Couplet By: Sunpyo Hong
What is Couplet? • A couplet is a pair of lines of Verse. It usually consists of two lines that rhyme and have the same meter. Couplets with a meter of iambic pentameter are called heroic couplets. Couplet poems are hence, the first step for anyone to start writing poetry.
What is Couplet?(2) • A couplet is a poem made of two lines of rhyming poetry that usually have the same meter. Two words that rhyme can be called a couplet.
Examples • My friend has eyes like mud. He always chews his cud. The words mud and cud are end rhymes. • His hair looks like burnt hay. At full moons he will bay. The words hay and bay are end rhymes.
Example(2) • I swam in a pool. But it was to cool. The word pool and cool are end rhymes. • I threw 4-seam fastball instead of cutter. But cutter was better. The word cutter and better are end rhymes.
Bibliography • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Couplet • http://www.poemsall.com/couplet_poems.html