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Adaptive Hypermedia and The Semantic Web Socrates course UPB Romania Course 4. Dr. Alexandra Cristea acristea@dcs.warwick.ac.uk http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~acristea/. MOT. pronounced “ moh ” like the French word for word M y O nline T eacher
Adaptive Hypermedia and The Semantic Web Socrates courseUPB RomaniaCourse 4 Dr. Alexandra Cristea acristea@dcs.warwick.ac.uk http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~acristea/
MOT • pronounced “moh” like the French word for word • My Online Teacher • Is an authoring system for creation of adaptive and adaptable (educational) hypermedia, based on the LAOS and LAG models.
Papers on MOT • implementation papers: • first (educational) MOT paper (ITCC'03) ; http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/~acristea/HTML/Minerva/papers/ITCC03-cristea-mooij.doc • MOT automatic linking paper (ITC'03) http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/~acristea/HTML/Minerva/papers/ITC03-cristea-mooij.doc • MOT evaluation papers: • URD evaluation (CATE'03) ; http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/~acristea/HTML/Minerva/papers/CATE-cristea-mooij.doc • Student evaluations (SAC04, ATL journal ‘04); http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/~acristea/HTML/Minerva/papers/CristeaSAC04CameraReadyLast+2give.doc http://www.actapress.com/onlinejournals/208vol1,%202004/issue_2/208-0805.pdf
Steps to MOT system usage: • http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/~acristea/mot.html • MOT user guide • MOT generalities & installation • MOT known bugs
MOT system components • An interface for creation of content http://prolearn.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/AH-RO-2007/old_MOT/ • Creates Conceptmaps and Lessons • An interface to upload adaptive strategies http://prolearn.dcs.warwick.ac.uk:8022/aha/author/AMt/AMt.html • Adaptive strategies are created as text documents in the latest version (the old interface is incompatible)
MOT LAG language
1. Content creation in MOT • Conceptmaps*: • Concept maps (with attributes) • Represent the domain model (e.g., of the course) • Book-like hierarchical structures • Contain the links to the actual resources (via attributes) • Allow also non-hierarchical links (relatedness links) • Order of concepts or attributes of (almost) no importance * see also MOT Glossary
1. Content creation in MOT • Lessons*: • Concept maps (with attributes) • Represent the goal and constraints model • e.g., represent the pedagogical view on the course • A filtered (ordered, weighted and labeled) version of the Conceptmaps, with pointers to the original content * see also MOT Glossary
1. Content creation in MOT: Conceptmaps* * see also MOT Glossary
author username Domain maps the author’s own maps other author’s maps
MOT Conceptmap • Consists of a hierarchy of concepts and their attributes
Concept hierarchy Conceptmap name Current concept attributes of the current concept
Concept attributes in the Conceptmap • Should contain ONLY domain-related content • So: no prerequisites, no pedagogic information
Domain Concept attribute creation concept attribute Current concept
Editing an attribute • text input window in the left hand panel • cut& paste any type of text you wish, • including (X)HTML/ XML !! • Condition: you are the author of this Conceptmap.
Adding children concepts Adding more attributes Adding Relatedness relations
1. Content creation in MOT: Lessons* • Concept maps (with attributes) • Represent the goal and constraints model • e.g., represent the pedagogical view on the course • A filtered (ordered, weighted and labeled) version of the Conceptmaps, with pointers to the original content • The order is interpreted as order in which the contents (concepts) should be seen • The labels give qualitative information about the contents • The weights give quantitative information about the contents • Weights and labels are only allowed for groups of concepts connected with an OR, to inform about the comparative desirability of the list of concepts. (if concepts are connected with an AND, they are interpreted as equally desirable) * see also MOT Glossary
Lessons by the current author Lessons by other authors
Weights of sublesson Labels of sublesson Ordering of lessons
Group alternatives Group of Sub- lessons
Note: • The meaning of the weights & labels is given by the adaptation strategy!
Bugs & known problems for MOT • If you use html or other tags with MOT, then the lesson view might behave irregularly (because the teacher view truncates the text). • The solution is NOT to have html tags in the first 30 characters of the text (or to close them within the first 30 chars).
