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Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP)

This training module provides a comprehensive guide on navigating the Funding Application process in the CCIP system. Learn about sections, budgeting, grant details, validations, and more. Ensure a smooth funding application process with step-by-step instructions and tips.

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Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP)

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  1. Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP) Training Module 4 Funding Application

  2. Agenda • Funding Applications main page • Sections • Navigation • Budget • Grant Details • Plan Relationships • Related Documents • Validations • Errors versus Warnings CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  3. Now that Needs Assessment and Planning Tool is Complete… Click on Funding to go to the Funding Application main page. CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  4. Funding Applications Main Page • You should see ‘2018’ in areas highlighted • You should see ‘Extended Learning and Integrated Students Supports’ listed as a Competitive Funding Application • Click on ‘Extended Learning and Integrated Students Supports’ to get to the Sections page CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  5. Sections Page CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  6. Sections - Status • Displays current status and next possible status(es) • Only displays next possible status for application • If user lacks permission, the status change confirmation screen will indicate that • Application Status must be at ‘Draft Started’ to enter data CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  7. Navigating to Budget Page CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  8. Budget Page • Enter budget data for ELISS • Highest level amounts (rolled up to Parent codes) CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  9. Funding App Page Navigation • Go To / Save and Go To menu allows navigation between any pages in funding application CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  10. Save and Go To…continued • Using Save and Go To refreshes session timeout • Save and Go To Current Page: Saves changes to the page and keeps user on that page • Save and Go To Next Page: Saves changes to the page and moves user to next page in that section • Save and Go To Previous Page: Saves changes to the page and moves user to previous page in that section • If no previous or next page exist, user is returned to Sections page • Clicking on an item with list of sub-items is same as clicking on that item’s first sub-item CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  11. Or Go Back to Sections Page CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  12. Grant Details Page CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  13. Grant Details Page (Cont’d) There are 12 sections in total on the Grant Details page CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  14. Plan Relationships • Read-only page!!! • Targeted view of data from Planning Tool that is linked to this grant • Link to grant exists when there is a Goal and Strategy, plus a Fiscal Resource indicating tie to this grant How it appears in the Planning Tool How it appears on Plan Relationships page in the Funding Application CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  15. Related Documents Page CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  16. Related Documents • Must attach additional documentation to application • Documents may be required or optional • Clicked links will open in new browser window CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  17. Adding a Related Document • Browse for file to upload • Enter a Document Name (optional) • If left blank, name of required document is used • Displays on Related Documents page, under “Document/Link” column CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  18. After File Upload CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  19. Page Locking • Pages are locked down when application is in approval process (any status other than Draft Started) • Application must be returned unapproved if changes are desired to an application that is in approval process • CCIP prevents multiple users from editing the same page simultaneously • User will see message indicating the user that is locking the page • Lock is released after that user leaves the page or his session times out CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  20. Validations • Business rule checks • System automatically runs validation as application is completed • Validation issues on the Sections page, under the Validation column • Messages do not appear on the page as user fills out data CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  21. Validations…continued • Two types of validation messages • Errors: Prevent submission of application • Warnings: Point out potential issues but allow submission • Filtering Messages • All: Show every message • Section: Show all messages for pages in that section • Page: Show all messages for that page CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  22. Validations…continued • Each message is a clickable link • Clicking link will take user to the screen on which the issue occurred CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

  23. Activity • Navigate to the Funding Application • Click on Extended Learning and Integrated Student Supports • From the Sections page, click on ‘Draft Started’ • Click on ‘Budget’ – enter amounts • Navigate to ‘Grant Details’ page – use Go To function or launch from Sections page • Fill in some boxes on Grant Details, then back to Sections to view Validations • Add a Related Document • Practice entering data and looking at Messages – What Happens in Training, Stays in Training! CCIP Training Module 4 - Funding App

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