & Sense) for a micro-enterprise, 2 matched (VITA) for post-secondary education & a micro-enterprise
18. New Jersey Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey
Based at a peer-run self-help center
41 savers in MH recovery
4:1 match for advanced education & micro-enterprise development; 2˝:1 for home ownership
Local match from state MH authority & Wachovia Bank
Commerce Bank held IDA accounts
Outcomes: 19 savers matched, 3 homes, 9 degrees, & 7 micro-enterprises
19. Louisiana Mental Health America of LA IDA Program
Based at a national mental health advocacy organization’s state affiliate
10 savers
2:1 match
Local match from State Office of Mental Health
Chase Bank
9 savers matched, 1 micro-enterprise, 9 home repair purchases
20. Alaska Cook Tribal Inlet Council IDA
Based at a social service agency for Alaska natives (in their Employment & Training Services Department)
246 participants (savers with MH/SA disabilities & their family members)
5:1 match
Local match from the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority
Wells Fargo Bank
107 savers matched, 53 home purchases, 44 post-secondary education, 10 micro-enterprises
21. Illinois UIC/Thresholds IDA Program
Run by a state university research center
& based at a community mental health
center’s supported employment program
5 savers
2:1 match
Local match from the Rebecca Susan Buffett Foundation
Charter One Bank of Chicago
3 savers matched, 1 micro-enterprise, 2 post-secondary education
22. California CA Individual Self-Sufficiency
Planning Project
Not IDAs but Independence Accounts through the SSA waiver program – people could save up to $8,000/year without penalty
8 savers with psychiatric disabilities who were SSI beneficiaries
No match
Local banks held accounts
Matching not possible, savers purchased post-secondary education, moving expenses, transportation, vacations
23. Summary of Lessons Learned by Programs Savers in MH recovery can save & match successfully
Many savers need ongoing social & emotional support, with peer support essential
Need for employment services to deal with job loss & work issues
Lack of affordable housing stock was a barrier
Multiple life issues impacted savers’ ability to match
SSA disability benefits issues remained problematic
Multiple collaborative relationships require administrative time & funding
24. Array of Services to Support Successful Saving Employment Support
Ongoing Social & Emotional Support
Clinical Services
Financial Literacy Education
Asset-Specific Education
Benefits Planning Assistance
25. Which is the best approach? Should we be mainstreaming people with disabilities into existing IDA programs?
Should we be creating IDA programs that are tailored to the needs and circumstances of individuals with disabilities?
(AFI, 2009)
26. Essential Administrative Partnerships MH service delivery or advocacy organization, peer-run program, or nonprofit organization with MH expertise that serves as the program "home"
Program administrator funded directly by AFI to operate IDAs & draw down federal match
Bank or other financial institution that holds the IDA savings accounts
State or local government or tribal authority, community development fund, or philanthropic organization that provides local matching funds
Local organizations that promote financial literacy, offer asset-specific education & help, & provide financial services & supports
27. Thank You! UIC National Research & Training Center on Psychiatric Disability
Financial Education Curriculum
Report on IDA Programs