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Egyptian Plant Quarantine

Arab Republic of Egypt Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Central Administration of Plant Quarantine. Egyptian Plant Quarantine. What is the Egyptian Plant Quarantine EPQ.

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Egyptian Plant Quarantine

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  1. Arab Republic of Egypt Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Central Administration of Plant Quarantine Egyptian Plant Quarantine

  2. What is the Egyptian Plant Quarantine EPQ Egyptian Plant Quarantine is the protecting fence against entrance of any diseases and pests that damage the agricultural wealth of this country , it is a package of legislation and technical procedures applied on the exported and imported agricultural consignments in each country.

  3. Introduction Continual development in new global economic system and sustainable development in means of transportation and new international trade movement were led to international flow of plant consignments and plant products with possibility of carrying plant pests from infected area to pest free area.

  4. Historical Overview on EPQ Firstly: Development of Plant Quarantine legislation • In 1902 , the pink boll worm entered Egypt via infested Cotton seed consignment imported from India. • Egypt started to apply the concept of Plant Quarantine in 1904, with issuance of law No. 10 which followed by law No. 21 of 1906 and law No. 1 of 1916. • The law no. 1 of 1916 prohibited cotton plant and cotton plant parts and live harmful plant pests. • Laws and regulated decrees are followed • The agriculture law no. 53 of 1966 was the last law which includes in article 3 the subject 5 which are organizing the work by Plant Quarantine legislation ministerial decree organizing Plant Quarantine work. • These legislation were updated in 2001 by ministerial decree no. 3007, modification of scientific names for many pests was taken into consideration, in addition pests and treatments weren't listed in previous legislation are added. • Modernization of this law is currently done to comply with the international updates.

  5. Secondly:development of plant quarantine structure • On the 10TH OF November 1910 the law 34 was issued with the establishment of Agriculture institution. • Ministry of Agriculture was established in 1913 included Plant Quarantine office under insects department. • In 1938, plant protection department was established and followed by custom Plant Quarantine branch and their office in ports and entry point. • In 1940, Plant Quarantine became department followed plant protection institute and offices became branches. • In 1958 Plant Quarantine department became under supervision of plant protection institute which include three departments in Alexandria, Cairo, Canal. • In addition Exporters’ Service Office was established in Alex which becomes supervision in 1960.

  6. In 1964 and with ministerial decree no 3651 Plant Quarantine became independent administration and was separated from plant protection under its affiliation six supervisions each one include many departments. • In 1992 , general administration became central administration of Plant Quarantine under its affiliation one general administration include different administrations. • In 2004 the general administration divided into 5 general administrations.

  7. Plant Quarantine Principles • Quarantine procedures applied on plant consignments should be based on scientific and legal bases without adding any trade obstacles. • Phytosanitary measures shall be formulated in clear and simple phrases. • Phytosanitary measures shall be limited to the extent necessary to protect plant health. • All possible efforts shall be exerted to raise the citizens’ awareness of the goals of Plant Quarantine system. • Phytosanitary regulations should be amended immediately when circumstances change or new information arouse. • Any Phytosanitary measure should be cancelled immediately, when: • Achieving the goals behind this measure. • The measure is not scientifically based. • The measure fails to achieve the intended goal.

  8. The Administrative System of Egyptian Plant Quarantine Central Administration of Plant Quarantine General administration in Suez and South Sinai General administration in port said and north Sinai General administration in Alex. and West Delta General administration in Cairo airport and cargo village General administration in Cairo and South valley Cargo village village New International Old International Rafah El Oga El Arish Ismailia Damietta Port-said Aswan Custom Safaga Sea port Cairo Post El Asher CuEl Obour custom 6 October custom Sabteya Custom Noweibaa Al dabeya Sukhna Port Tawfic Cargo village Dekheila Sea port Nozha airport El Salloum Boundary Alex Sea port .

  9. Egyptian Plant Quarantine Responsibilities • Inspection of plant component of export, import, transit, passenger luggage and post packages, and apply necessary quarantine regulations in each case. • Reporting the occurrence of quarantine pests and regulated non quarantine pests. • Reject the entry of quarantine pests through regulating importation of plant, plant products and other regulated articles. • Regulating exportation of plants and plant products in order to comply with phytosanitary requirements of importing country. • Determining areas used as quarantine. • Application of post entry quarantine procedures when necessary. • Monitoring the pest occurrence in country territories. • Coordination and cooperation with international and regional organization and relevant scientific institution in order to be familiar with the updates in the phytosanitary field.

  10. Arrange training programs, seminars, workshops and conferences to update pest status and raising the society awareness of the phytosanitary importance. • Fulfill the international commitments of pest reporting. • Disseminate information about regulated pests and how to eliminate their entry and control them. • Apply quarantine treatments on imported, exported and transit consignments. • Inspect imported plants for planting. • Inspect and certify packing stations and heat treatment units. • Ratify bilateral agreements and protocols regarding cooperation in the agricultural fields. • Co-operating in market opening for Egyptian exports by setting out the technical agreements.

  11. Legal framework of Plant Quarantine • Agriculture law No. 53/1966. • Egyptian Plant Quarantine legislation (Decree No. 3007/2001). • Decrees of Plant Quarantine Works Committees. • Conditions and standards of relevant international agreements. • Quarantine conditions of imported countries. • Regional, bilateral and multilateral agreements

  12. Submit an application For inspection of an imported Consignment ImportQuarantine Procedures Inspection in point of arrival Non infested consignment Infested consignment Non-quarantine pest Quarantine pest Release Phytosanitary measure Refuse the consignment Destruction Re-Export

  13. Submit an application For inspection of an export consignment Export Quarantine Procedures Inspection according to the Import country’s legislation. Consignment Not-compliant Consignment is compliant Consignment passed to export Phytosanitary certificate issuance Refuse export

  14. Post-Entry Quarantine Isolation garden Isolation in importer farms Infested Infested Healthy Healthy Restriction on importer expense Release

  15. Proposed fields of cooperation between Egypt and Italy in the sphere of Plant Quarantine • Rapid alert system. • Market access • Computerization the Plant Quarantine. • Supporting and increasing the efficiency of the staff. • Restructuring the Plant Quarantine to achieve good and rapid performance. • Establishing unit to create and maintain the pest free areas for the different exporting crops. • Updating the infrastructure (fumigators, administrative buildings, laboratories).

  16. Develop a data base and a website for the Plant Quarantine. • Establishing primary laboratories to inspect the consignments in the main ports. • Establishing and implementing international quarantine conditions for the inspection station and the quarantine treatment. • Establishing central quarantine area includes the main building for Plant Quarantine and the other buildings to perform the different activities (inspection , stations, treatment stations, quarantine green houses , fridges, stores). • Establish The Plant Quarantine library. • Generalization the uniform of the Plant Quarantine.

  17. Thank You

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