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UNCLASSIFIED. . PURPOSE: To present and review the Enterprise Email objective and acquisition strategy, as well as discuss how enterprise email will support Army BRAC. OBJECTIVES:GNEC ObjectiveOverview of Enterprise EmailAnalysis using GNEC ObjectivesImplementing EEImplementation Schedule. Outline.
1. LandWarNet 2009
3. GNEC Operational Goals Talk about what this would take today from an AD, address book, email perspective to execute.
Tie in other GNEC Principles:
(1): Operationalize LandWarNet to enable global warfighting capability.
(2): Dramatically Improve Network Defense Posture.
(3): Realize economies and efficiencies while improving effectiveness.
(4): Enable Army interoperability and collaboration with mission partners.
Joint Basing
Today’s Problems: Can't easily share info, Can't easily access resources, O&M costs large, Difficult to use multiple devices
Non-standard environment -- AD are not predictable, Can't log into different bases, Federation is hard, Duplicate directories, Incomplete GAL, Multiple Username Password, Security RiskTalk about what this would take today from an AD, address book, email perspective to execute.
Tie in other GNEC Principles:
(1): Operationalize LandWarNet to enable global warfighting capability.
(2): Dramatically Improve Network Defense Posture.
(3): Realize economies and efficiencies while improving effectiveness.
(4): Enable Army interoperability and collaboration with mission partners.
Joint Basing
Today’s Problems: Can't easily share info, Can't easily access resources, O&M costs large, Difficult to use multiple devices
Non-standard environment -- AD are not predictable, Can't log into different bases, Federation is hard, Duplicate directories, Incomplete GAL, Multiple Username Password, Security Risk
4. LandWarNet Transformation Strategy
5. GNEC Objectives
6. Why implement Enterprise Email Addresses two of the four GNEC objectives
Realize efficiencies while improving effectiveness
Decrease annual cost of Army email - Business Case Analysis underway
Consolidation of Army licenses
Reduction in number of system administrators
Reduction in required infrastructure (current server utilization is ~20%)
Improve network defense posture
Standardize IA configuration management
Enable centralized defense and forensics
Reduce ‘Human Variability’ by reducing # of administrators
7. Operational Requirement Warfighters require improved communication capabilities, enabling enhanced operations, by gaining access to email and shared data from any location (using client software or a web-browser), a fully-populated DoD global address list, and universal calendaring
Identical capability on both NIPRNet and SIPRNet
The primary mission drivers for establishment of enterprise email services are improved mission effectiveness, unification of services, improved security, and reduced cost along with improved capability
8. Functional Requirements Standard email, as known today, with attachments, calendaring, S/MIME, and resource maillboxes
Provide SharePoint services, including Site and Workspace, for enhanced data sharing
VoIP voicemail message delivery/storage, send/receive faxes
Army & DoD GAL from authoritative directory services, multiple entries for those with multiple roles
Email classification marking, TLS encryption, black/white-listing, anti-virus, anti-spam, content filtering
Authenticate with user PKI certificate or username/password in TLS encryption
SIPR REL Accounts for allied partner and military exchange members
Situational awareness and NETOPs data to JTF-GNO & AGNOSC,
Records management compliant with policy (DoD STD 5015.2) for retention and archiving
Web client features such as drag-and-drop, drop down buttons, pop-up windows (with editing), tool bars
Support mobile/wireless platforms, incl Blackberry and SME PED
Administrator access via smart card only
24x7 Tier II service desk integrated with Tier I Enterprise Service Desk
Provide retiree and family member service in separate security enclave
9. (Update based on new CIO/G-6 wording)
Global Network Enterprise Construct (GNEC) Ends/Objectives
Operationalize LandWarNet to enable Global Warfighting Capability. - The relevance of a CONUS-based Army will largely be defined by its responsiveness. Responsiveness will be defined by effectiveness of (1) short notice – “Little to no notice expeditionary capabilities that are network dependent. The Army requires a network that will support:” -- operations across the full spectrum of conflict; (2) the capability for commander’s to fight upon arrival; (3) austere or urban (enemy mixed with civilian population) operational environments depending on reachback to the CONUS network infrastructure; (4) access to the network through all Joint Operational Phases in support of full spectrum operations; and (5) the ability to enable operational flexibility in modular task organizations
Dramatically improve Network defense posture -(1) resourcing minimum mandatory security controls; (2) training and awareness; (3) certification and accreditation; (4) security architectures and systems engineering: (5) Information Assurance and protection; (6) computer network defense and incident response; and (7) proactively monitoring emerging cyber threats in coordination with industry, setting the strategic direction for effective implementation of Army-wide Network Enterprise security and privacy policy, standards, guidelines and procedures.
Realize efficiencies while improving effectiveness - (1) reduce duplicative capabilities, infrastructure, support structures; (2) realize economies of scale through consolidation of procurements; (3) Institutionalize a cost culture in all management/decision processes.
Enable Army interoperability and collaboration with mission partners. - (1) Effectively collaborate - see the same thing at relatively the same time, conduct analysis and get consistent results, have access to the same (trusted, authoritative) data; (2) Ability to share and use shared information when and where needed across and with Mission partners; (3) Transparency (make information available) - ability to find, access, use, and provide feedback information.
