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Washington, D.C. Update - 2010

Elections have Consequences Social Responsibility Government/Corporate Responsibility Trillion Carbon Footprint Climate Change Leakage Green Jobs. Sustainability Sustainable Agriculture and Food System Urban Gardening Eco-Conscious Consumers Card Check IST BRIC. Sti

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Washington, D.C. Update - 2010

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    1. Washington, D.C. Update - 2010 Southwestern Fertilizer Conference & Grade Hearing July 27, 2010 Ford B. West TFI President

    2. Elections have Consequences Social Responsibility Government/Corporate Responsibility Trillion Carbon Footprint Climate Change Leakage Green Jobs Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a government, corporation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society. This responsibility can be "negative", meaning there is a responsibility to refrain from acting (resistance stance) or it can be "positive," meaning there is a responsibility to act (proactive stance). There is a large inequality in the means and roles of different entities to fulfill their claimed responsibility. This would imply the different entities have different responsibilities, in so much as states should ensure the civil rights of their citizens, that corporations should respect and encourage the human rights of their employees and that citizens should abide with written laws. Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a government, corporation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society. This responsibility can be "negative", meaning there is a responsibility to refrain from acting (resistance stance) or it can be "positive," meaning there is a responsibility to act (proactive stance). There is a large inequality in the means and roles of different entities to fulfill their claimed responsibility. This would imply the different entities have different responsibilities, in so much as states should ensure the civil rights of their citizens, that corporations should respect and encourage the human rights of their employees and that citizens should abide with written laws.

    3. Sustainability Sustainable Agriculture and Food System Urban Gardening Eco-Conscious Consumers Card Check IST BRIC Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a government, corporation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society. This responsibility can be "negative", meaning there is a responsibility to refrain from acting (resistance stance) or it can be "positive," meaning there is a responsibility to act (proactive stance). There is a large inequality in the means and roles of different entities to fulfill their claimed responsibility. This would imply the different entities have different responsibilities, in so much as states should ensure the civil rights of their citizens, that corporations should respect and encourage the human rights of their employees and that citizens should abide with written laws. Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a government, corporation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society. This responsibility can be "negative", meaning there is a responsibility to refrain from acting (resistance stance) or it can be "positive," meaning there is a responsibility to act (proactive stance). There is a large inequality in the means and roles of different entities to fulfill their claimed responsibility. This would imply the different entities have different responsibilities, in so much as states should ensure the civil rights of their citizens, that corporations should respect and encourage the human rights of their employees and that citizens should abide with written laws.

    4. Stimulus Bill February 2009 Health Care Legislation March 2010 Financial Reform July 2010 Notes not requiredNotes not required

    5. House Current breakdown: 255 D, 178 R,1 D/1 R vacancies to be filled in special elections Not running again:42: 23 R, 19 D Net gain for GOP to hold majority of 435 seats: 39 Average loss for party in control of White House first off-year: 16 Fewest number of nonincumbents needed to win for GOP to hold 218 seats: 62 What is a trillion-----trillion is a million-million dollars------go to the moon and back 200 times with a trillion one dollar bills What is a trillion-----trillion is a million-million dollars------go to the moon and back 200 times with a trillion one dollar bills

    6. House Delegations with multiple departures (3 or more): AR, FL, KS, SC, TN Reapportionment/redistricting changes anticipated before 2012 elections: shift of 14 seats Projected gains in reapportionment: AZ, FL, GA, NV, NC, OR, SC, TX, UT, WA Projected losses in reapportionment: CA, IL, IA, LA, MA, MI, MN, MO, NJ, NY, OH, PA, WI What is a trillion-----trillion is a million-million dollars------go to the moon and back 200 times with a trillion one dollar bills What is a trillion-----trillion is a million-million dollars------go to the moon and back 200 times with a trillion one dollar bills

    7. Senate Current breakdown: 57 D, 41 R, 2 Independents who caucus with D On ballot: 37 (18 R, 19 D) Not running again: 14 (7 R,7 D) Net gain for GOP to hold majority of 100 seats: 10 Average loss for party in control of White House first off-year: 4/10 of one seat What is a trillion-----trillion is a million-million dollars------go to the moon and back 200 times with a trillion one dollar bills What is a trillion-----trillion is a million-million dollars------go to the moon and back 200 times with a trillion one dollar bills

    8. Senate Fewest number of nonincumbents needed to win for GOP to hold 51 seats: 17 At least one-third of the 112th Senate will be serving in their first term Democrats need to win 10seats to retain control at 50 seats with the vice president breaking the tie If all Democrats lost, the party would have 40 seats in the 112th Congress What is a trillion-----trillion is a million-million dollars------go to the moon and back 200 times with a trillion one dollar bills What is a trillion-----trillion is a million-million dollars------go to the moon and back 200 times with a trillion one dollar bills

