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Interactions with WFOs. Kevin Fuell, Geoffrey Stano. NWS SSD and NASA/SPoRT Meeting 3 March, 2010. National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville, AL. transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations. Training - Relevance to NASA/SPoRT.
Interactions with WFOs Kevin Fuell, Geoffrey Stano NWS SSD and NASA/SPoRT Meeting 3 March, 2010 National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville, AL transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
Training - Relevance to NASA/SPoRT What does “source density” mean? The “T” in SPoRT does not stand for “training” so why do it? • Key part of supporting the transition of products • Provide information on products to be tested and evaluated • Communicate to other partners the lessons learned from initial testing • Demonstrate utility and application to a forecast issue • Bottom line: These are adult learners who mainly want to know how to apply the product in the workplace. Why use it with radar? I can apply it to more than just svrwx? Really? Total? Meaning it shows the CGs that the NLDN misses? transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
Interactions via co-location and site visits – Kinesthetic and Audio/Visual Learning First Hand Feedback • Science Sharing and co-location visits at HUN • Hands-on demo product SPoRT provides for specific forecast application • Quickly answer questions (both ways) • Display real-time data for discussion • Interactions and use in HUN’s Collaborative Research Area led to first web-based training • Visits to other WFOs • Present training on specific products that apply to high priority forecast items • BMX (x2), OHX, MRX – LMA, MODIS fog, LIS, ADAS • HGX – MODIS SST, LMA • CRP – MODIS RGB and fog, • SMG – MODIS SST, LMA • MLB – LMA, MODIS SST • ABQ – LMA, TPW, MODIS RGB and fog Science Talk in Operations Area GOES Aviation Fog Depth and Low Cloud Base transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
Tele-training • Bi-monthly Coordination Calls • Present training on a relevant topic (seasonal, new product, reminder) • Attendees hear what other users are doing (peer-to-peer learning) • Advocates can communicate this info or link to module/PPT to rest of the office • MRX = Doug Schneider • OHX = Jim Moser • BMX = Kevin Laws • MOB = Steve Miller, Brian Daly • MLB = Tony Cristaldi • CRP = Waylon Collins • HGX = Kent Prochazka • SMG = Brian Hoeth, Doris Hood • ABQ = Brian Guyer, Annette Mokry • ITOs contact us with data issues MODIS SuiteOctober 2008 MODIS in GFEApril 2009 NALMA / Eval prepApril 2009 AMSR-E June 2009 MODIS/GOES Hybrid October 2009 MODIS “Fog”August 2009 transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
Distance Learning • Development of short, easily digestible training modules that are web-based and incorporate simple instructional design methods. • Articulate Presenter • Incorporates examples by active WFOs • Aim is for 15 minutes or less • Working with Brian Motta (NWS/FDTB) to add modules to NOAA LMS for easier use and tracking by WFOs • Bottom line: Provides training to a variety of learning styles, is interactive, and is tailored to end users. Example of inserting interactive questions to reinforce learning and allow user to confirm their understanding. transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
Aviation Product Training • NESDIS asked SPoRT to transition GOES Low Cloud Base and Fog Depth products • Developed 15 minute module and introduced MODIS Fog product during evaluation • User feedback indicates interest in MODIS high resolution fog product • Developed 8 minute module on MODIS Spectral Difference (i.e. Fog) • User feedback provided to NESDIS product developers: • Combine the two products • Greater delineation of low clouds ceilings below 1000 ft • Increase frequency of LCB product • Application of fog depth to MODIS Graphics: screen grab of a interior page of module MODIS “Fog”at 1km resolution vs. 4km GOES transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
MODIS Fog • Demo • Created as a lead into evaluation • Increase learning by……. • Relevant - demonstrates application with user-provided examples • August 28, 2008 – HUN river valley case • September 7, 2008 – HUN & MRX radiational case • April 27, 2009 – HUN variable topography case • Pre-existing Knowledge - Illustrates how it adds value to standard data • User feedback leading to improvements in MODIS fog product and a follow up training module http://weather.msfc.nasa.gov/sport/training/MODIS_fog_training/launcher.html transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
Total Lightning Training I http://weather.msfc.nasa.gov/sport/training/LMA/launcher.html • Stems from delivering presentations during several site visits • Crafted from user discussions and examples • Educates users of CG vs total lightning • What is “source density”? • Describes applications • Lightning II - simulation/scenario based • First CG • Classic severe wx • Marginal severe to non-warning event Source density, VIL, Reflectivity 0.5, 1.3 transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
CIRA Blended TPW • CIRA asked SPoRT to distribute its Blended TPW and associated Anomaly product • Several SPoRT WFOs provided feedback of positive value • MFL – tracking tropical waves, incr. lead time for flooding events • MLB – monitor trends and plumes • HUN – validation of model short-term forecast • Mutli-agency effort to create training led by SPoRT • Product content from CIRA experts • Cases from SPoRT users • Application from national center uses Miami, FL submitted case of increased lead time to flooding transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
Future work - Training MODIS /GOES Hybrid of derived or multichannel products • Increase individual Science Sharing and Feedback sessions with WFOs for specific products via telecon • Continue creating a library of short training modules for SPoRT suite • Develop training with GOES-R Proving Ground partners • Possible ABI-proxy product module • Per request of PG partners – we are in the process of creating a total lightning module that will include GLM-like products MODIS GOES transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
MODIS SST and NASA LIS for WRF EMS – SPoRT interaction w/ WFOs • MODIS SST composites and LIS surface fields (i.e. soil moisture,…) • SST at 1 km, LIS at 3 km / 1 km nest • J. Case regular interactions w/ MFL, MOB, BMX • 6-month SST impact study with MFL and current discussions of including LIS • Re-run of TS. Claudette case for MOB to examine impact of SST • Currently discussing use of LIS surface fields for upcoming BMX project to improve short-term convection fcst • J. Case provides support to WRF-EMS developer to add NASA data options Graphic: get SST composites and some other WRF output graphic transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
How NASA data in AWIPS II is possible and how it will change things… • HUN co-location makes it easier and faster to transition data. • Jason Burks part of NCLADT • Presently create several grids at varying resolutions to cover geographic areas of interest • i.e. 4km conus, 1km region, 500m state, 250m WFO scales • AWIPS II should allow 1 data file at the highest resolution. Then just zoom and pan. • Can NWS bandwidth handle it? • Can AWIPS II graphic card handle it? • Data to be sent in a more raw form to retain higher fidelity transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations
Data Distribution via NWS Regions • “Have it your way.” • FTP to LDM • Support from NWS Regions • Increased resources to maintain/monitor data flow • Fewer disruptions to end users • Shorter time during outages • Established main points of contact for improved communication AMSRE MODIS CIRA GOES Aviation ADAS Total Lightning SPoRT SRHQ ERHQ WRHQ CRHQ PRHQ ARHQ Local WFOs transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations