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    1. OFENSORES SEXUALES Y VICTIMAS EN NUESTRA COMUNIDAD Conocimiento, Apoyo y Prevención Condado de San Diego Consejo de Manejo del Ofensor Sexual www.sdsomc.com Section 1: Welcome and Introductions Acknowledge the reasons for being here tonight and acknowledge the fear/concern related to this topic. Stress the intent of this presentation is to help educate, support, and provide action steps to empower you participants. Introduce the Pre-Test. Sexual assault is obviously a very serious issue, and there is a great deal of attention focused on high profile cases of sexual assault in the media. Ironically, much of what we do know comes under the category of “myth” rather than fact.  To begin our session, we are going to do a “true/false” quiz to highlight some common misconceptions and get some of the common sense facts out for discussion. Explain that it is a tool to make sure the info we are giving communities is useful and beneficial to communities. Identify this presentation is interactive. If questions arise regarding material coming up, validate then let audience know that the topic will be covered within the presentation or afterwards. As you will learn today, sexual assault is a widespread crime. It is likely that there are people in this audience who have been sexually assaulted or know someone who has been. For understandable reasons, the content of this training may make some people uncomfortable. If you find that the training is triggering some emotions for you, we have an advocate trained to work with sexual assault victims here with us. [Name of advocate or counselor] will be here for the duration of the training and is ready to talk to anyone in private and in confidence, should you feel it is necessary. Review Objectives (slides 2 & 3) Ice Breaker: Ask audience how they define sexual assault. Explain that sexual assault/abuse is broad—includes touching and non-touching violations with or without overt acts of violence, adult and child victims. Define sex offender Section 1: Welcome and Introductions Acknowledge the reasons for being here tonight and acknowledge the fear/concern related to this topic. Stress the intent of this presentation is to help educate, support, and provide action steps to empower you participants. Introduce the Pre-Test. Sexual assault is obviously a very serious issue, and there is a great deal of attention focused on high profile cases of sexual assault in the media. Ironically, much of what we do know comes under the category of “myth” rather than fact.  To begin our session, we are going to do a “true/false” quiz to highlight some common misconceptions and get some of the common sense facts out for discussion. Explain that it is a tool to make sure the info we are giving communities is useful and beneficial to communities. Identify this presentation is interactive. If questions arise regarding material coming up, validate then let audience know that the topic will be covered within the presentation or afterwards. As you will learn today, sexual assault is a widespread crime. It is likely that there are people in this audience who have been sexually assaulted or know someone who has been. For understandable reasons, the content of this training may make some people uncomfortable. If you find that the training is triggering some emotions for you, we have an advocate trained to work with sexual assault victims here with us. [Name of advocate or counselor] will be here for the duration of the training and is ready to talk to anyone in private and in confidence, should you feel it is necessary. Review Objectives (slides 2 & 3) Ice Breaker: Ask audience how they define sexual assault. Explain that sexual assault/abuse is broad—includes touching and non-touching violations with or without overt acts of violence, adult and child victims. Define sex offender

    2. ¿Porqué estamos aquí? Reconozca sus temores y preocupaciones Mitos contra Realidad Comprender como el Condado de San Diego se dirige a los ofensores sexuales en nuestra comunidad.   Given the tendency of the public to focus on sexual assault as a crime committed against children, this might be a good point to remind the audience that you use the term “sexual assault” broadly, to include unlawful sexual contact with adults, with children, and “hands off” sexual assaults, such as exhibitionism and “peeping,” among other crimes. Society is full of misinformation about sex offenders: both who they are and who their victims are. In order to make informed decisions for your own safety, and for the community or society at large to take the necessary steps to prevent sexual assault, it is essential that you are aware of the most current, research-based facts about sexual assault and sex offenders.   Given the tendency of the public to focus on sexual assault as a crime committed against children, this might be a good point to remind the audience that you use the term “sexual assault” broadly, to include unlawful sexual contact with adults, with children, and “hands off” sexual assaults, such as exhibitionism and “peeping,” among other crimes. Society is full of misinformation about sex offenders: both who they are and who their victims are. In order to make informed decisions for your own safety, and for the community or society at large to take the necessary steps to prevent sexual assault, it is essential that you are aware of the most current, research-based facts about sexual assault and sex offenders.

