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The endings: 1 st : - ae ; - Īs 2 nd : -ō; Īs 3 rd : -Ī; - ibus

The Dazzling Dative!!!. The endings: 1 st : - ae ; - Īs 2 nd : -ō; Īs 3 rd : -Ī; - ibus. FUNCTIONS OF THE DATIVE CASE. Indirect object of verbs meaning “give, show, tell” e.g. I gave the cookie to Paige . e.g. Caecilius narravit fabulam civibus .

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The endings: 1 st : - ae ; - Īs 2 nd : -ō; Īs 3 rd : -Ī; - ibus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Dazzling Dative!!! The endings:1st: -ae; -Īs2nd: -ō; Īs 3rd: -Ī; -ibus

  2. FUNCTIONS OF THE DATIVE CASE • Indirect object of verbs meaning “give, show, tell” e.g. I gave the cookie to Paige. e.g. Caeciliusnarravitfabulamcivibus. • With “special” verbs i.e. “faveō, credō, placeō, appropinquō, imperō, noceō, pareō, persuadeō, parcō, promittō, obstō, praesum, etc. ” e.g. Caeciliusargentariōcredit.

  3. Definitions of “Special Verbs!” • Faveō – to favor • Credō – to believe/trust in • Placeō – to please • Appropinquō – to approach • Imperō – to command/order • Noceō – to harm/kill • Pareō – to obey • Persuadeō – (duh! ) to persuade • Parcō – to spare • Promittō – (duh! ) to promise • Obstō – (ob + stō, stāre) to block/obstruct • Praesum – (prae + sum, esse) to be incharge of

  4. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! Choose the correct answer and translate. **NOTA BENE: subj. – verb – dir. obj. – ind. obj. What is missing??? • mercatorēs _____ non crederunt. a.) pistorem b.) pistoribus • habemusnos optimum _______. a.) candidatum b.) candidatō • agricola ________favit. a.) Lucium b.) Luciō • Romanīnarrābant _______ Graecīs. a.) fabulās b.) fabulīs • Graecīdederuntpictorās _______. a.) Romanīs b.) Romanās

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