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Queue Reform at the Midwest ISO. NARUC February, 2008. Current Tariff Requirements. First in-first out (FIFO) approach as mandated by FERC Results of first queued study must be known before second queued study can start
Queue Reform at the Midwest ISO NARUC February, 2008
Current Tariff Requirements • First in-first out (FIFO) approach as mandated by FERC • Results of first queued study must be known before second queued study can start • Dependencies on early queued projects hard-wired as contingencies in Interconnection Agreements of subsequent projects—uncertainty range too wide for commercial decision making • Literal interpretation of the Tariff rules would allow us to complete processing of all requests currently in the queue on August 26, 2362 • Steps MISO has taken so far only reduce that date to 2050
Queue Evolution* Number of Requests GW of Requests 54 212 1 3 14 2 7 Currently Active: 306 Requests (243 wind) Currently Active: 72.8 GW (57.6 wind) 2 18 9 131 12 1 104 18 24 1 90 45 25 79 13 164 2 8 1 4 12 20 15 5 1 12 11 11 11 5 99 8 2 1 2 5 5 14 58 3 51 43 1 3 5 4 3 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Wind Natural Gas Coal Nuclear *All requests received as of December 31, 2007 Other
Steps Taken to Improve Queue Processing • Parallel processing • Realized immediately that projects in Michigan have no discernable impact on projects in North Dakota • Start processing next request once conflicting requests are into the system impact study phase • Delay definitive completion until prior study complete • This moves the expected finish date for the current queue to about 2150 • Group Studies • Group together requests in close geographic and time proximity to expedite study times • Moved expected finish date of queue processing, not including time to make upgrades, to the 2050 timeframe
Project Completion Rates Project Resolution Status (Inactive and Complete) 100% = 377 interconnection Requests since Dec 15 2001 • Steps taken to date only allow for so much progress in eliminating queue backlogs because of low project completion rates • Low project completion rates lead to restudy, which results in additional time and uncertainty for later queued generators
3 P’s of Queue Reform • Success in queue reform rests on addressing each of the 3 P’s • Midwest ISO is currently working with stakeholders on solutions targeted at interconnecting generation more efficiently through improvements to Physics and Process • Focus study efforts on those generation projects most ready to achieve interconnection (Process) • Use alternative network upgrade identification methods to support interconnection of large quantities of generation in remote areas (Physics) • Opening dialogue with regulators on items such as cost sharing and recovery Physics Process Politics
Proposed Queue Reform – First In-First Out Process Alternative • Working with Midwest ISO Stakeholders since September 2007 (Interconnection Process Task Force) on an alternative study prioritization scheme • Create new or increase current milestones (e.g. level of deposit, data completion requirements, site control, suspension costs, etc.) to reflect increased project readiness • Allow projects in relatively unconstrained areas, that meet the milestones, to proceed when ready • Key consideration is ensuring milestone selection and alternative prioritization scheme is not unduly discriminatory (such as to small generators) • Targeting a Q2 tariff filing on this concept
Current Queue Example: Buffalo Ridge Area A snapshot of the Buffalo Ridge area indicates that generator requests significantly exceed current transfer capability. Add CapX, 1900 Add BRIGO, 1200 Next upgrade, 825 Today’s level, 425
Current Queue Example: Group Study Process Under the current group study process, all generation requests meeting the location and time-based criteria are considered, independent of demand for power in the region, resulting in restudy
What is the Midwest ISO doing from a Transmission Planning perspective to integrate wind? • Designing Transmission to connect Wind to high demand areas • Development of a high-voltage overlay to deliver wind; coordinating with PJM, SPP and TVA through Joint Coordinated System Plan (JCSP) • Beginning targeted planning study around Regional Generation Outlet transmission projects • Working with local regulators in support of policy initiatives (e.g. Minnesota Renewable Energy Study) • Developing a more efficient Interconnection process to allow wind resources to interconnect more quickly • Interconnection Process Task Force
Proposed Queue Reform - Regionally Planned Generator Interconnection Projects • Overview • Goal is to increase integration with long-term planning process to allow more efficient generator interconnection • Instead of restudying until supply / demand balance is achieved, use demand assessment up front to size the analysis and identify total supply need; define transmission upgrades accordingly • Began developing ideas to integrate projects of this type into current queue and cost sharing protocols through whitepapers and stakeholder discussion in June 2007 • Path Forward • Regional Wind Outlet Targeted Study started in February 2008 to identify projects • Interconnection Process Task Force to continue evaluation of integration with current queue (e.g. subscription methodology) • Outreach to states on cost sharing and allocation issues
Conditions Precedent • A robust business case for the plan • Need to demonstrate that the hypothesized benefits exist, including evaluation of alternatives • Regulators are the judge of the business case • Increased consensus around regional energy policy • Does not exist today around wind, for example, across the Midwest ISO footprint • A regional tariff that matches who benefits with who pays over time • For example, beneficiaries of wind may be due to public policy, rather than load flow or economic benefit analyses which are the current basis for cost allocation • Cost recovery mechanisms that reduce financial risk • Investors in these projects need to be assured of cost recovery