    3. Aprenda pistas de seguridad para la comunidad Comprender los pro y contra acerca de la inscripción y notificación comunitaria Aprenda sobre los recursos para usted y su familia ¡Aprenda lo que puede hacer!

    4. San Diego County Statistics In San Diego County there are almost 3500 registered sex offenders living in our communities without formal supervision. Yet we are most worried about the rare cases. Explain what these numbers mean Media does stories about the most monitored sex offenders…. As parents, community members, etc. we can’t forget about the sex offenders with no formal supervision mandated for them, or those who aren’t identified by the criminal justice system as of yet. In San Diego County there are almost 3500 registered sex offenders living in our communities without formal supervision. Yet we are most worried about the rare cases. Explain what these numbers mean Media does stories about the most monitored sex offenders…. As parents, community members, etc. we can’t forget about the sex offenders with no formal supervision mandated for them, or those who aren’t identified by the criminal justice system as of yet.

    5. Niños que son Victimas... El 90% de niños son víctimas de asaltos sexuales por alguien que ellos conocen o conocidos de la familia Parientes Amistades Niñera Personas en una posición de autoridad sobre un niño, o personas que supervisan a niños representan la mayor amenaza de abuso sexual 1 de cada 4 niñas y 1 de cada 6 niños serán asaltados sexualmente en su niñez. q                   Most victims of sexual assault know their perpetrators—the myth that the most pressing danger is from a stranger assault is just that, a myth. 80% of adult women who have been sexually assaulted and 90% of children under the age of 12 who have been sexually assaulted knew their perpetrators (Greenfeld, 1997). q                   Few sexual assaults are reported. A 1992 study estimated that only 12% of rapes were reported (Kilpatrick, Edmunds, and Seymour, 1992). The National Crime Victimization Surveys conducted in 1994, 1995, and 1998 indicate that only 32% of sexual assaults against persons 12 or older were reported to law enforcement. (No current studies indicate the rate of reporting for child sexual assault, although it generally is assumed that these assaults are equally under-reported.) q                   The majority of reported sexual assaults do not end in arrests or convictions. Of those sexual assault cases that are reported, only 2% end in conviction (Senate Judiciary Committee, 1993) which means that many sex offender’s are not held accountable for their crimes and are not known to the system. The trauma caused by sexual assault is profound and can include a wide range of emotional and physical after effects. Victims of sexual abuse are more likely to be victimized again over the course of their lives, are more likely to experience depression and other mental health problems, and are at an increased risk for social problems such as substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and homelessness (Kilpatrick and Saunders, 1997). q                   Most victims of sexual assault know their perpetrators—the myth that the most pressing danger is from a stranger assault is just that, a myth. 80% of adult women who have been sexually assaulted and 90% of children under the age of 12 who have been sexually assaulted knew their perpetrators (Greenfeld, 1997). q                   Few sexual assaults are reported. A 1992 study estimated that only 12% of rapes were reported (Kilpatrick, Edmunds, and Seymour, 1992). The National Crime Victimization Surveys conducted in 1994, 1995, and 1998 indicate that only 32% of sexual assaults against persons 12 or older were reported to law enforcement. (No current studies indicate the rate of reporting for child sexual assault, although it generally is assumed that these assaults are equally under-reported.) q                   The majority of reported sexual assaults do not end in arrests or convictions. Of those sexual assault cases that are reported, only 2% end in conviction (Senate Judiciary Committee, 1993) which means that many sex offender’s are not held accountable for their crimes and are not known to the system. The trauma caused by sexual assault is profound and can include a wide range of emotional and physical after effects. Victims of sexual abuse are more likely to be victimized again over the course of their lives, are more likely to experience depression and other mental health problems, and are at an increased risk for social problems such as substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and homelessness (Kilpatrick and Saunders, 1997).

