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Letter of Jude. By: Mirel Mingo and Chrisha Nario. Author. Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James, a relative of Jesus (half-brother). Highly educated, Greek speaking. An unknown celebrity of the early church.
Letter of Jude By: Mirel Mingo and Chrisha Nario
Author • Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James, a relative of Jesus (half-brother). • Highly educated, Greek speaking. • An unknown celebrity of the early church. • Honest and forceful encouraging a stand in firm beliefs and to develop opposite from their opponents. • Common material between Jude and second Peter
Date Written • nothing to identify, • possibly during life of Jesus’ brothers’ • mid to late 1st C. A.D. 60’s - 90’s
Description of Recipient- Community • all Christians(those who are called beloved in God the Father and kept safe for Jesus Christ); • writer assured God would reveal truth in Final Judgment.
Situational Details • to warn addressees against false teachers; • denunciation of false teachers critical issue • Very general, location not indicated
Summary 1: 1-2 He greets those who he is writing to, all Christians 1: 3-4 states he is writing about contending to the faith handed down from holy ones.
Summary • 1: 5-16 he reminds us of previous times when people no longer believed • God saved the people of Egypt and later killed those who did not believe • Angels who have disobeyed have gone to hell • Sodom and Gomorrah were also examples of God’s punishment • Dreamers, Michael, Cain, Balaam
Summary • 1: 17-23 exhortation he tells Christians to remain faithful to God and wait for his mercy. • 1: 24-25 doxology reminds us about the power of God and to be faithful
Key Verses 1:3 “Beloved, although I was making every effort to write to you about our common salvation, I now feel a need to write to encourage you to contend with the faith that was once for all handed down to the holy ones.” He was going to write about the teachings derived from apostolic preaching kept by Christians, he writes reminding all to keep their faith and not to stray away from it. 1: 17-19 “But you, beloved, remember the words spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, for they told you, “In the last time there will be scoffers who will live according to their own godless desires.” these are the ones who cause divisions…” He reminds us that the apostles warned us in the past of these false teachers and we must always be aware of them
Key Verses 1:14-15 “Behold the Lord has come with his countless holy ones to execute judgment on all and to convict everyone for all the godless deeds they have committed and for all the harsh words godless sinners have uttered against him.” This he cites from Enoch explaining that this was prophesized about before he even started writing about it. 1: 24-25 “To the one who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you unblemished and exultant, in the presence of his glory, to the only God, our savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord be glory, majesty, power and authority from ages past , now and for ages to come. Amen” This is to repeat that this letter is for God who is the most powerful and above any false teachers.
Works Cited Branick, Vincent P. Understanding the New Testament and Its Message: An Introduction. New York: Paulist, 1998. Print. LeCompte, Teresa. Journey through the New Testament. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Religion, 2006. Print. Miller, Stephen M., and Paul Gross. How to Get into the Bible. Nashville: T. Nelson, 1998. Print. "The Letter of Jude." Fireside New American Bible. Personal Study ed. Wichita: Fireside, 2009. 1369-371. Print "Jude." Free Bible Commentary. Web. 14 Mar. 2012. <www.freebiblecommentary.org/>. "Jude-Thru the Bible Radio." Object Moved. Web. 14 Mar. 2012. http://www.thruthebible.org/ Biblestudytools.com
Letter to the Colossians Mirel Mingo Chrisha Nario
Author: Paul • Date Written: About 63 AD • Description of Recipient-Community: • “Not funded nor even personally known by Paul” • Congregation at Colossae in the Lycus Valley in Asia Minor, east of Ephesus
Situational Details • Epaphras came with problems that look like superstitious fears of cosmic powers • Paul answered in a way that could be interpreted as simply telling them to shut up • Paul says that the real problem is that they don’t understand the role of Christ in the universe
Opening (1:1-20) • Thanksgiving for the faith and Colossians in response to the hope of the gospel (1:3-8) • Prayer that the Colossians are: • Filled with a knowledge of God’s will(1:9-14) • Living in a manner worthy of the Lord(1:10) • Strengthened by God’s power in endurance and patience with joy(1:11) • And to give thanks to the Father (1:12-14)
The Preeminence of Christ (1:15-23) • His Person (1:15-18) • He is the very image and manifestation of the true, invisible God (1:15) • He is the creator of the angels and their invisible and visible realm of this universe (1:16-17) • He is the head of the church (1:18) • His Work (1:19-23) • He in whom the fullness of God dwells reconciled to God by his cross all things on earth and in heaven (1:19-20) • He reconciled the Colossians and us, the sinful humans that we were, by his death to present us to God as holy and blameless, so long as we continue to believe the gospel (1:21-23)
Review of Paul’s Work (1:24-2:15) Paul rejoices in what he suffered for the sake of the Church to preach it (1:24-25) He reveals the formerly hidden mystery of Christ in you (1:26-27) He gives full assurance of understanding and true knowledge of God's mystery in Christ (2:1-3)
Life in Christ (2:6-15) • Walk in Christ Jesus the Lord and his gospel, for in him you have been rooted and built up (2:6-7) • Let no one take you captive by means of empty, deceptive philosophy (2:8-15) • Application to the errors in Colossae (2:16-23) • Let no one who delights in abasing himself as a humble person and who delights in the worship of angels deprive you of the prize that you have in Christ (2:18-19)
Ethical Exhortations (Instructions) • Have a new life in Christ, set your mind on the heavenly things (3:1-4) • Vices and Virtues (3:5-17) • “Be dead to sins” and live as a new spiritual person(3:5-11) • Display appropriate virtues (3:12-15) • Let the word of Christ fill your heart in your worship services, and do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus with thanksgiving (3:16-17) • Duties in Christian Life (3:18-4:1) • Let your new life with Christ be evident in your personal relationships • in marriage (3:18-19) • in your home as parents and/or children (3:20-21) • in your work place as employees/employers (3:22-4:1)
Conclusion Tychicus and Onesimus will inform the Colossians about Paul's circumstances (4:7-9) Personal greetings (4:10-15) Closing instructions (4:16-17) Paul’s personal closing greeting (4:18)
Works Cited "An Overview Of The Book Of Colossians." Christian Inconnect Home Page. Web. 14 Mar. 2012. <http://www.christianinconnect.com/colossians.htm>. Branick, Vincent P. Understanding the New Testament and Its Message. New York: Paulist, 1998. Print. Fireside New American Bible (Personal Study Ed). Fireside Catholic, 2009. Print. LeCompte, Teresa. Journey Through the New Testament. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Religion, 2006. Print. Palmer, Earl E. Discovering Philippians and Colossians (The Guideposts Home Bible Study Program). Carmel, NY: Guideposts, 1985. Print. Sumney, Jerry L. Colossians: A Commentary. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2008. Print. Wright, N. T. The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians and to Philemon: An Introduction and Commentary. Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity, 1986. Print.