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Eliminating Competition with Railroads

Eliminating Competition with Railroads. Small, independent lines were $$ to run, many began to consolidate consolidate : ______________________ ( larger buys smaller OR forces them out of business). Eliminating Competition with Railroads. Large r&r companies offered rebates

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Eliminating Competition with Railroads

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  1. Eliminating Competition with Railroads • Small, independent lines were $$ to run, many began to consolidate • consolidate: ______________________ • (larger buys smaller OR forces them out of business)

  2. Eliminating Competition with Railroads • Large r&r companies offered rebates • rebates: __________________________________________________________________________ • forced many smaller companies out of business • hurt small shippers (farmers)

  3. Eliminating Competition with Railroads • Large r&r companies try to help each other out by • Eliminating the small companies • Creating pools • pools: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  4. Pools - This hurts farmers as it keeps shipping prices high • Sometimes farmers burned crops for fuel to drive • Populist party re-emerges & calls for gov’t regulation of rail rates • R&R companies simply bribed politicians to avoid changing rules

  5. Railroads Fuel the Economy • Creates thousands of jobs • ________________ turn iron to steel for tracks/ engines • _________________ make railroad ties • ________________ use coal to fuel engines • R&R companies employ workers – laid track, built trestles, carved tunnels, built stations

  6. Railroads Fuel the Economy • New ways of managing business • Create special departments for shipping/ accounting/ servicing equipment • Expert managers followed by ______________________________ (trickle down) RAILROADS OPEN THE COUNTRY TO GROWTH • Brings people in the expanded West together • Allows new businesses to boom • Allows towns to spread • Creates a network for the country

  7. Growth of Steel Industry Growth of railroads spark growth of steel industry • Early trains – ___________ rails (wore out quickly) • _____________– much stronger/ not likely to rust • Problem: expensive/ difficult to make

  8. Bessemer Process • 1850s • __________________________________________________________________________ • Railroads: steel rails • Builder: nails, screws, needles • Architects: steel supports for skyscrapers Steel mills pop up all over the country & bring pollution

  9. Carnegie’s Empire Now controlled all phases of the steel industry - ____________– iron ore - ____________– create the steel - Railroads – laying iron track & shipping finished product - _________________– shipping finished product

  10. ___________________________ a single manufacturer controls all of the steps used to change raw materials into finished products Horizontal Integration “___________________” – consolidating companies to monopolize an industry

  11. Monopoly a single owner or company COMPLETELY controls the ________________of a product/ industry

  12. Carnegie • Believed that the rich had a duty to help the poor & improve society • This idea: “The Gospel of wealth” (gives millions $$ to charities) • Sells steel empire in 1901 & spends rest of time/$$ helping people

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