    10. EPA Interpretation EPCRA Fertilizer Blending Issue EPCRA Non-Nutritive Metals Reporting Requirements OSHAs Reinterpretation of Product Safety Management Standard Retail Facilities Exemption Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a government, corporation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society. This responsibility can be "negative", meaning there is a responsibility to refrain from acting (resistance stance) or it can be "positive," meaning there is a responsibility to act (proactive stance). There is a large inequality in the means and roles of different entities to fulfill their claimed responsibility. This would imply the different entities have different responsibilities, in so much as states should ensure the civil rights of their citizens, that corporations should respect and encourage the human rights of their employees and that citizens should abide with written laws. Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a government, corporation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society. This responsibility can be "negative", meaning there is a responsibility to refrain from acting (resistance stance) or it can be "positive," meaning there is a responsibility to act (proactive stance). There is a large inequality in the means and roles of different entities to fulfill their claimed responsibility. This would imply the different entities have different responsibilities, in so much as states should ensure the civil rights of their citizens, that corporations should respect and encourage the human rights of their employees and that citizens should abide with written laws.

    11. DOT Interpretation Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a government, corporation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society. This responsibility can be "negative", meaning there is a responsibility to refrain from acting (resistance stance) or it can be "positive," meaning there is a responsibility to act (proactive stance). There is a large inequality in the means and roles of different entities to fulfill their claimed responsibility. This would imply the different entities have different responsibilities, in so much as states should ensure the civil rights of their citizens, that corporations should respect and encourage the human rights of their employees and that citizens should abide with written laws. Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a government, corporation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society. This responsibility can be "negative", meaning there is a responsibility to refrain from acting (resistance stance) or it can be "positive," meaning there is a responsibility to act (proactive stance). There is a large inequality in the means and roles of different entities to fulfill their claimed responsibility. This would imply the different entities have different responsibilities, in so much as states should ensure the civil rights of their citizens, that corporations should respect and encourage the human rights of their employees and that citizens should abide with written laws.

    12. Florida Numeric Nutrient Criteria An Urgent Call to ActionReport of the State-EPA Nutrient Innovations Task Group, 2009 states: Nutrient-related pollution significantly impacts drinking water supplies, aquatic life, and recreational water quality. While available cost data associated with these impacts is limited, what we do know paints a sobering picture and a compelling reason for more urgent and effective action. On 1/26/10, the EPA proposed numeric nutrient water quality standards for all lakes and flowing waters within the State of Florida

    13. Florida Numeric Criteria Details Rule essentially utilizes precautionary principle to set instream and downstream protective values (for N & P) Uses statistical derivation to tag impaired waters and not cause effect (stressor response) EPAs own Science Advisory Board (SAB) said The stressor-response approach is a legitimate, scientifically based method for developing numeric nutrient criteria Would impose billions in costs on consumers, utilities, and manufacturers including fertilizer companies Would impose extreme costs on agricultural producers in the state

    15. 4Rs Language All nutrient management systems have four basic criteria for application of commercial fertilizers and manure. 1. Apply nutrients at the appropriate rate based on soil and plant tissue analyses and realistic yield goals. 2. Apply the appropriate form of fertilizer and organic material with compositions and characteristics that resist nutrient losses from the agricultural management zone. 3. Apply at the appropriate time to supply nutrients to the crop when the plants have the most active uptake and biomass production, and avoid times when adverse weather conditions can result in large losses of nutrients from the agricultural management zone. 4. Apply using the appropriate application method that provides nutrients to the plants for rapid, efficient uptake and reduces the exposure of nutrient material to forces of wind and water.

    20. CropLife America Introduction to Modern Agriculture CropLife America (CLA) has recently begun a new initiative to encourage the widespread adoption of the term modern agriculture in describing the wide majority of production practices employed by Americas farmers. What is a trillion-----trillion is a million-million dollars------go to the moon and back 200 times with a trillion one dollar bills What is a trillion-----trillion is a million-million dollars------go to the moon and back 200 times with a trillion one dollar bills

    21. The Food Leaders Project - Hunger - Food Safety - Child & School Nutrition - Obesity - Global Warming - Animal Health/Welfare - Factory Farms - Hormones &Antibiotics - Sustainability - HFCS What is a trillion-----trillion is a million-million dollars------go to the moon and back 200 times with a trillion one dollar bills What is a trillion-----trillion is a million-million dollars------go to the moon and back 200 times with a trillion one dollar bills

    23. Nutrients for Life Social Media Launched Social Media campaign April 2010 Facebook page, Twitter, and Blog Dee McKenna Nutrients for Life Spokeswoman and Blogger Master Gardener Written more than 25 blogs since April To become part of the Nutrients for Life Social Media efforts you can: Become a fan of Nutrients for Life on Facebook Follow us on Twitter (@Nutrients4Life) Read our Blog at www.nutrientsforlife.org


    27. Thank you! www.tfi.org

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