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Improving Government’s Performance by Implementing Measurable Performance and Accountable Delivery. DPSA Medium Term Strategic Plan 2010-2014. Presentation to the Select Committee 16 April 2010. Presentation Outline. Purpose Mandate Public Service Transformation since 1994
Improving Government’s Performance by Implementing Measurable Performance and Accountable Delivery DPSA Medium Term Strategic Plan 2010-2014 Presentation to the Select Committee 16 April 2010
Presentation Outline • Purpose • Mandate • Public Service Transformation since 1994 • Previous Years’ Achievements and Challenges • MPSA Response to Outcome 12 • Medium Term Strategic Plan 2010-14 • Annual Performance Plan 2010-11 • Medium term budget 2010-2013 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION
1. DPSA Vision & Mission Vision: Global Leader in Public Service Excellence Mission: • Supporting the Minister in leading public service transformation • Providing professional advice and support to ensure public service excellence • Promoting good governance nationally, on the African Continent and Globally
2. Mandate • The Department of Public Service and Administration derived its mandate from- • The Constitution • The Public Service Act • Public Service Regulations • Government’s political mandate and priorities • The mandate of the dpsa is to lead the modernisation of the public service by assisting government departments to implement their management policies, systems, structures and governance arrangements within a generally applicable framework of norms and standards in order to improve service delivery to the citizen. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION
3. Legislative mandates • In terms of the Public Service Act of 1994, DPSA supports the Minister in the following areas: • To transform and modernise the public service • To oversee changes to the structure of the public service • To establish norms and standards for HRM&D, conditions of service, labour relations, IT and service delivery • To issue directives and regulations for the public service • To formulate the National Anti-Corruption strategy • To exercise oversight over the State Information Technology Agency (SITA)
4. Public Service Transformation since 1994 Since 1994, Public Service transformation has encompassed three distinct phases:- • First phase – Rationalisation and Policy development • Second Phase: ‘Modernisation’ and Implementation of Policy • Current phase and going forward: Accelerating implementation, functionality and improving utility of services DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION
Macro-organisation of the state Achievements • A review of the structure of government was undertaken, to ensure effective service delivery.16 departments were affected by either a split or new creation, transfer of functions or name change. • DPSA coordinated implementation of the new macro-structure of the state and assisted with the organisational design of these departments • Assisted with legal and technical work required to effect name changes, proclamations and transfer of functions • Worked closely with the National Treasury and Department of Public Works to support departments and concluded technical work by 31 March 2010
Programme Achievements: (HRM&D) • An integrated Health Risk Assessment and Management System (OHASIS) has been developed and piloted in DoH and is currently under evaluation • Curriculum for HR practitioners has been reviewed and developed and implemented by PALAMA. The costing for such compulsory course is underway before the draft policy is approved • Learning materials for the JobACCESS has been designed with PALAMA and the Reasonable Accommodation handbook has been reviewed • Validity study for competency assessments for SMS has been completed for new proposed instrument
Programme Achievements: (HRM&D) • Draft strategic framework for performance management and development system is completed and under consultation with line departments • HR Connect was rolled out to the next 56 departments • Development of organisational development strategic framework and a social cluster generic organisational structure was deferred to current FY due to demands of NMOS project . However, engagements had begun between DoH and DoBasic Education on the matter
Programme Achievements (MOC) • All OSDs have been finalised except the medical therapeutic services which has not been signed. • Revised Policy on Post Retirement Medical Assistance and implementation of past discriminatory practices pension policy • The Updating and transfer of Equate to a web enabled platform is ongoing after benchmarking exercise of jobs was completed • Blueprint for HR module IFMS was developed and designed and customised for the PS and is currently under pilot in FS and dpsa • Public Sector Summit held and declaration signed to be ratified by PSCBC • Report on wage bill trends for 2009 underway in order to inform further trends in the public service • Conducted preparatory work for M&E for Nurses • All policy work for SPS is contingent on the Public Service Amendment Bill being passed
Programme Achievements (I&TM) • A prototype general service counter was developed but the e-enabled six pro-poor services tender was cancelled and re-issued by SITA. • 46 Thusong Service Centres were connected to a centralised ICT infrastructure and 39 new General Service counters have been deployed to centres where they did not exist before • Report on ICT Expenditure patterns in the PS was concluded and recommendations on strategies to save/reduce costs/expenditure has been forwarded to line departments for comment • Strategy to create efficiency and better service delivery will emanate from implementation of recommendations • An Architecture blue-print for IT is still work in progress with provincial consultations • Draft Government Wide Information Security Governance Framework was developed and is under consultation