    6. Víctimas Adultas 1 de cada 3 mujeres y 1 de cada 12 hombres son asaltados sexualmente en su vida. El 80% de asaltos son cometidos por un agresor conocido. El asalto sexual es el crimen violento que menos se reporta. Menos del 10% reporta el crimen. Locally, we have the following data describing incidents of sexual assault in this area. In reviewing these numbers, remember what we know about the underreporting of sexual assault. Locally, we have the following data describing incidents of sexual assault in this area. In reviewing these numbers, remember what we know about the underreporting of sexual assault.

    7. Registro y Notificación NOTIFICACIÓN Es un proceso permitido por la ley en que la policía y los sheriff notifican al público de ciertos ofensores sexuales que hay en su comunidad. Section 3: Registration and Notification Define registration and notification Explain that registration does not always imply restrictions—such as child contact, pornography, etc, but simply names the offender, provides a picture of the offender, describes the crime, and lists the residence address Registration—offenders must physically walk into police stations to register when they’re released from custody and each year at the time of their birthdays. Notification – Law enforcement decides when a community will be notified of a registered sex offender living in the neighborhood. They can do this through a press release, flyers distributed throughout a community, or door-to-door notification. Their decision is based on an analysis of each case. Section 3: Registration and Notification Define registration and notification Explain that registration does not always imply restrictions—such as child contact, pornography, etc, but simply names the offender, provides a picture of the offender, describes the crime, and lists the residence address Registration—offenders must physically walk into police stations to register when they’re released from custody and each year at the time of their birthdays. Notification – Law enforcement decides when a community will be notified of a registered sex offender living in the neighborhood. They can do this through a press release, flyers distributed throughout a community, or door-to-door notification. Their decision is based on an analysis of each case.

    8. Es la responsabilidad del ofensor registrarse de “por vida” Al fallar de registrase o fallar mantener su información al corriente puede resultar con cargos criminales adicionales. www.meganslaw.ca.gov www.sdsomc.com Overview of 290 PC and history of registration legislation Registration in CA since 1947 Megan’s Law in 1996 Data base can search by Name, Address, County, Parks, Schools Overview of requirements of offender registration: Lifetime annually w/in 5 days of birthday Whenever changes residence Transients register every 30 days Sexually violent every 90 days Students must register with school 1st time attending in addition to above Anyone working/visiting on campus must register with school Violation can be felony or misdemeanor Not all registrants on probation/parole as some have already completed supervision or were never supervised by probation of parole Law enforcement does periodic “sweeps”/ surveillance to monitor compliance and also verify addresses. Overview of 290 PC and history of registration legislation Registration in CA since 1947 Megan’s Law in 1996 Data base can search by Name, Address, County, Parks, Schools Overview of requirements of offender registration: Lifetime annually w/in 5 days of birthday Whenever changes residence Transients register every 30 days Sexually violent every 90 days Students must register with school 1st time attending in addition to above Anyone working/visiting on campus must register with school Violation can be felony or misdemeanor Not all registrants on probation/parole as some have already completed supervision or were never supervised by probation of parole Law enforcement does periodic “sweeps”/ surveillance to monitor compliance and also verify addresses.

    9. Pro y Contra Acerca del Registro y Notificación PRO Conocimiento Prevención Educación Aumento en supervisión de ofensores CONTRA Falsa sensación de seguridad Pros and Cons of community notification   Talk about false sense of security – some crimes don’t require registration and some offenders may not be in the criminal justice system and therefore they are not required to register. Citizens can be proactive in their awareness of inappropriate or potentially dangerous individuals in communities, and we’ll talk about how to do this a little later. Pros and Cons of community notification   Talk about false sense of security – some crimes don’t require registration and some offenders may not be in the criminal justice system and therefore they are not required to register. Citizens can be proactive in their awareness of inappropriate or potentially dangerous individuals in communities, and we’ll talk about how to do this a little later.

