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Etiquette . What is it?Etiquette is simply the basics of kindness and politeness Good MannersConsideration of OthersThoughtfulnessGeneral Courtesy . When in doubt, do the kindest thing possible. Protocol. Protocol:
1. Protocol & Etiquette Basics Everyone Should Know
3. Protocol Protocol: “A code of diplomatic or military etiquette or precedence”.
More simply put - it is understanding the established official, diplomatic code of ethics or behavior.
The term Service Etiquette or Military Etiquette is interchangeable with the term Protocol.
4. FLAG ETIQUETTE Active Duty: Stand and salute.
Spouses: Place your hand over your heart as the American Flag passes you
Hold it there until the last note of the National Anthem is played or sung
Be the example for those
around you- they may not
be aware of the proper
way to show respect for
our flag
Stand for the flag or anthem
of other nations as well
5. Respect for Rank or Position At Ceremonies and some formal programs, Flag Officers (Admirals and often Captains as well as guests of honor may be announced before they enter after everyone else is seated. A band may play “Ruffles and Flourishes” for Flag Officers.
At dinner functions, military may seat their spouse but will stand by their chair. Once the ranking officer at the table arrives, they wait for a cue to be seated.
At a Ceremony, service members will be called to Attention to Orders or Attention to Award. Service members will stand, civilians remain seated unless asked to stand.
6. Introductions Always greet or speak to the Senior or elder person first. Introduce using rank or title. Use Mr. or Mrs. for spouses unless invited to use first names.
Rule of thumb is to introduce Junior to Senior, Non-Official to Official, colleague to customer and younger to elder. Introduce children before adults.
Be prepared and comfortable introducing yourself. Our spouses are often occupied behind the scenes or may be participating in the event.
Have confidence when introducing yourself.
It is okay to tell someone “ It is nice to see you again, I am so sorry I cannot recall your name”.
7. Invitations ALWAYS respond or RSVP within 48 hours of receiving an invitation. (This means to simply contact the host and inform him/her if you will be attending or not.) The Host needs to know how many they are planning for.
NEVER arrive early, bring uninvited guests, or children (unless specifically invited).
KNOW who the Host and Hostess are and their relationship to your spouse as well as what type of event you are invited to.
If you have a dietary restriction or allergy: inquire and inform the Hostess when you accept expressing the simplest of solutions.
8. Place Settings At most functions tables are often preset with many items. The BASIC LAYOUT is usually the same and may be very crowded.
In addition you may find coffee cups, cream & sugar, salt & pepper, pitchers of water & iced tea, etc…
Your bread plate is always on the left, drinks on the right.
9. Expressing Thanks A hand written Thank You note is a MUST after attending a party or gathering in some ones home. An email will NOT do.
Write a thank you within 24 hours while memory of the event is fresh.
Mention something specific, so they know you enjoyed yourself.
NEVER pre write a thank you and leave it for the hostess to find.
10. Traditional Social Events Khaki Ball- within 2 weeks after Pinning
Navy Ball- some time near October 13th
CPO Birthday Ball- near April 1st
Dining Out- upon planning by the Chief’s Mess
Dining In- upon planning by the Chief’s Mess
Community Balls- planned by associations
Submarine, Surface, Aviation, SeaBee, Supply Corps, Hospital Corps, etc..
11. Interpreting Invitations Formal
White Tie
Black tie
Business Casual
Open Collar
Very Casual
Anyone been to Hawaii??
Aloha Royal
Aloha Crisp
Luau on the Beach
Resort Casual
Tropical Attire
California Casual
12. Dressing to the Uniform If it is a uniformed function, no matter what phrase is on the invitation you must determine:
What Uniform will your spouse wear?
What type of event are you attending?
Your choice of outfit should match the level of formality of the Uniform your spouse will wear or the role they have at the event.
To “Dress to the Uniform” is to align what you wear to the importance of the event and the level of formality of the uniform your spouse will wear.
13. Formal Social Occasions
14. Formal Social Occasion
15. Formal Ceremonial Uniform
16. Formal Ceremony
17. Business/Official Meeting
18. Business/Official Meeting
19. Informal or Casual
20. Informal or Casual
22. Working Uniforms
23. If they are in Working Uniform or Uniform of the Day
24. Casual Attirefor Command Events
25. Very Casual- Picnic or BBQ
26. What Will I Wear?
…It is easier than you think