Programme Achievements(SDI) • Batho Pele Change Management Engagement Programme is being cascaded on an ongoing basis to line Depts • Assisted departments on an ongoing basis to develop service delivery models using a service delivery model toolkit • 500 officials were trained to develop and implement 3 year SDIPs and service satndards • BP Focused attention on the Northern Cape and provided extensive support to Municipalities in this province by providing Khaedu training as part of service delivery improvement
Programme Achievements(SDI) • Draft CDW Policy Framework, norms and standards and guidelines developed • Worked collaboratively with Presidency on implementation of War on Poverty campaign with a process to institutionalise plans • Finalised the Justice cluster KYSR booklet, translated it into various official languages and distributed it to targeted communities and stakeholders
Programme Achievements (GOV) • Developed an M&E training programme to support a consolidated system for “one time” reporting on various public service regulations • Ongoing monitoring and implementation of the APRM POA and progress report complied for Heads of State meeting • Implement the Conflict of Interest Framework • Compliance audit done in 36 national depts and info is being verified for Minimum Anti-Corruption Capacity (MACC) audit • Completed Phase II evaluation in compliance with OECD Anti-Corruption Convention and country evaluation completed • Developed anti-corruption capacity building programme with PALAMA • Hosted the Anti-Corruption Summit and experts’ roundtable to approve the Programme of Action requirements
Challenges • Reduced budgets due to the introduction of new departments which impacted on reprioritisation of projects • Re-Organisation of the dpsa • Staff deployments after the elections including internal departmental deployments
Five MANIFESTO Priorities Election Manifesto’s 5 Strategic Priorities areas in Thematic Areas: • Education • Health • Creation of decent Work • Rural Development, food security and land reform • Fight against crime and corruption
OUTCOMES • MANIFESTO and MTSF are translated into 12 Key OUTCOMES: Outcome 1: Quality basic education Outcome 2: A long and healthy life for all South Africans Outcome 3: All people in SA are and feel safe Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Outcome 5:Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth plan Outcome 6:An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network
OUTCOMES • MANIFESTO and MTSF are translated into 12 Key OUTCOMES: Outcome 7:Vibrant,equitable,sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all Outcome 8: Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life Outcome 9: Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient Local Government System Outcome 10: Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources Outcome 11: Create a better SA, a better Africa and a better World Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered fair and inclusive citizenship
7. MPSA Response to Outcome 12 Outcome 12: Public Administration Focus An efficient, effective and development oriented public service DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION
7. MPSA’s Response to Outcome 12:10 Public Service Strategic Priorities linked to Performance Outcomes • Service Delivery Mechanisms that ensure quality and access • Effective Systems, structures and processes • Leveraging ICT to improve service delivery • Effective entry into the public service and HRD • Efficient HRM Practices, norms and standards including sound labour relation practices • Healthy , safe working environments for all public servants • Appropriate Delegations and decision-making Governance structures • Adequate levels of Citizen and Stakeholder engagement and Public Participation • Corruption tackled effectively 10. Collaborative Regional development programmes in SADC, involvement in Africa post conflict advancement and international co-operation in Public Administration programmes DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION
7. MPSA Response to Outcome 12: Responding to 2010 SONA FOCUS • Performance- oriented state by improving planning as well as M&E- Government must work faster, harder and smarter • Faster action and improved state performance by the Public Service- excellence and hard work- dedicated, capable employees who care for citizens • Development and implementation of a public service development programme which will set norms and standards for public servants in all 3 spheres of government • Eradicate corruption and fraud in procurement and tender processes • Mainstream Youth Development programmes targeting unemployed youth – ensuring a skilled and capable workforce to support growth and job creation. • Integrate gender equity measures- ensuring women, children and persons with disabilities can assess developmental opportunities. • Skills development – increase the number of learnerships in public sector • Improve working conditions of health care workers • Improve functionality of hospitals • Reduce HIV infections- prevention programmes • Local government must work • Contribution to Rural development programmes DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION
7. OUTPUTS AND ACTIVITIES Education • Work collaboratively with the Department of Basic Education to revise the disciplinary code for educators • Align the Performance Management Development System for educators with the Public Service PMD Strategic Framework • Roll-out Batho Pele training for all school principals • Conduct an Personnel Expenditure Review II to focus on educator conditions of services • Design a blueprint for organizational structures within the education sector Health • Improve working environments in hospitals through the application of Safety Health Environment Risk and Quality (SHERQ) policy aligning it the Hospital Revitalisation Plan • Design a blueprint for organizational structures within the health sector • Work collaboratively with Department of Health to revise the disciplinary code for healthcare workers. • Implementation of the EH&W HIV/AIDS and TB Management Policy in all departments DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION
7. OUTPUTS AND ACTIVITIES Combating Crime • Connectivity to Thusong services centres fast-tracked for effective integrated systems to access the justice system • Implementation of Electronic Management Information and tracking System for Corruption • Introduce anti-corruption and anti-fraud system CMIS • Work collaboratively with OECD structures and processes o reduce corruption • A Corruption measure developed to assess government departments implementation of PS policies Decent Employment • Increase the number of Learnerships, internships, traineeships and bursaries • Institutionalise Career open days with higher educational institutions • Working collaboratively with all SETAs operating in government space. • Introduce policy for the creation of job opportunities for a certain % of young graduates annually • Implement the youth development programme within the Public Service DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION
7. OUTPUTS AND ACTIVITIES Skilled and Capable Workforce • A Personnel Expenditure Review III (2006-2011) undertaken and a new remuneration policy developed (2011 – 2015) focusing on attracting social service professionals • Complete the development and roll-out of the HR national skills database /HR CONNECT • Upload SAQA PS learner records, relevant PALAMA learner records and other PS training Institutions’ learner records to HR CONNECT system • Public Sector Skills requirements over short, medium, and long term report provided per occupation, qualification level and economic sectors within the PS Environmental Assets and Resources Protection • Design handbooks and guidelines on implementing the Policy on SHERQ within the Public Service with respect to environmental quality management • Design a green policy for the acquisition and disposal of IT equipment in government DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION
7. OUTPUTS AND ACTIVITIES Local Government • Learnerships and internships for youth development in collaboration with Human Settlement, Agriculture and COGTA • Harmonise training and development within the Public Sector • Batho Pele training roll-out to all municipalities Human Settlement • Development and consolidation of Geographic information systems to improve the planning and decision making for provisioning of government services to rural areas. Creating a better SA, a better Africa and World • Develop a strategy for ensuring quality outputs in multilateral agreements DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION
Priority 1: Service delivery quality and access DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 33
Priority 1: Service delivery quality and access DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 34
Priority 2 : Effective Systems, structures and processes DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 35
Priority 3 : Leverage ICT as a strategic resource (enabler) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 36
Priority 4 : Effective employment entry into public service and HRD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 37
Priority 5 :Effective HRM Practices, norms and standards DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 38
Priority 5 :Effective HRM Practices, norms and standards DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 39
Priority 5 :Effective HRM Practices, norms and standards DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 40
Priority 6 : Healthy, safe working environments for all public servants DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 41
Priority 7 : Appropriate governance structures and decision-making DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 42
Priority 8:Citizen engagement, Stakeholder and Public Participation DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 43
Priority 9 :Corruption tackled effectively DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 44
Priority 9 :Corruption tackled effectively DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 45
Priority 9 : Corruption tackled effectively DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 46
Priority 10 : Contribution to improved PS in Africa and international arena DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION 47
Key Mechanism for Delivery • Strong focus on the modernisation of the PS for functionality and utility • Revise Public Service Regulations • Revise adequacy of norms and standards • Enforce compliance with regulatory frameworks • Speed up implementation of Single/Integrated Public Service Delivery • Strengthen participatory governance measures • Strong focus on leadership and HR capacity development, systems and processes. • Build a sound and stable labour relations environment for effective service delivery DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION