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Where there is sadness , I may bring joy …. The way of Saint Francis of Assisi to help people with disabilities A franciscan problem-solving attempt for living and housing. Hungarian Social Care System in General
Wherethere is sadness,I maybringjoy… The way of Saint Francis of Assisi tohelppeoplewithdisabilities A franciscanproblem-solvingattemptforliving and housing
HungarianSocialCare System in General Highly-performed, deeply-sophisticated, butunder-financed and bad-ballancednetwork Alltherightsgivenbylegislation and rulestoallthecategories of needy: elderly, sick, disabled, poor, minorities etc. Institution and networksupportedbythegovernmentandthesociety Care-cultureto be impowered and improvedfrom top tobottom
Hungarian Social Care System for the Disabled 1. Basic Services: a) Home CareSignalling System b) SpecialMentalCare Network c) PhysicalSupportingServices d) Street SocialServices e) DaytimeInstitutionsforDisabledCare 2. SpecializedServices: a) TemporaryHomesfortheDisabled b) LifelongCare & HousingInstitutionsfortheDisabled (> 12 persons) c) LifelongCareHousesfortheDisabled (< 12 persons) d) InstitutionsforRehabilitation e) IntegratedInstitutions (more servicesinoneinstitution, listedabove)
The EU & Hungary – commondirectives - therewasalso an adequatecaresystembefore 1989 - 1989, political and socialchanges, newquestionsto be answered - 1993, SocialCareAct • 1998, Act of DisabledPersons • 2006, DecisionfortheDisabled • 2007, accessiontotheEU-treatyfortherights of thedisabled • accessiontothe EU actionplans COM(2005)604, COM(2007)738 • The trend: - fromlargeinstitutionstosmallcommunities - from ‘specializedservices’ tothe ‘basicservices’ - from ‘inhome’ to ‘athome’ - fromsegregationtointegration, asmuchaspossible (!)
Hungary in Figures • 577,000 disabled • 56,000 mentallyhandicapped • 16,174 in a ‘largeinstitution’, in an average of 170 persons/institution • 1,378 in a ‘smallcommunity-house’ • 9% employed • 76% inactive • 89% of totaldisabledunderspecializednetworkarementallyhandicapped
Where, with whom and how? 1. Where: a) athomewiththefamily or b) in a ‘taking-in’ institutionwith ‘professionals’ 2. Runnedby: a) stateor local authorities b) churchcommunities c) non-governamentalorganizations d) foundations 3. Withthefinancial (and professional) help of: a) regularstate’ssupport cca. 50% of totalcost b) contribution of thedisabledoritsrelatives („enter-donation” of cca. 5,000 euros and/or cca. 25% of totalcostmonthly) lack of min. cca. 25% of totalcost (!) c) local government’ssupport (ifthere is, variable) d) donation (ifpossible, variable) e) applicationtodifferentotherfunds (EU, national, professional etc., ifpossible)
- Is the family strong enogh mentally, psychically and spiritually to do so? - Can one person in the family afford not to have a job but stay at home for a permanent care he/she needs? - Can they deal with the social isolation due to the ‘strange man’ in the family? - What if they are getting older? (…) - Is it cheaper for the society? What if: „at home”?
- Expensive: a) cca. 10,000 euros/person/year in small houses (< 12 persons), b) cca. 7,500 euros/person/year in large institutions - No sufficient staff - No possibility for quality care & real development - No required integration - No enough contact and communication between society and disabled What if: „in home”?
What if: a holistic-structured network? • takingreal, proper and adequatecare • basedonpersonalneeds and possibilities • ifpossible ‘athome’ or ‘insmallcommunities’ because of highercomfort and efficiency • withtheopportunity of accesstoallpartsofthenetwork, ‘forward-back’ and changefromone service toanother, ifnecessary • fromearlyagedevelopingtoemployment
A possible problem-solving attempt WhoaretheFranciscans: • a community of monkssince 1209 (evenin Hungary from almost 800 years) • themainstream of theiractivity is focusedonevangelization and spiritualcare, but… • taking part of education, culture, socialcare etc. all over theworld • Franciscansocialcarenetworkin Hungary: -- helpingtheelderly, sick, poor and needy -- runningtheAutismCare Center, a veryunique and complex service forallwhoareaffectedbythis
The Franciscan Autism Care Center • foundedin 1999 bytheinitiative of someparentsofautisticchildren and thecontribution of Magna Domina Hungarorum of FranciscanFriarsin Hungary • takingveryimportantroleintheStateSocialCare Network, accordingtothestate and ecclesiasticrulesandlaws • theonly service onautism being runnedby a churchorganizationin Hungary (intotal: only 5!) • theonly service whichdealswiththeautisticfromtheirearlyagestotheelderly
What is autism? • a complexdevelopmentaldisabilitythatappearsduringthefirsttwoyears of life and is theresult of a neurologicaldisorder • itaffectsthefunctioning of thebrain, impactingdevelopmentintheareasofsocialinteraction and communicationskills • peopleontheautismspectrum show difficultiesinverbal and non-verbalcommunication, socialinteractions, andleisureor play activities • severe and pervasiveimpairmentinseveralareas of development
What are the signs of autism? - doesnotrespondtoyourpresence, willnotmakeeyecontactwithyou and appearsto be more interestedinstaringatsomeothermovinginanimateobject - willoftenappeartoocalm and mayliestillforhours - maynot play orinteractwiththeothers - mayappeardistracted and notlookyouintheeyewhentryingtocommunicatewiththem - mayhavedifficultypickingupthesounds of words and willneedrepeatingmanytimes - mayhaveunusualmannerismswhichtheyliketorepeatmanytimes - maylackimagination and notlikerole play, make-believe, orpretendgames - may show a lack of interest inotherchildren and notwantto play withthem
How is theAutismCare Center like? A multilevelintegratedinstitution: • elementaryschool: forchildrenattheage of school, withspecialpsychopedagogical program (35 children, 25% takendailyfromhome, 75% livingin ACC) • temporaryhome: specialhomefornon-definitivediagnosisornon-definitivewill of theparentstolivethere (‘largeinstitution’ for 25 children) • lifelongsocialcare house: specialhomeforallwithdefinitivediagnosisorwillto a lifelonglivingthere (‘largeinstitution’, for 25 children) • lifelongautismcare house: specialhomefortheso-called ‘well-working’ autistswhichareconsideredableto be developed (‘smallcommunity-house’, for 12 adults) • employing farm: a small farm and factoryneartothe house wheretheycando a specialjobintegratedwithotherpeoplewithdifferentdisabilitiesorwithout (60 personsemployed!, agriculture, producing and sellingdifferentproducts etc.)
The main questions - permanent and strongimprovementanddevelopmentondifferentspecialprofessionalskillsandfields - sufficient human and materialsupportfromthestate and thesociety - enough status fornewapplicants (min. cca. 200% over-applicantstherenow) - newfieldslikeearlyagedeveloping, skill-focusedteaching, autistic hotel service etc. - market and demandfortheirworkandproducts
The most important messages • ‘Pax et bonum’: Peace and goodness - peace (‘passiveact’): to be accepted and admitted - goodness (‘activeact’): tohelpthemasmuchaspossible • a society is asgoodasitcandealwiththedisabled – is a degree of thematurity and strenght of a societyhowitcandothat • theycangive and teachus: toappreciateour life and tocareaftereachothermuch more thanwedidbefore
Where there is sadness,I may bring joy… Together we can. Szöveg
Thank you for your kind attention! For further information: Magna Domina Hungarorum Province of Franciscan Friars Autism Care Center H-1024 Budapest, Margit krt. 23. www.ferencesek.hu iroda@ferencesek.hu