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Forensic Palynologist. Nicole Alconera. Career Description. Expert on pollen/spores and minerals found in all environments Also includes other acid resistant microorganisms such as dinoflagellates Samples are collected from victims or in area surrounding the crime scene
Forensic Palynologist Nicole Alconera
Career Description Expert on pollen/spores and minerals found in all environments Also includes other acid resistant microorganisms such as dinoflagellates Samples are collected from victims or in area surrounding the crime scene The average salary is $58 350 but starts at $42 394 With highly experienced professionals, they earn as much as $86 122
Relation to Forensics and Education Main application is to find evidence that can establish links to suspects, victims and to crime scenes A Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate are required for this position It should have to do with science subjects like botany and ecology Should be proficient in writing and communication skills Strong analytical mind and well organised Perseverance is key in this job as it takes many years to become a well known palynologist Works well in groups, works often with attorneys, police etc.
Dr. Patricia Wiltshire Assisted in solving the investigation of a 30 years old unsolved murder of a nine year old boy His uncle had long been a suspect She discovered pollen and spores that were unique to the area where the uncle lived
References "BBC News - Plant expert Patricia Wiltshire helping police catch killers." BBC - Homepage. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Sept. 2013. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-19115272>. Koenig, Susanne. "What Is Studied in Forensic Palynology? | eHow." eHow | How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the expert in you.. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Sept. 2013. <http://www.ehow.com/info_10008419_studied-forensic-palynology.html>. "Palynologist Job Description | Best Sample Job Description." Best Sample Job Description, Job Specifications, Templates and Examples. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Sept. 2013. <http://www.bestsamplejobdescription.com/oil-energy-job-description/palynologist-job-description/>. Vitanza, Mike. "Salaries of Palynologists | eHow." eHow | How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the expert in you.. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Sept. 2013. <http://www.ehow.com/info_12101286_salaries-palynologists.html>.
Forensic Photography Brentyn Hall IDC4U3
Description Reproduction of a crime or accident scene using photography to benefit the court or to help an investigation. It provides investigators with photos of victims, places and items involved in the crime.
Skills Forensic photography involves choosing: Correct lighting Accurate angling of lenses A collection of different viewpoints And knowledge of choice of photos
High School Education A photography course is the base for your career which is mandatory Specific computer technology courses to improve lighting, quality and printing Biology and calculus is for some universities necessary
Post-Secondary Education Multiple degrees can be used for this career Degree in Photography Degree in crime scene investigation Degree in specifically forensic photography
Salary The 10th percentile Is about 20,000$ The avarage is 35,000$ The 75th percentile Is about 45,000$ And the highest salary is no more then 65,000$
Arthur Fellig “weegee” Was the first to depict crime scene photos in black and white Responded to many crime scene ‘emergencies’ in New York City