MOT terms glossary • http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/~acristea/HTML/USI/MOT/help/MOTterms-glossary.txt
MOT Glossary extract: • adaptation assembly language: this language is the basis of adaptive hypermedia adaptation. It consists of IT-THEN constructs. • adaptation strategy: adaptation strategies are equivalent to small programs telling the inference engine how to adapt to the student's needs. These strategies are written in MOT-ADAPT, in a special language developed, called adaptation language, or in adaptation assembly language. See adaptation language and adaptation assembly language. • adaptation language: the adaptation language is a language for creating adaptation strategies. It borrows some language constructs from other programming languages, but also offers some structure dependent constructs, that use the MOT concept domain hierarchy. See also, for the actual programming constructs and grammar, the document: LAGgrammar.doc
MOT Glossary extract: • adaptation map: all the information about the actual dynamics of the system is contained in the adaptation map. In MOT, the adaptation map is represented by an instantiated adaptation strategy. • adaptation model: the adaptation model in MOT is based on the LAOS model. This model is also called the LAG model. The adaptation model is instantiated in the adaptation map. The instantiation takes place by creating adaptation strategies with the help of adaptation language. • AM: same as adaptation map.
MOT Glossary extract: • concept: a concept in MOT is built of a collection of attributes. A concept can have sub-concepts, if it is part of a hierarchy (hierarchical relation). A concept can belong to a domain model, a lesson model, a user model and a presentation model. A concept is instantiated in a concept instance. • Conceptmap: This is a historical name for the domain map. See domain map. • concept map: All the information in MOT is structured in concept maps. These are graph instances with nodes and links between them. Most links in MOT are directional. The most frequently used link type in concept maps in MOT is the hierarchical link type. See also Concept, Conceptmap.
MOT Glossary extract: • domain concept map: same as domain map. • domain map: The domain map is a concept map containing all the nodes, links and structures that correspond to the domain model. It is an instantiation of the domain model. Moreover, the domain map in MOT also links to the actual resources of the course. • domain model: the domain model in MOT is based on the LAOS model. The domain model in MOT is instantiated in the domain map. See also DefinitionsLAOS.doc for the same item.
MOT Glossary extract: • GM: same as goal and constraints map. • goal and constraints model: the LAOS goal and constraints model is represented in MOT by the lesson model, and instantiated in the lesson maps. See also DefinitionsLAOS.doc for the same item.
MOT Glossary extract: • LAG model: this is the 3-layered model of adaptation in LAOS. It is built of adaptation strategies, adaptation language and adaptation assembly language. • LAOS model: the LAOS model is the theoretical framework of the MOT system. MOT doesn't implement at present the whole LAOS model. See also DefinitionsLAOS.doc for the same item.
MOT Glossary extract: • lesson: same as lesson map. • lesson map: the lesson map is an instantiation of the lesson model. The lesson map in MOT is a concept map containing all the nodes, attributes, links and structures that correspond to the pedagogical model. If the aim is not at education, than it contains goal related information and linking. Relations such as prerequisites appear in the lesson map. The lesson map will in future contain also attributes allowing narrative smoothing. • lesson model: the lesson model is a goal and constraints model for educational purposes. It can, however, be streched for extended usage. LM: same as lesson map.
MOT Glossary extract: • MOTadapt: same as MOT-ADAPT. • MOT-ADAPT: This is actually a part of MOT, but it was developed later, and therefore has a different name for distinction. It refers only to the authoring of the adaptive strategies, based on adaptation language and adaptation assembly language. • MOT: My Online Teacher, pronounced "moh" like the French word for "word". It is an Authoring System for (Educational) Adaptive Hypermedia. It is built in Perl and works with MySQL databases. pedagogic strategy: this is an adaptation strategy with pedagogical purpose. See also adaptation strategy.
MOT Glossary extract: • presentation map: the presentation map is an instantiation of the presentation model. The presentation map contains all the nodes, attributes, links and structures populated with the information that corresponds to the presentation on the screen. Attributes about the color of the background or forground, booleans about if something is presented or not, display dependent attributes are all in this map. MOT's presentation map will soon be available. At the moment, MOT features only two types of presentations: teacher view and student view. • presentation model: this model is based on the LAOS model. See also DefinitionsLAOS.doc for the same item.
MOT Glossary extract: • UM: same as user map. • user map: the user map is an instantiation of the user model. The presentation map contains all the nodes, attributes, links and structures populated with the information that corresponds to the user. Such information can be user knowledge, preferences, learning style, but also access of different concepts in the domain maps or lesson maps, etc. This feature is not present in the current version of MOT. • user model: this model is based on the LAOS model. See also DefinitionsLAOS.doc for the same item.