(Update based on new CIO/G-6 wording)
Global Network Enterprise Construct (GNEC) Ends/Objectives
Operationalize LandWarNet to enable Global Warfighting Capability. - The relevance of a CONUS-based Army will largely be defined by its responsiveness. Responsiveness will be defined by effectiveness of (1) short notice – “Little to no notice expeditionary capabilities that are network dependent. The Army requires a network that will support:” -- operations across the full spectrum of conflict; (2) the capability for commander’s to fight upon arrival; (3) austere or urban (enemy mixed with civilian population) operational environments depending on reachback to the CONUS network infrastructure; (4) access to the network through all Joint Operational Phases in support of full spectrum operations; and (5) the ability to enable operational flexibility in modular task organizations
Dramatically improve Network defense posture -(1) resourcing minimum mandatory security controls; (2) training and awareness; (3) certification and accreditation; (4) security architectures and systems engineering: (5) Information Assurance and protection; (6) computer network defense and incident response; and (7) proactively monitoring emerging cyber threats in coordination with industry, setting the strategic direction for effective implementation of Army-wide Network Enterprise security and privacy policy, standards, guidelines and procedures.
Realize efficiencies while improving effectiveness - (1) reduce duplicative capabilities, infrastructure, support structures; (2) realize economies of scale through consolidation of procurements; (3) Institutionalize a cost culture in all management/decision processes.
Enable Army interoperability and collaboration with mission partners. - (1) Effectively collaborate - see the same thing at relatively the same time, conduct analysis and get consistent results, have access to the same (trusted, authoritative) data; (2) Ability to share and use shared information when and where needed across and with Mission partners; (3) Transparency (make information available) - ability to find, access, use, and provide feedback information.
10. GNEC Analysis Framework
11. Enterprise Email Plan Analysis The initial plan for Email as a Managed Service is to focus on the generating force, which is where the most dollars can be recovered. This may still entail an email address change (or secondary one for forwarding purposes) during a deployment. Once the managed service is established and working well, the tactical forces will be addressed and rolled into the objective state, where we will have a single address regardless of location and/or activity, and everything that can be consolidated will be. The initial plan for Email as a Managed Service is to focus on the generating force, which is where the most dollars can be recovered. This may still entail an email address change (or secondary one for forwarding purposes) during a deployment. Once the managed service is established and working well, the tactical forces will be addressed and rolled into the objective state, where we will have a single address regardless of location and/or activity, and everything that can be consolidated will be.
12. Implementing Enterprise Email Army & DISA collaborating to establish incremental approach
“MS Exchange/Sharepoint as Managed Service” in a DISA Defense Enterprise Computing Center (DECC)
Exchange (Email, calendar, GAL)
Spiral implementation to mitigate risk
End State:
DOD Enterprise Email / Collaboration / Mobile device services
Include retiree and family member accounts as part of commercially provided service
Measure of Success: Same or improved capability at reduced cost On 14 Apr 2009, the Army and DISA reversed roles with the Army taking the lead and DISA in support. Army wants to pursue the option of having Microsoft provide Exchange as a managed service from DISA DECCs. Because the current J&A for the Army’s ELA with MS is still outstanding, we aren’t allowed to talk details and specifics with MS so many details aren’t yet resolved.
The intent is to provide “garrison” email from the DECC. Details for how that interfaces with deployed email isn’t solid yet, but the intent is to make them all a part of one enterprise. On 14 Apr 2009, the Army and DISA reversed roles with the Army taking the lead and DISA in support. Army wants to pursue the option of having Microsoft provide Exchange as a managed service from DISA DECCs. Because the current J&A for the Army’s ELA with MS is still outstanding, we aren’t allowed to talk details and specifics with MS so many details aren’t yet resolved.
The intent is to provide “garrison” email from the DECC. Details for how that interfaces with deployed email isn’t solid yet, but the intent is to make them all a part of one enterprise.
13. Anticipated Implementation Schedule
14. Current Status Jul: Initial EE requirements completed
Coordinated across DoD
Jul: PM APC finalized EE acquisition strategy
Aug: DISA-Army acquisition strategy review
Aug: Army G-3/5/7 validate requirements
Aug: Issue RFI for “email as managed service”
Sep: Acquisition pkg prep / staff / review
1st Qtr FY10: Issue RFP
On 14 Apr 2009, the Army and DISA reversed roles with the Army taking the lead and DISA in support. Army wants to pursue the option of having Microsoft provide Exchange as a managed service from DISA DECCs. Because the current J&A for the Army’s ELA with MS is still outstanding, we aren’t allowed to talk details and specifics with MS so many details aren’t yet resolved.
The intent is to provide “garrison” email from the DECC. Details for how that interfaces with deployed email isn’t solid yet, but the intent is to make them all a part of one enterprise. On 14 Apr 2009, the Army and DISA reversed roles with the Army taking the lead and DISA in support. Army wants to pursue the option of having Microsoft provide Exchange as a managed service from DISA DECCs. Because the current J&A for the Army’s ELA with MS is still outstanding, we aren’t allowed to talk details and specifics with MS so many details aren’t yet resolved.
The intent is to provide “garrison” email from the DECC. Details for how that interfaces with deployed email isn’t solid yet, but the intent is to make them all a part of one enterprise.
15. Value of Enterprise Email Enterprise Email will enhance capabilities for Army users:
Address never changes -- home station - training - deployment – reset
Outlook + web access
Enterprise Global Address list
Email life for all DoD users - already exists for Army
Significant savings on software licensing, servers, and administrators
CIO/G-6 metric for success -- users don't know they are now using enterprise service Just what the slide says.
Enhanced capabilities for users
Better value for the Army (and DoD)
Minimal interference to usersJust what the slide says.
Enhanced capabilities for users
Better value for the Army (and DoD)
Minimal interference to users
16. PURPOSE: To present and review the Enterprise Email objective and acquisition strategy, as well as discuss how enterprise email will support Army BRAC.