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Editorial work with completed reviews, including Spotlight writing and editing. The effect of educational games on medical students' learning outcomes: a systematic review (published 2010)Are journal clubs effective in supporting evidence-based decision making? What Features of Educational Interve
1. TUESDAY 07 SEPT 2010
Marilyn Hammick: BEME Consultant:
report on work, 2009-10
2. Editorial work with completed reviews, including Spotlight writing and editing The effect of educational games on medical students’ learning outcomes: a systematic review (published 2010)
Are journal clubs effective in supporting evidence-based decision making?
What Features of Educational Interventions Lead to Competence in Aseptic Insertion and Maintenance of CV Catheters in Acute Care? (in press)
What impact do structured educational sessions to increase emotional intelligence have on medical students? (in press)
3. BEME reviews –identifying peer reviewers and enabling peer review process What impact do structured educational sessions to increase emotional intelligence have on medical students?
What Features of Educational Interventions Lead to Competence in Aseptic Insertion and Maintenance of CV Catheters in Acute Care?
Review to determine individual features of educational interventions that impact on competence in hand hygiene by healthcare professionals. (awaiting reviews)
What is the impact of structured resuscitation training on healthcare practitioners, their clients and the wider service? (awaiting reviews)
4. BEME review protocols –approval (with Tim Dornan and Yvonne Steinert) and revisions process, processing of contract letter What impact do structured educational sessions to increase emotional intelligence have on medical students?
The effects of audience response systems on learning outcomes in health professions education
A review of the literature regarding the effectiveness of interventions to promote successful adoption of Electronic Health Records in healthcare professionals
A systematic review of the reliability and validity of tools used to assess consultation skills.
Effectiveness of case based learning in health professional education
Reliability of the End-of-term Supervisor’s Assessment of Junior Doctor’s Competency and Performance during their Prevocational Training (in progress)
Effectiveness of Integrated Teaching of Basic sciences (rejected)
5. Support to review groups Integrating basic science and clinical practice in medical education -1/2 day meeting Feb 2010
Personal and professional development skills in medical training: ˝ day meeting April 2010
A systematic review of the reliability and validity of tools used to assess consultation skills -telephone support July 2010
Audience response systems –multiple email support May/June 2010
Effectiveness of Integrated Teaching of Basic sciences - multiple email support May 2010
6. Presentations etc. Deans Lecture University of Queensland Medical School
Towards evidence informed medical education practice and policy making.
HEA MEDEV funded workshops
‘Using evidence to inform education practice and policy making I and II’
March (London) and May (Warwick). Both workshops had good participation and were well evaluated. Guidelines developed from the workshops are now available.
7. In general Completion of co-authored BEME Guide 14
Work with Liz Power at Warwick University to develop database and new website
Preparation and maintenance of BEME review status spreadsheet and follow-up communication with enquiries and reviewers to check on progress
Update of guidelines on how to prepare a BEME protocol
Working group meetings
AMEE 2010 workshop and meetings
8. BEME: future work and direction
9. Urgent update website -general details about BEME, review groups papers and BEME guidance papers
operationalise database (training day end Sept 2010)
ensure responses and procedures are timely and consistent
10. Short term (3 months) Secure continuation of
review and editorial processes
support for review groups
11. Medium-long term (12++++ months) BEME review process
Development of recommended BEME critical appraisal tool
Write follow up to BEME Guide 14, including guidelines for secondary analysis, writing up a review
Training for systematic review groups, possibly e-learning ,
Commissioning reviews -patient safety
BEME community of practice
Develop procedures for publicising new BEME reviews and ways of using review findings to assist with evidence informed decision making in practice and policy, e.g. guideline development
Consider ways that people can be involved in BEME other than participation in a review group
BEME networks
Develop links with key health professional education organisations
Develop concept of international collaborating centres
Influence medical education award programmes to include evidence informed education
BEME strategy
Review BEME strategic plan, especially in relation to dissemination and creating a culture of best evidence medical education
Consider role of BEME as a evidence resource
12. Urgent ... Decision about the future Direction