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TESTING READING Stephanus Pawarta 69100115. SPECIFYING FOR THE CANDIDATES. OPERATIONS The challenge for the tester is to set tasks for the candidates to exercise reading skills and behaviour that demonstrate the successful use of it . The problems :
TESTING READING Stephanus Pawarta 69100115
SPECIFYING FOR THE CANDIDATES • OPERATIONS The challenge for the tester is to set tasks for the candidates to exercise reading skills and behaviour that demonstrate the successful use of it . The problems : • There is uncertainty about reading skills, the testers are interested in measuring • It is difficult to know an item has succeeded in measuring it
THE KIND OF TEST • Diagnostic test is to identify the strengths /weaknesses of learners’ abilities • Achievement tests is to develop the skills as the objective of the course • Placement test is if the rough and ready indication of reading ability is enaugh. ( Designed to determine a person’s interest and aptitudes : skills, intelligent, motivations, needs and goals ) • Proficiency test is if the “overall” measure of reading is sufficient
Grammar and vocabulary, both tested indirectly in every reading test in the same place • The skill the readers perform when reading a text as “operations” • Expeditious reading is quick and efficient that given less in test in the past • Slow and careful reading
EXPEDITIOUS READING OPERATIONS • SKIMMING used to understand the "gist" or main idea; establish the structure of a text quickly; decide the relevance of a text to their needs. For exc : • SEARCH READING to find information on a predetermined topic • SCANNING used to find a particular piece of information as specific words or phrases, figures or percentages, specific items in an index, specific names
Other book add • Extensive reading - used for pleasure and general understanding • Intensive reading - accurate reading for detailed understanding Visit and play with the excercise at : • web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/570/pulp/hemp1.htm
MAKE INFERENCES • Infer the meaning of an unknown word from context • Make proporsitional informational inferences, answering questions beginning with who, when, what • Make proporsitional explanatory inferences concerned with motivations, cause, consequence, and enablement, answering questions beginning with why and how • Make pragmatic inferences
THE PARAMETERS OF TEXT: • Text type : text books, handouts, articles, poem/verse, encyclopedia entries, dictionary entries, leaflets, letters, • Text form : description, exposition, argumentation, instruction, narration • Graphic features : tables, charts, diagrams, cartoons, illustration • Topics : listed/defined in a general way or in relation for the known candidates • Style : specified in term of formality
Intended readerships : quite specific or more general • Lenght : expressed in number of words • Readability : an objective, measure the difficulty of a text • Range of vocabulary : indicated by a complete list of words, by reference to a words list. Expressed more geerally • Range of grammar : list of structure, reference found in a course book or the grammar of the language
SPEED • Expressed in words per minute. Not all words must be read • The expected speed of reading will combine with the number and difficulty of items
CRITERIAL LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE • Seeing the candidates perfom by comparison with others • No need to specify creiterial levels of performance before test constructed or administered • Setting criterial level for receptive skills is problematical • Compare performance of candidates with scale ACTFL or ILR
SETTING THE TASKS • Selecting texts : constantly in mind and representative a sample, lenght, validity and reliability, search reading ->plenty of discrete info, scanning ->element can scanned for • Writing item : measure the ability • Possible techniques : interfere with the reading itself • Multiple choice : (use book page 143-144)
Short answer : use unique correct response, resting the ability to identify referent, test ability to make var distinctions, write items related to the structure of the text • Gap filling : a blank in the passage to recognise detail presented to support main idea or to scanning item • Information transfer : supplying simple information in the table, route in map, labelling a picture • Items and responses language : minimal demands on writing ability
PROCEDURES FOR WRITING ITEMS • Competent reader should derive from the text • Relevant, a note should be taken a main point • Interesting information • Stages of argument • Examples • Add paragraph number and line number • Text and items presented to colleagues for moderation
PRACTICAL ADVICE ON ITEM WRITING • In scanning test, make sure the answer is found in text • The correct response found with understanding the text. E,g in line 15 page 5 • Avoide for some candidates can answer from general knowledge without reading the text
SCORING • Function : to test reading ability so errors of grammar, spelling or punctuation is not penalised • The candidate perform the reading task which the item set • To test productive skill at the time is less valid