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Classified Staff Presentation

Classified Staff Presentation. Kurt Brown. WE ALL HAVE ONE PURPOSE. TO BRING ABOUT CHANGE. During The Past 5 Years Your Executive Director. Oversees and directs a budget of over 10 million dollars

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Classified Staff Presentation

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  1. Classified Staff Presentation Kurt Brown


  3. During The Past 5 Years Your Executive Director • Oversees and directs a budget of over 10 million dollars • Has managed a decline in funding of over 2 million dollars while at the same time overseeing: • An expansion of staff from 267 to 310 • An expansion of territory from 19 school districts to an additional 41 school districts in the migrant program stretching from Salina to the Colorado border • He does this so that you can bring about change

  4. Kay Mitchell • Has worked with nearly 400 families during the past 19 years impacting the lives of over 1600 individuals • Trying to bring about change

  5. Staff Development and Custodians • Order and distribute nearly 8000 meals a year! • Clean, arrange and organize rooms for over 300 events a year • So that you can bring about change

  6. Janell Griffin • For 26 years she has worked in nearly every school district in both Special Education and Head Start • Trying to bring about change

  7. Your Director of Special Education • Is the President elect for the Kansas Association of Special Education Administrators • Is the past president of The Statewide Special Education Advisory Council • Is a member of the Statewide Interagency Coordinating Council • Testifies to the Kansas Legislature numerous times per year • Communicates regularly with legislators at both the state and federal level • So that you can bring about change

  8. Jeannie Sharp • For 31 years Jeannie has worked with students in every school district and currently works with individuals in a territory stretching from Hays to the Colorado border and from the Nebraska border to the Oklahoma border. • Trying to bring about change

  9. JANE WIELAND • Over the past 36 years Jane has worked with over 1800 individual students • Trying to bring about change

  10. The Business Office • Processes nearly 11,000 daily logs per and 1200 expense vouchers per year! • So that you can bring about change

  11. Your MIS Clerk: • Processes data for over 1300 IEPs a year • Processes on average an additional 600 IEP changes per year • Processes, verifies and submits over 3000 Medicaid billing claims per year • Processes, verifies for accuracy and submits to KSDE literally millions of pieces of data per year • So that you can bring about change

  12. Thank you!!!!! • We cannot rest • The need is greater than ever • We need each and every one of you

  13. You Have a Responsibility: • To this agency • To the people within this agency • To the people you serve • To yourself

  14. Expectations • Supervisors will hold regularly scheduled meetings with staff • Every adult will be able to articulate the purpose of the program they serve in • Every adult will be able to answer the why question • Every Head Start and Special Education room will have a “Needed to be Done” list • Every teacher will have direct contact every student on their caseload on regular basis

  15. Supervisor Responsibilities • Listen! • Provide specific guidance and feedback to ensure that the people you supervise understand their specific role and responsibilities • Conduct meetings with classified staff on a regular basis to facilitate communication • Provide specific information to classified staff in regards to the students that they work with • Complete required paperwork within the required timelines for the people you supervise • Oversee the educational program including daily lesson plans for your students. • Share the plan with all relevant providers • Share the purpose, the vision for the student, program, etc.

  16. Classified Staff Responsibilities • Listen • Seek clarification when you don’t understand • Provide feedback in regards to the students that you work with • Follow through with the directives given to you • Work with a purpose and stay busy • Complete and submit required paperwork within required timelines

  17. Our mission is too important • To have late daily logs • To have chronic errors in paperwork • To not communicate with one another • To demonstrate unprofessional conduct

  18. What are the required paperwork timelines? • Professional leave requests should be submitted four to six weeks in advance of the requested activity • Expense vouchers are due by the 5th of the month • Inservice logs are due on December 10thand May 1st. • Email should be checked daily • The website should be checked weekly

  19. Work Time • There is always a need • Breaks are a luxury not a right • Recess, lunch and bus duty • Duty Free lunch • Extra duties

  20. Supervisors: • You need to help when special education paras are being assigned to time consuming non-special education functions. • Follow the 9/10 rule to determine if students are not getting served • Remember we can help all students • So supervisors ask yourself. “Does this activity benefit kids?”

  21. Specialized Instruction! • For Special education we must be providing specialized instruction as per the IEP • Helping isn’t enough. • There needs to be a purpose to all supports given

  22. Reporting Abuse • You are a mandatory reporter • If anyone tells you that you are not to report a concern you need to immediately notify your supervisor

  23. Daily Logs • Daily logs are due on Monday for the previous week. • Daily logs should reflect what actually occurred • Delete all days in your calendar shown as non work days. (district specific explanations) • This is true for your school’s calendar as is right now. • You will be notified if work and non work days are changed for your district

  24. Leaves • You must use personal leave before accessing sick leave (bereavement exception) • Check your leave amounts available before putting it on your daily log • You must take leave for snow days because they are calendar work days • If you exhaust all leave you will be frozen on the salary schedule

  25. Inservice • For all required inservices work day begins and ends at your homebase • Yesterday and today you are working through lunch • The website will have the allowable inservice hours for each training • You must list blood borne pathogens and confidentiality • We do have some funds for para training opportunities

  26. Issues • Issues with schedules, work assignments, hours contracted, etc. should start with your immediate supervisor • Then follow the chain of command. • It is the joint responsibility of you and your supervisor to monitor the portal in regards to hours worked, codes, leave amounts, etc.

  27. Personal Information Changes • Phone numbers, addresses, etc should be made with the business office • Those changes need to be made to your employee data sheet and turned in! • This includes changes to your direct deposit email.

  28. Change • Numerous books, articles, etc. on change. • Two primary types of change for people • 1. Incremental • 2. Fundamental Incremental change is a slow process that does not alter the fundamental structure or core Fundamental is dynamic and changes the fundamental structure or core. These are also referred to first order change and second order change

  29. Also • There is a difference between the actual change and our emotional, mental and psychological response to the change. • We must attend to and take care of the emotional, mental and psychological responses that occur.

  30. Incremental or First Order Change • These typically do not illicit a strong emotional or psychological response • This is because they either occur slowly over time or they do not require an individual to change a value set, belief system, etc.

  31. Fundamental or Second Order Change • Typically occur rapidly • Cause a fundamental emotional response because they require an individual to change a value set or belief system, etc.

  32. This Applies to: • Everyone • You • Me • Students • Etc. • Remember that a change may be a first order change to one person and a second order change to another!

  33. Fundamental or Second Order Change • There are 3 basic phases to coming to terms with a Fundamental change • Ending-Coming to terms with the fact that how it used to be will be no more • Neutral Zone-A transition time between the old way and the new way • The New Beginning- Occurs when the individual makes a commitment to the change

  34. Ending • An individual has to grieve for what the perceive that they are losing • Studentscan lose • Power • Control • Attention • ? • We assist by acknowledging and empathizing with the loss

  35. The Neutral Zone • Student doesn’t know for sure if they like the new idea or not • Not sure of anything really • May start making comments such as “what’s the use” • May try the new way and fail because of a lack of commitment • We help by offering non-judgmental feedback • Remember this is the time that a person decides if moving to the new way will make them better or not

  36. The New Beginning • The student decides to buy into the new way • This is still dangerous because rejection may occur • We must provide consistent and accurate feedback on how it is working. The feedback should be very frequent • We also encourage at this point and maybe give tangible reinforcement

  37. Feedback and Reinforcement • The feedback needs to be data driven, accurate and frequent. • Data sheets or some type of data collection instrument is a must • Reinforcement should begin as consistent and data driven as well • It can then be moved to intermittent and less data driven once the behavior has been internalized.

  38. Incremental or First Order Change • Don’t forget to use incremental change in order to effect a larger change over time. • Sometimes this is the only way to bring about a fundamental change

  39. How to use Incremental Change • Make tiny small changes on a frequent basis • Make the change small enough that is does not initiate an emotional or psychological response • Be careful, students are very savvy. • Legitimately make the change about others or issues rather than the student

  40. The Elements of Learning • Immediate Memory • Working Memory • 15 to 20 minute time limit to Working Memory • What does this mean for the students we work with?

  41. The Elements of Learning • Types of Rehearsal • Initial rehearsal • Rote rehearsal • Elaborative rehearsal • We need to be using elaborative rehearsal as often as possible • Elaborative rehearsal provides meaning to the information being learned

  42. The Elements of Learning • Does the information make sense? • Does the information have meaning? • Having meaning is very important.

  43. Memory • Declarative Memory • Has two components • Episodic • Semantic

  44. Memory • Nondeclarative or implicit Memory • Procedural memory refers to motor skills

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