    10. The puzzle image may be a helpful way to illustrate the concept behind comprehensive sex offender management. Each piece of the puzzle on the slide represents an entity that has responsibility for imposing external controls on offenders or enhancing his or her internal controls. When linked through a coordinated and collaborative approach, each piece plays a role in the prevention of future victimization. The puzzle image may be a helpful way to illustrate the concept behind comprehensive sex offender management. Each piece of the puzzle on the slide represents an entity that has responsibility for imposing external controls on offenders or enhancing his or her internal controls. When linked through a coordinated and collaborative approach, each piece plays a role in the prevention of future victimization.

    11. Ofensores viven en todos nuestros barrios. Algunos con toda seguridad pueden ser controlados. ¿Porqué debemos hablar acerca de ofensores sexuales en nuestra comunidad? It is inevitable that sex offenders will reside in the general community, either immediately following sentencing or after a period of incarceration in prison or jail. The research that has been conducted regarding the incidence and prevalence of sexual assault reveals that most sex offenders are not under correctional supervision. That is, the majority of those individuals who sexually abuse are not apprehended by the criminal justice system or known by the cj system. As such, we should be just as concerned about the sex offenders we do not know about. With specialized treatment and supervision, some sex offenders can learn to control their behaviors. Communities can help by supporting sex offenders’ attempts to reintegrate into society and become productive community members. ·                    Because of the nature of sexual assault in our society, the majority of sex offenders have victimized someone who will be affected by their incarceration and post-incarceration requirements. In other words, helping sex offenders reintegrate into society helps the families (who may include the primary victim) of sex offenders both financially and emotionally. It is inevitable that sex offenders will reside in the general community, either immediately following sentencing or after a period of incarceration in prison or jail. The research that has been conducted regarding the incidence and prevalence of sexual assault reveals that most sex offenders are not under correctional supervision. That is, the majority of those individuals who sexually abuse are not apprehended by the criminal justice system or known by the cj system. As such, we should be just as concerned about the sex offenders we do not know about. With specialized treatment and supervision, some sex offenders can learn to control their behaviors. Communities can help by supporting sex offenders’ attempts to reintegrate into society and become productive community members. ·                    Because of the nature of sexual assault in our society, the majority of sex offenders have victimized someone who will be affected by their incarceration and post-incarceration requirements. In other words, helping sex offenders reintegrate into society helps the families (who may include the primary victim) of sex offenders both financially and emotionally.

    12. ¿Que sucede si toma las cosas por su propia cuenta? Aumenta el riesgo de que perpetrador cometa reofensas. Usted puede ser o será procesado por sus acciones. Reporte sus temores al departamento de policía local. EL ACOSO ES CONTRA LA LEY

    13. Recuerde... El acoso hacia los ofensores puede DISMENUIR la seguridad de la comunidad. El ofensor tal vez se deje de registrase y la ley lo perdería la vigilancia El Ofensor puede sentirse fuera de control y dañe a alguien otra vez El ofensor tal vez deje de ir a su tratamiento Explain that once an offender is in the community, Safety is the main issue. Harassing offenders can be counterproductive to community safety. Explain that law enforcement or citizen harassing/intimidating/threatening offender is illegal and will possibly drive offender “underground” causing them to avoid therapeutic intervention and monitoring Research shows that offenders who are under stress are at a higher risk to reoffend An offender in treatment is better than an offender who stops going. The Treatment program helps the offender control his/her behavior     Explain that once an offender is in the community, Safety is the main issue. Harassing offenders can be counterproductive to community safety. Explain that law enforcement or citizen harassing/intimidating/threatening offender is illegal and will possibly drive offender “underground” causing them to avoid therapeutic intervention and monitoring Research shows that offenders who are under stress are at a higher risk to reoffend An offender in treatment is better than an offender who stops going. The Treatment program helps the offender control his/her behavior     

