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Chapter 4 Section 3 The Pyramid Builders. Egyptian Kingdom Periods. Historians divide the history of ancient Egypt into the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom. The Old Kingdom period began in 2575 B.C. Egyptian Dynasties Succession.
Egyptian Kingdom Periods • Historians divide the history of ancient Egypt into the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom. • The Old Kingdom period began in 2575 B.C.
Egyptian DynastiesSuccession • The order in which members of a royal family inherit the throne or rule. • More than 30 dynasties ruled ancient Egypt.
Egyptian Burial • Early Egyptians buried their dead in the sand. • But this led to wild animals and sand storms disrupting the graves.
Egyptian Burial • For this reason Egyptian kings and nobles built long lasting burial chambers.
Pyramids • 2650 B.C. the first pyramid is built as a tomb for pharaoh Djoser (DZOH suhr)
The Great Pyramid • A pharaoh named Khufu (KOO-FOO) decided he wanted a greater monument than any other pharaoh. • He ordered the construction of the largest pyramid ever built. Classzone animation
The Great Pyramid • The pyramid was built from over 2.3 million blocks of stone. • An estimated 20,000 Egyptians worked on it.
Later Burial Practices • Pyramids became an easy target for thieves who stole the items left for the ka.
Later Burial Practices • To better hide their tombs, later pharaohs, during the New Kingdom, built their burial sights into cliffs in the “Valley of the Kings”
Later Burial Practices • Most tombs were still robbed. • The only tomb not to escape robbery was the tomb of Tutankhamen (King Tut), who’s tomb was discovered in 1922.
The Middle Kingdom • By 2160 B.C. the power of the pharaohs began to break down due to civil war and invasion. • The rise of pharaoh Mentuhotep II in 2055 B.C. marked the beginning of the Middle Kingdom.
Expansion • The pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom used military strength to expand the empire south into Nubia. • The Egyptians wanted Nubian resources especially gold.
Expansion • The conquest of Nubia also increased Egyptian food production due to having more land to farm.
Decline of the Middle Kingdom • A group of people from present day Israel and Syria known as the Hyksos (HIHK-sohs) invaded Egypt. • By 1630 B.C. they had conquered Lower Egypt due to the use of better weapons and horse drawn chariots.
Decline of the Middle Kingdom • After about 100 years, the Egyptians drove out the Hyksos and began the New Kingdom.