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Functional Area Report. Ozarks Technical Community College’s Academic Advising . Michelle Ciesielski, Chelsea Clark, Whitley Denson, Zachery Holder, David Lind, Riley O’Dell, & Johna Walsh. Functional Area. Academic advising at Ozarks Technical Community College (OTC)
Functional Area Report Ozarks Technical Community College’s Academic Advising Michelle Ciesielski, Chelsea Clark, Whitley Denson, Zachery Holder, David Lind, Riley O’Dell, & Johna Walsh
Functional Area • Academic advising at Ozarks Technical Community College (OTC) • Guiding students through their college careers as they prepare to enter the job market, advisors take on an important role on the campus • Why we chose advising? • Report Developed through • Relying on interviews with the Director of Advising, Ginger Luke • Documents and materials produced by OTC • Literature
Relationship to Student Affairs Profession • Student affairs takes on a strong service component aimed at assisting students navigate and interpret their college experience • Advisors • Assist students with : • Education plans • Academic Probation • Registration • Referrals to Campus wide resources • Collaborate with faculty and staff
OTC • Local residents of Springfield, MO • Age Range: 18-60 years old • Many students have other obligations • Degrees: • Associate of Arts Transfer Degrees • Technical Degrees • Allied Health Degrees • A+ • Bridge to Success
History of Advising • Student advising is largely an American Phenomenon • Dating back to Colonial American college presidents acted in loco parentis (on behalf of absentee parents) • 1820’s, Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio developed a formal system of advising that assigned students to specific faculty who served as student advisors • Morrill Act of 1862 allowed greater numbers of students and a more diverse student population to attend college prompting a greater need for student advising. • By 1882 more women and lady assistants were hired to oversee female students at co-educational colleges
History of Advising • 1890’s colleges began hiring Deans of Men and Women • 1919 the function known as student affairs became a mainstay on American campuses • That same year NASPA was formed • ACPA in 1931 • ACE followed in 1937 • National Association of Academic Advising Association (NACADA) evolved during a 1977 conference and was chartered in 1979
History of OTC • Founded in April 1990, OTC has provided a comprehensive community college education for the residents of Springfield and 13 surrounding school districts • Initial enrollment 1,198 (1991) • In 1991, the Higher Learning Commission granted OTC a five-year initial accreditation • Following a self-study and comprehensive visit in 2001, OTC was granted a ten-year accreditation • Beginning in 2007, established education centers in Lebanon, Richwood Valley , Waynesville, and Branson • Recent enrollment 15,000 (2011)
HLC Challenges of OTC The first challenge to OTC by the HLC was to have a better understanding and implementation of the Student Academic Achievement Assessment Plan by faculty and staff. The second was to examine the college’s retention rates of its technical programs to determine their viability (Hidgen, 2011). To meet the challenges OTC implemented a four-part student assessment to assist student placement, academic achievement, degree completion, and workplace success after graduation
History of OTC Advising • OTC established four advising objectives • understanding of required courses and sequencing, • an understanding of placement test scores, • an ability to create education plan using E-Advisor, • and an ability to schedule classes online using MyOTC
History of OTC AdvisingStudent Responsibility • Advisors exspectations • (a) clarify personal values and goals • (b) participate proactively in the decision-making process • (c) communicate with assigned advisor on a regular basis • (d) prepare a list of questions and concerns before each advising meeting • (e) follow through on suggested actions, resources, and referrals • (f) they should maintain a personal record of academic progress • (g) understand college programs, policies, procedures, and deadlines
History of OTC AdvisingAdvisor Responsibility (a) provide guidance (b) encourage and make referrals to resources to empower students to meet their own goals (c) listen carefully (d) maintain confidentiality (e) provide students’ strategies and options (f)monitor students’ progress (g) be accessible by appointment as needed
Role and Purpose of Academic Advising on Campus Welcomes new and transfer students to the college. Our professional advisors will assist you in making informed course decisions as you begin or continue your college career at OTC. In collaboration with faculty and staff, we will help you develop an educational plan that meets your personal goals. So, whether you are a new student or a transfer student, the Academic Advising staff is here to help you get started at Ozarks Technical Community College. (OTC Academic Advising, 2012)
Mission Statements • Mission Statement of OTC • “Promote student learning through accessible, high quality, affordable workforce training, and technical and general education that is responsive to the educational needs of the community and its diverse constituencies.” • Be the community’s college by providing quality learning experiences that support community, workforce and personal development. • Academic Advising • “Assists students to define, plan and achieve their educational and career goals.”
Goals of OTC Academic Advising 1. Provide exceptional customer service by delivering services in a respectful, courteous and professional manner, exceeding expectations at all times. 2. Create a strong foundational skill set for incoming students. 3. Disseminate accurate and timely information concerning OTC, its resources, the transfer process, educational and career planning in a variety of formats to all constituents. 4. Administer entrance and exit assessment services in a variety of formats and disseminate assessment result interpretive data (collected from ACT) to appropriate college constituents. 5. Conduct advising training to faculty and staff. 6. Serve as a central referral and information access point for the entire campus community. 7. Provide the most innovative/cutting edge services possible. 8. Evaluate services regularly through a variety of means (G. Luke, personal communication, November 26 2012).
Budget for 2012-2013 Academic Year $659,000 total
Development of OTC Advising • 2003 Lacked structure in advising • 2006 Change in administration • New faculty advising by full-time instructors • Trained by advising • Challenge: Not all faculty want to advise • Allowed closer connections with incoming students and departments • 2008 Group advising model was adapted - STAR • Challenge: less personal interaction with students • Faculty and advising have similar roles • Faculty more direct connection within field • E-Advising
Future of Advising at OTC • Five year review process for the mission and goals • lacked the commitment and follow-through that was needed to improve on the services provided • 2013 changes to an annual review process • layout the mission and goals for the following 3-5 years • STAR: advisors help students define a program that suits their interests and goals, and then works to formulate an education plan • Blackboard advising for online student population • Bridge to Success: English, math, and reading • Educational Center Advisors (G. Luke, Personal Communication, November 26, 2012).
Challenges • Space • Offices for advisors and STAR program • Limited budget • Limits staffing • Limits available resources • Diversity • Student population more diverse than Springfield • Lack resources for diverse population • Student Procrastination • Registration • Students get overwhelmed
Assessments in Place • New annual review process • STAR Survey • College Student Satisfaction survey • More focused on the faculty advising • Staff evaluation • Used to improve and set professional goals for the next year
Higher Education Issues • Academic placement can be discouraging if the student is placed in classes lower than they expect. • Merging academics and student affairs with advising • Still a gap between the two, especially with faculty not wanting to advise beyond the requirement • Financial aid and academic advising colliding • Financial aid and responsibility
Recommendations • Technology • multi-user based scheduling system • Smart phone application • Facilitate training for faculty advisors • Addressing faculty buy-in • Assessment and evaluation • OTC’s continuing strengths • Continued collaborative efforts • Innovative Programs
Conclusion Through our interviews, literature reviews, and materials from OTC, the functional area of academic advising is better understood. The history of the institution, operational procedures, vision and goals, all play a role in academic advising. The values student affairs as a profession compliments OTC’s academic advising. With collaboration, assessment, technology, and student development, academic advising can continue to grow in new ways at OTC.
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