    14. Hablen del tema Edúquese usted y eduque a otros Conozca los datos Tomen medidas www.sdsomc.com www.missingkids.com www.safenowproject.org Para Aumentar la Seguridad Comunitaria Podrían... Remind the audience that, as previously discussed, the management of sex offenders can be effective if it is coordinated with the community. As long as sex offenders are released back to the community, the community is needed to help create an environment that promotes safety. Talk openly about the sexual assault of adults and children, men, women, boys, and girls. Talk to your children about personal safety issues as they relate to child sexual abuse. Do this when you talk to your children about bike safety, crossing the street, or talking to strangers. It is, in many ways, another personal safety rule about which children need to be aware. Understand the issues involved in sexual assault. Know the statistics. www.sdsomc.com; www.missingkids.com; www.safenowproject.org; Do not assume preventing sexual assault is someone else’s responsibility. Take Action: Neighborhood- watch groups, discussion groups, and increased awareness by you and your neighbors. Invite law enforcement, SOMC, Probation/Parole, Rape Crisis Center or child abuse prevention organizations to your community meetings. Get to know your neighbors. May provide hand outs to supplement this presentationRemind the audience that, as previously discussed, the management of sex offenders can be effective if it is coordinated with the community. As long as sex offenders are released back to the community, the community is needed to help create an environment that promotes safety. Talk openly about the sexual assault of adults and children, men, women, boys, and girls. Talk to your children about personal safety issues as they relate to child sexual abuse. Do this when you talk to your children about bike safety, crossing the street, or talking to strangers. It is, in many ways, another personal safety rule about which children need to be aware. Understand the issues involved in sexual assault. Know the statistics. www.sdsomc.com; www.missingkids.com; www.safenowproject.org; Do not assume preventing sexual assault is someone else’s responsibility. Take Action: Neighborhood- watch groups, discussion groups, and increased awareness by you and your neighbors. Invite law enforcement, SOMC, Probation/Parole, Rape Crisis Center or child abuse prevention organizations to your community meetings. Get to know your neighbors. May provide hand outs to supplement this presentation

    15. Consejos Para Padres Hablen con sus hijos. Sepa donde esta su hijo, y con que gente pasan el tiempo. Investigue a niñeras, entrenadores, y a otros que proveen cuidados. Se sensible con los cambios de comportamiento de su hijo. ¡Pase tiempo con sus hijo! Medidas de seguridad del Internet One of the major reasons why it is important to be informed about sexual assault is so that you can take steps to prevent it. And, there are indeed steps you can take to reduce your risk of sexual assault, your child’s risk, or the risk facing others. Inform children that it is wrong for adults to engage children in sexual activity. Teach your children that they have the right to say NO to any unwelcome, uncomfortable, or confusing touch or actions by others. Teach them to tell you immediately if this happens. Reassure them that you are there to help and it is okay to tell you anything. Stress to your child that he or she should feel comfortable telling you anything, especially if it involves another adult. And that if your child does not feel comfortable being completely honest with you, then together you should find another trusted adult your child can talk to in confidence. Make an effort to know the people with whom your child is spending time. Listen to your children. Pay attention if they tell you that they do not want to be with someone or go somewhere. This may be an indication of more than a personality conflict or lack of interest in the activity or event. Notice when someone shows one or all of your children a great deal of attention or begins giving them gifts. Take the time to talk to your children about this person and find out why the person is acting in this way. Be sensitive to any changes in your children’s behavior or attitude. Encourage open communication and learn how to be an active listener. Look and listen to small cues and clues that something may be troubling your children, because children are not always comfortable disclosing disturbing events or feelings. This may be because they are concerned about your reaction to their problems. If your children do confide problems to you, strive to remain calm, non-critical, and nonjudgmental. Listen compassionately to their concern and work with them to get the help they need to resolve the problem. Notice if your child is anxious, begins to spend more time alone, has nightmares, stops bathing, doesn’t want to go to sleep-overs with friends, changes their eating or sleeping habits. These can be signs of possible abuse Monitor Computer use -- Use parental controls, review internet sites visited by your children, require your children to use the internet only in your presence. Knowledge is power. This is especially true for protecting children from sexual assault. Teach your children about their bodies, give them the correct language to use when describing their private parts. Emphasize that those parts are private.            One of the major reasons why it is important to be informed about sexual assault is so that you can take steps to prevent it. And, there are indeed steps you can take to reduce your risk of sexual assault, your child’s risk, or the risk facing others. Inform children that it is wrong for adults to engage children in sexual activity. Teach your children that they have the right to say NO to any unwelcome, uncomfortable, or confusing touch or actions by others. Teach them to tell you immediately if this happens. Reassure them that you are there to help and it is okay to tell you anything. Stress to your child that he or she should feel comfortable telling you anything, especially if it involves another adult. And that if your child does not feel comfortable being completely honest with you, then together you should find another trusted adult your child can talk to in confidence. Make an effort to know the people with whom your child is spending time. Listen to your children. Pay attention if they tell you that they do not want to be with someone or go somewhere. This may be an indication of more than a personality conflict or lack of interest in the activity or event. Notice when someone shows one or all of your children a great deal of attention or begins giving them gifts. Take the time to talk to your children about this person and find out why the person is acting in this way. Be sensitive to any changes in your children’s behavior or attitude. Encourage open communication and learn how to be an active listener. Look and listen to small cues and clues that something may be troubling your children, because children are not always comfortable disclosing disturbing events or feelings. This may be because they are concerned about your reaction to their problems. If your children do confide problems to you, strive to remain calm, non-critical, and nonjudgmental. Listen compassionately to their concern and work with them to get the help they need to resolve the problem. Notice if your child is anxious, begins to spend more time alone, has nightmares, stops bathing, doesn’t want to go to sleep-overs with friends, changes their eating or sleeping habits. These can be signs of possible abuse Monitor Computer use -- Use parental controls, review internet sites visited by your children, require your children to use the internet only in your presence. Knowledge is power. This is especially true for protecting children from sexual assault. Teach your children about their bodies, give them the correct language to use when describing their private parts. Emphasize that those parts are private.           

    16. Confié en sus instintos - si una situación o persona le hace sentirse incómodo, aunque usted conozca al individual, retírese; aunque parezca ser descortés. Sea cauteloso con amistades o acompañantes que “pongan a prueba” sus limites queriendo propasarse físicamente. Manténgase Seguro ·                    Trust your instincts when you are with someone about whom you feel uncomfortable (e.g., in an elevator, in a car, in your home). This can be especially difficult for both children and adults who have been socialized to be polite. ·                    Do not talk yourself out of feeling uncomfortable being alone with someone simply because he or she is an acquaintance or a friend of a friend—most sexual abusers are someone the victim knows. Be wary of friends or dates that test your boundaries by making unwanted physical advances to you and then ignore or minimize your protests and other signs that you do not like their behavior. ·                    Trust your instincts when you are with someone about whom you feel uncomfortable (e.g., in an elevator, in a car, in your home). This can be especially difficult for both children and adults who have been socialized to be polite. ·                    Do not talk yourself out of feeling uncomfortable being alone with someone simply because he or she is an acquaintance or a friend of a friend—most sexual abusers are someone the victim knows. Be wary of friends or dates that test your boundaries by making unwanted physical advances to you and then ignore or minimize your protests and other signs that you do not like their behavior.

    17. Examen / Repaso

    18. 1. La mayoría de los ofensores son desconocidos para la victima? Falso Muchos ofensores conocen a sus victimas. Con el pretexto confían en ellos el abusador asalta a través de engañó y manipulación. Hechos Sobre los Ofensores Sexuales 90% of child victims know their offender—most often a family member, friend or someone known to the family. 80% of adults know their offender.90% of child victims know their offender—most often a family member, friend or someone known to the family. 80% of adults know their offender.

    19. 2. ¿Tiene el Condado de San Diego un grupo organizado que mantiene a los ofensores sexuales en nuestras comunidades? Cierto El Condado de San Diego tiene comprometidos un grupo de profesionales de Supervisión, de Vigilancia, de Tratamiento, y de Apoyo a las Víctimas que trabajan juntos para este problema. Hechos Sobre los Ofensores Sexuales (continuación)

    20. 3. Muchos ofensores sexuales tienen supervisión formal en San Diego. Falso Muchos ofensores sexuales no tienen supervisión formal. Por esa razón es que necesitamos mas estrategias de seguridad. Almost 4000 sex offenders have no formal supervision in San Diego county. Almost 4000 sex offenders have no formal supervision in San Diego county.

    21. 4. A los abusadores sexuales de menores solamente les atraen los niños sexualmente. Falso A los ofensores también les atraen personas de su misma edad. While there is a small subset of child sexual abusers who are exclusively attracted to children, the majority of the individuals who sexually abuse children are (or have previously been) attracted to adults. Research and anecdotal evidence indicate that while some sex offenders choose only one type of victim (e.g., prepubescent girls, post-pubescent boys, adult women, etc.), others prey on different types of victims. Therefore, no assumptions should be made about an offender’s victim preference and precautions should be taken regardless of his crime of conviction. Studies suggest that most rape offenders are married or in consenting relationships. While there is a small subset of child sexual abusers who are exclusively attracted to children, the majority of the individuals who sexually abuse children are (or have previously been) attracted to adults. Research and anecdotal evidence indicate that while some sex offenders choose only one type of victim (e.g., prepubescent girls, post-pubescent boys, adult women, etc.), others prey on different types of victims. Therefore, no assumptions should be made about an offender’s victim preference and precautions should be taken regardless of his crime of conviction. Studies suggest that most rape offenders are married or in consenting relationships.

    22. 5. Es raro que los niños inventen historias acerca de abuso. Cierto Los niños muchas veces se retractan por las reacciones de los familiares, por culpabilidad y por vergüenza y por el temor al divulgarlo. Children rarely make up stories of abuse. While children who do lie can end up the subject of news reports and significant publicity, the fact is that such occurrences are unusual. Children are much more likely to withhold true information about being the victim of an assault or attempted assault than they are to make up a story of abuse. Children rarely make up stories of abuse. While children who do lie can end up the subject of news reports and significant publicity, the fact is that such occurrences are unusual. Children are much more likely to withhold true information about being the victim of an assault or attempted assault than they are to make up a story of abuse.

    23. 6. Si los ofensores quisieran, ellos mismos podrían dejar de cometer persecución sexual si quisiesen. Falso Ofensores necesitan ayuda para controlar sus conductas hacia victimas. Wanting to change is usually not enough to be able to change the patterns that lead to sexual offenses. To create the motivation to change, some offenders need a variety of treatment and corrective interventions, and for others learning how to make the change in their own behavioral cycle of abuse is more effective. Wanting to change is usually not enough to be able to change the patterns that lead to sexual offenses. To create the motivation to change, some offenders need a variety of treatment and corrective interventions, and for others learning how to make the change in their own behavioral cycle of abuse is more effective.

    24. Children often do not tell for a variety of reasons including the offender’s threats to hurt or kill someone the victim loves, as well as shame, embarrassment, wanting to protect the offender, feelings for the offender, fear of being held responsible or being punished, and fear of losing the offender who may be very important to the child or the child’s family. It is common for victims of sexual assault to wait some time before telling someone. When the person was assaulted as a child they may wait years or decades. The reasons for this are numerous: victims may want to deny the fact that someone they trusted could do this to them; they may want to just put it behind them; they may believe the myth that they caused the assault by their behavior; or they may fear how other people will react to the truth. Children often do not tell for a variety of reasons including the offender’s threats to hurt or kill someone the victim loves, as well as shame, embarrassment, wanting to protect the offender, feelings for the offender, fear of being held responsible or being punished, and fear of losing the offender who may be very important to the child or the child’s family. It is common for victims of sexual assault to wait some time before telling someone. When the person was assaulted as a child they may wait years or decades. The reasons for this are numerous: victims may want to deny the fact that someone they trusted could do this to them; they may want to just put it behind them; they may believe the myth that they caused the assault by their behavior; or they may fear how other people will react to the truth.

