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Effects of Culture on Fertility: Anthropological Contibution

Effects of Culture on Fertility: Anthropological Contibution. Robert. A Levine and Susan C M Scrimshaw. Wiji Nogroho , 5 Maret 2013. Point 1. Studi Antropogi sangat penting dalam mendukung , melengkapi dan mengembangkan teori demografi yang ada .

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Effects of Culture on Fertility: Anthropological Contibution

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  1. Effects of Culture on Fertility:Anthropological Contibution Robert. A Levine and Susan C M Scrimshaw WijiNogroho, 5 Maret 2013

  2. Point 1 • StudiAntropogisangatpentingdalammendukung, melengkapidanmengembangkanteoridemografi yang ada. • Informasidanpengetahuanmengenai “culture related fertility” pentingdiketahuidemografer. • Studiantropologiterkaitfertilitasdapatdilihatmenjadi 2 bagianyakni: secaramakrodanmikro.

  3. Point 2 Secaramakromeliputi: • Population homeostatis • Culture and reproductive success • Social structure and fertility • Cultural evolution and population growth • Environment and reproduction

  4. Point 3 Secaramikromeliputi: • Union Formation and dissolution • Sexual intercouse within union • Contraceptive use • Abortion • Infanticide • Fertility decision making • Famili form and fertility • Women activities and roles • Value of children • Infant mortality and fertility

  5. Point 4 • Metodepenelitian: Lebihmendalam(unique) dibandingkan “large scale survey” • Kuantitatifmaupunkualitatif, menghabiskanlebihbanyakwaktudalammewawancaraataumengamatisuatuperilaku • Kombinasidarikuesioner, wawancaramendalam (terbuka), observasi, maupunhistorical

  6. Pembahasan • Culture and Fertility • Major anthropological area of fertility: macro and micro • Method

  7. Culture and Fertility • SudutpandangberbedaDemografer+EkonomvsAntropologterkait “culture and fertility” • Demograferdanekonom: Dipandangsebagaiduasisiyakni irrational (norma, nilai, haltabu) dan rational (pandangan“local cost-benefit”) • Antropolog: nilaisosial yang telah lama adadannormatif (bagaimanaseharusnya), panduanperilakusosialdalammasyarakat.

  8. Culture: sebagaiprosesadaptasiterhadapalam secaraturuntemurun  kelahiran, kematiandanpenyakit. • Antropolog: when, how, how culture change.  sebagaisuatuproses.

  9. Contoh “natural fertility” = kemampuanreproduksipadawanitatanpaadanyausahasecarasengajauntukmengurangiataumenghindarikelahiran. • Antropolog: adanyaperbedaan “natural fertility” lebihdilihatdarisisipengaruhtaklangsung (indirect determinant). Jarakkelahiranatauperilakuseksualhinggapoligami/poliandri.

  10. Antropolog to demografer: Jarakkelahiran, pemakaiankontrasepsi modern, perilakuseksual, transisidemografi, hinggaperkawinanpadasuatusistemsosial (poligami/poliandri). • page and lesthaeghe, 1981; Arensberg and Niehoff, 1971. • Pendekatanilmuantropologimenjadipentingketikasumber data mengenaiperilakusangatterbatas.

  11. Macro level Area 1. Population Homeostatis: wynne-edward (1961), population size represents an adaptation to specific environment (including the way that environment is utilized). 2. Culture and reproductive success: maximum reproductive success in the form of genetic representation in the next generation. Ex: birth spacing vs survival children

  12. 3. Social Structure and Fertility: the way a society is organized, produce behavioral norm that influence fertility. Australian and Amazon culture. 4. Cultural evolution in relation to population Growth: population growth and intensification of agricultural. 5. Environment and reproduction: ??????

  13. Micro Level Area • Union Formation an Dissolution: • Sexual Intercouse within union: • Contraseptive use: • Induced Abortion

  14. 5. Infanticide: terkaitperang, danterkaitperilakusosial east indian, newborn female. 6. Fertility decision making: terkaitpengaruhdarilaki-lakidanperempuanterhadapkeputusanfertilitas, tahapan life cycle padaperempuanbaiksecarabiologismaupun cultural. 7. Family form and fertility: terkaitfertilitaspada nuclear dan extended family.

  15. 8. Womens activities and roles: terkaitwanitabekerjadanlaktasiterhadap status wanitadanfertilitas. East indiansgrdptanakstlhmenikah. 9. Value of children: terkaitanak yang bekerjapada small family dan large family, bahkanhinggadewasa 10. Infant mortality and fertility: tingginyamortalitasdiakibatkanperilakutingginyafertilitas. Perbedaanperilakupadaanakmortalitas

  16. Method • Penelitiansuatu “social behavior” both: kuantitatifmaupunkualitatif. • Survey/sensus studilebihmendalam • Tinggalditempatstudi, observasilangsung, waktu yang lama, wawancaramendalam. • Terkaitfertilitas: perilakuinduced abortion, infanticided, contraseptive use, perilakuseksual  penggaliansecaraluas.

  17. Keahlianpenelitisangatmenentukanhasil • Ilmuantropologi (dlmhalinietnografi) bermanfaatdlmvaliditas data hasil • misal: penggunaankatadalamkuesioner, hasil yang dianggaptidak relevant (konfirmasi), menambahinformasimisalkelahiran yang terlaludekat, migrasidll.

  18. Kesimpulan • Penelitianmengenaikependudukanakansemakinbermanfaat, kayainformasijikadilihatbaikdarisisidemografermaupunantropolog. • Para demografertidakbolehmengabaikanpenemuanantropolog, demikiansebaliknyaantropologmemberikankontibusi yang baikjikamerekamemasukanunsurdemografisesuailiteraturdanilmudemografi.

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