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Improving Agriculture and Population Census Integration The experience of Mozambique Valeriano Levene. ISI Satellite Meeting on Agricultural Statistics Maputo, Mozambique 13-14 August 2009. Background. Mozambique has 11 provinces and 149 districts,PA 414, Loc 1007
Improving Agriculture and Population CensusIntegrationThe experience of MozambiqueValeriano Levene ISI Satellite Meeting on Agricultural Statistics Maputo, Mozambique 13-14 August 2009 Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País
Background • Mozambique has 11 provinces and 149 districts,PA 414, Loc 1007 • Districts backbone for national planing and development • Population around 20 millions for a surface of 800 000 Km2 • Agriculture plays a key role. 80% of househoulds involved. 22% of GDP • Smallhoders are the backbone of the agricultural sector: 3 millions accouting for 98% of agricultural land use Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País
Background • Population Census I took place in 1980. • First anual agriculture survey caried out in 1993 by the Ministry of Agriculture • Other data coletion efforts were undertaken • No major coordenation efforts • Compilation of National Accounts by NSO confronted with conflicting data from diferent source Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País
Background • Population Census II carried out in 1997 • Clear vision to serve as the framework for other census and surveys • A Master Sample for demographic and social surveys was designed. Several surveys carried out • Served as the Sample Frame for the Agriculture Census I carried out in 2000 and for subsequent anual agriculture surveys • Population Census III im 2007 Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País
Population Census 2007 • Reinforced the vision of integration: to serve as the framework for other census and surveys • Includes 10 of 16 questions recomended by FAO as core module for the Agriculture Census 2009/10 • Questons identifes households with agriculture, livestocks and aquaculture activities • This will serve for desagregated agriculture information at lower level of administrative division and • Sample Frame for the Agriculture Census II Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País
Agriculture Census 2009/10 • Designed as complementary module of the population and housing census • Core Mudule from Population Census has 10 questions • Complementary Module: Crops, Livestock, Irrigation & Water Management, Employment, Aquaculture, Agricultural Practices and Services Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País
Sample Frame • Two-Stage cluster sampling Design • Representative at district level for some key variables • 35.000 to 40.000 smal farms will be in the sample • All households with positive responses to questions on agricultural, livestock and aquacultural activities are included in the sample frame Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País
Selection of Enumeration Areas (EA) • Enumeration areas will be selected within each district with a probability based on size. Were size is the number of households in the EA. • Within the selected enumeration areas a random sample of 10 small farms will be drawn with equal probability of selection; All medium farms in the EA will be interviwed Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País
Data Collection • Mobile teams of enumerators, supervisors and drivers • Interview conducted using CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) • Measuremeent of plots is done using GPS. 20% of small and medium size farms will be covered Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País
Questions • Composition of the households, access to agricultural inputs and services, use of labor force, machinery, ownership and land use, irrigation, annual and permanent crops, livestock and acces to veterinary services, sex disagregated data with gender perspective and environmental issues Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País
The Future • Designing of a Master Frame for all agriculture surveys. To be updated based on surveys and administrative registers • Designing a Master Plan for Development of Agriculture Statistics in the NSDS framework • Wider use of geo-referencing systems to link population, agriculture and other census and surveys data Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País
Challenges • The Implementation of a Database management System • Master Plan for Development of Agricultural Statistics within • Proper institutional framework within the Ministry of Agriculture Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País
Conclusion • Integration is possible and reccomended • Reduces duplication in data collection and data conflicting • Promotes dialogue and cooperation between producers and users • Promotes the use of same classifications and methodology • Promotes the implementation of integrated Database Management System Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País
OBRIGADO! Valeriano.levene@ine.gov.mz Azarias.nhanzimo@ine.gov.mz Julia.cravo@ine.gov.mz Carlos.creva@ine.gov.mz Epayongayong@tvcabo.co.mz ddiogo_moz@yahoo.co.mz (Ellen Payongayong) Participar no Censo 2007 é Contribuir para o Desenvolvimento do País