    25. Remember HARASSMENT is against the law. This is a “tool” to help you be informed and for community safety. Don’t let your education and action stop here. Remember HARASSMENT is against the law. This is a “tool” to help you be informed and for community safety. Don’t let your education and action stop here.


    27. That is what you are doing here tonight. Great start!!That is what you are doing here tonight. Great start!!

    28. Myspace.com, etc are sites where predators can find out lots of personal information about your children and use it to communicate and stalk them. Talk with your children about this, monitor their computer usage and conversations with others, install software that lets you track communication going out of and coming into your house.Myspace.com, etc are sites where predators can find out lots of personal information about your children and use it to communicate and stalk them. Talk with your children about this, monitor their computer usage and conversations with others, install software that lets you track communication going out of and coming into your house.

    29. 12. Confiar en sus propios instintos es una manera de mantenerse seguro. Cierto Ponga atención a lo que dice su cuerpo. “Confié en su instinto.”

    30. 13. La mayoría de los abusadores sexuales de menores encuentran a sus víctimas en patios de recreo y en áreas de juegos para niños. Falso. La mayoría de abusadores sexuales De niños asaltan a los con quienes han establecido una relación. Most child sexual abusers offend against children whom they know and with whom they have established a relationship. Most child sexual abusers offend against children whom they know and with whom they have established a relationship.

    31. 14. El registro y la notificación puede proveer un falso sentido de seguridad para usted y su familia. Cierto El registro y la notificación son limitados a un número pequeño de ofensores sexuales en nuestras comunidades.

    32. 15. Si la víctima no se resiste físicamente, no es agresión forzada. Falso. Hay varias razones por la cual las victimas no se defienden o no dicen “no”. La victima hace lo que el/ella pueda para sobrevivir el asalto sexual. Sexual assault victims may not say no or not fight back for a variety of reasons including fear and confusion. Rape victims often report being ‘frozen’ by fear during the assault, making them unable to fight back; other victims may not actively resist for fear of angering the assailant and causing him to use more force in the assault. Pressure to be liked and not be talked about negatively by a peer will sometimes cause adolescents or children to avoid fighting back or actively resisting. What we currently know about sexual assault—that we integrated into the True or False quiz—comes from good research. At the conclusion of this presentation, we will be asking each of you to complete a “post-test” of these myths and facts, so that we can gauge your understanding of these facts. You can refer to you’re the powerpoint handouts we provided you as a reference for you at a later date. Sexual assault victims may not say no or not fight back for a variety of reasons including fear and confusion. Rape victims often report being ‘frozen’ by fear during the assault, making them unable to fight back; other victims may not actively resist for fear of angering the assailant and causing him to use more force in the assault. Pressure to be liked and not be talked about negatively by a peer will sometimes cause adolescents or children to avoid fighting back or actively resisting. What we currently know about sexual assault—that we integrated into the True or False quiz—comes from good research. At the conclusion of this presentation, we will be asking each of you to complete a “post-test” of these myths and facts, so that we can gauge your understanding of these facts. You can refer to you’re the powerpoint handouts we provided you as a reference for you at a later date.

    33. La Discusión Preguntas/Respuestas It is very important to us that we get your feedback about this presentation. Please fill out the evaluation forms and return them to us. It is very important to us that we get your feedback about this presentation. Please fill out the evaluation forms and return them to us.

    34. Para Información Para más información por favor comuníquese con Denise Roth al (619) 884-5170 o a deniseroth@cox.net

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