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Process . Define, measure, and improve with ISO. Mark Berron CQE, CSQE, SSBB Perot Government Services Mark.Berron@psgs.com 443-618-1342. Value of the Process Approach. Focuses on results not procedures Courtesy: Kevin Gilson, “Process Auditing”.
Process Define, measure, and improve with ISO Mark Berron CQE, CSQE, SSBB Perot Government Services Mark.Berron@psgs.com 443-618-1342
Value of the Process Approach Focuses on results not procedures Courtesy: Kevin Gilson, “Process Auditing” True, but you need a good process to get good results.
What does ISO have to do with it? Section 0.2 of 9001:2000 (Process Auditing)
ISO clauses 8.2.4, 8.4, 8.5.1, and 8.5.2 • Monitoring and measurement of product • Analysis of data • Continual improvement • Corrective action
A process defined • A process is a collection of interrelated tasks to accomplish a goal. Source: Wikipedia • Proposal/Project processes • Steps in Proposals, project monitoring, risk assessment • Business processes • Purchasing, Billing, AP, AR • Engineering processes • Manufacturing processes • Shipping/Receiving
Five Basic Questions • Managerial Level – Audit results should make the auditor confident that management: • Knows what the process aims to achieve • Knows how to design and cause processes to achieve results • Knows that it is doing the right things • Knows that it is doing it in the best possible way • Is regulating performance Courtesy: Kevin Gilson, “Process Auditing”
The 6 questions to ask? CUSTOMER • WHO is your customer? • WHAT are their requirements? • HOW will you meet them?
The 6 questions to ask? PROCESS 4. WHAT is the process to meet the customer requirements? 5. HOW good are you doing it? 6. HOW can it be IMPROVED?
The 6 Questions to ask GO BACKWARDS TO GO FORWARD !! START CONTROL IMPROVE MEASURE / ANALYZE PROCESS CUSTOMER NEEDS CUSTOMER Keep schedule Reschedule Errors at shift end No errors Accurate result Keep it simple Make it simpler Too many steps No Bottlenecks Quick Turnaround Keep auto Less manual Steps take longer Handoffs EMERGENCY! • Mark Berron, PWQuickie Note: This method works better with an existing process, not so well in creating a process!! For that use group meetings.
Let’s go back to …. PROCESS The great thing about ISO is… You probably have your processes written down and diagramed….
Now let’s define the process to meet customer needs First, what is your process providing? • Need metrics • Need way to get metrics • Need to analyze metrics
Where are we going to put metrics if the PM wants good product from the supplier??
Where are we going to put metrics if the PM wants good product from the supplier?? And quick receiving ?
Ok, we know where we are at, and it seems ok. But…. • The ISO audit revealed a critical supplier with supposed low quality is still being used. The audit found that no part stayed longer than 3 days in the QC rack. This was commendable, and the auditor asked how this was done. Upon interviewing the receiver revealed he would sometimes send the items on to the floor if it sat in QC too long. The machinists would correct the part. • 7.4.3 Verification of Purchased product (at least) • A corrective action plan is being written but first the root cause must be found. • Let’s do some brainstorming….
The 5 Whys • Why did the tire go flat? • Why wasn’t there enough? • Why didn’t the owner fill it? • Why didn’t he see it? • Why don’t they have a process? Because there wasn’t enough air in the tire. Because the owner didn’t fill it. Because he didn’t see it low. Because he doesn’t have a process. THEY NEED ONE!!
The moral of the story is…. So the audit revealed that even though we had a process in place, it was being circumvented. Also, the measurements were in place, but mislead.
Questions ISO might ask in Receiving • How many shipments have been rejected in the last year? • How many parts have you rejected in the last week? • Following the PO, let’s see the documentation for the receipt of that part? • Did the receipt follow the process established? • How do you track non-conforming parts? • How do you know they are not used in the process? • Do you still accept parts that don’t meet the specifications? • Why? • Do you have waivers? • How do you keep track of your suppliers? • Is there an instance of a supplier going on the bad list? • Any ideas to make the process better??