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Important Quotes Regarding the Relationship between Oral Language and Building A Community of Learners. Ed-433 By: Jolena Malone July 6 th , 2012.
Important Quotes Regarding the Relationship between Oral Language and Building A Community of Learners Ed-433 By: Jolena Malone July 6th, 2012
“As students explore language in classroom experiences, they begin to understand how to use their knowledge about language to communicate effectively in different ways, for a variety of purposes, including how to read and write.” Trehearne p.183
Students need to learn how to communicate effectively in a variety of social situations in the classroom for many different purposes. • *to solve problems • *conversation • *completing activities • *extending play • *following/giving directions • *listening • *sharing information • *learning new information Trehearne p.183
“Children need to develop concepts and language skills that will enable them to continue to build their language knowledge, to learn new ideas, to be effective participants in the classroom environment, and to use this content knowledge as a cueing system in the reading process.”
“ The development of oral language is a critical component of a kindergarten program. Classrooms are language-rich environment which can help develop language skills, but they also require that students be competent language learners/users. Teachers need to implement programs that support the development of oral language skills, as well as print awareness and phonological awareness if students are going to be successful in school.” • Trehearne p.217
“The kindergarten classroom- with its focus on discovery, interaction, and emergent literacy provides multiple opportunities to support and extend students’ language learning.”Trehearne p.217 ******************************************
“The teacher who spends time nurturing relationships between students and teaching classroom expectations may get into the curriculum later but wastes less time on behavior management throughout the year.”Zeiger pg.1
“Children “learn to talk” before they come to school, but to be successful in school, they must also develop skills in “talking to learn”. They have to use language to monitor and reflect on experiences, and reason about, plan and predict experiences both orally and in relation to language use in print.” Trehearne p.183
“ Children need to understand that the way they communicate may need to change depending on the situation, purpose, audience, or topic.”Trehearne p.188
“Pragmatics of function refers to the area of language knowledge that supports effective communication in different situations, with a variety of people, and for various purposes. It provides the framework or structure and the social conventions that allow for successful communication.”Trehearne p.187
“Children are more eager to co-operate when they feel comfortable in their classroom and connected to their teacher and classmates.”Zeiger pg.1
“They are more willing to take risks as learners when they feel safe in their learning environment and know what to expect each day.”Zeiger pg.1
Ways to Nurture a Sense of Classroom Community from the Start: • Remember that children learn what they live. Treat students with respect at all times. • Develop a system for class jobs that involves every child. Having the children pitch in results in a sense of ownership among students. • Teach children techniques for conflict resolution such as using “I messages” to describe feelings. • Have class meetings often to address students’ concerns and to celebrate success. • Remember to read-aloud each day and leave enough time for children to respond. • Give opportunities for turn ‘n talks, or show ‘n sharing. • Get to know your students and let them get to know you. • Provide choices often and ask for students’ input when possible. Zeiger pg.2
Students need to understand:*language is used differently in texts than in conversation.*books have different structures and purposes.*the narrative structure.Trehearne pg.188
“Modeling, reflecting on, and discussing ways to create a supportive learning environment are also essential aspects for teachers who one day will cultivate an atmosphere of mutual respect in their classrooms.”McCormick pg.4
-Students who lack confidence in themselves as learners, who have potential that has not yet been realized . Among them are students who seem unable to concentrate , who lack everyday motivation for academic tasks, who remain on the periphery of small-group work, who are reluctant to share their work with others, read-aloud, or express their opinions.Atlantic Canada English language Arts Curriculum Entry-3 pg.8
“ A supportive environment is crucial for students who lack confidence in themselves as learners. If a true community of learners, emphasizing that diversity enhances everyone’s experience of learning. It is crucial that this happens very early in the school year and that it be continually reinforced.”Atlantic Canada English Language Arts Curriculum Pg.9
Students need experiences that: • Engage them in authentic and worthwhile communication situations • Allow them to construct meaning and connect, collaborate, and communicate with each other. • Form essential links between the world of the text and their own world. • Give them a sense of ownership of learning and assessment tasks. Atlantic Canada English Language Arts Curriculum Entry – 3, pg.9
“Whenever there is a level of comfort and trust within a class, built on teacher-student and student-peer relationships, the probability of the learner’s engagement is multiplied.”Atlantic Canada English Language Arts Curriculum Entry – 3 pg.10
Bibliography • 1. “Atlantic Canada English Language Arts Curriculum Grades entry-3” Department of Education Prince Edward Island p.8-11 • 2. Lenz, Bob ; “A Community of Learners: Building A Supportive Learning Environment.” www.edutopia.org/envision-schools-learning-community-resoect. November 16, 2007 • 3. McCormick, Kelly; “building and Modeling How to Build a Community of Learners.” www.k-12prepmath.ttu.edu, April 2008 pgs 1-4 • 4. Trehearne, Miriam P., “Kindergarten Teacher’s Resource Book.” Nelson Thompson Learning, Chapters 3 pgs 183-232, 2000 • 5. Zeiger, Jan; “Developing a Community of Learners” http://suite101.com/article/developing-a-community-of-learners-a14692, February 25, 2007, pgs 1-5