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jeudi le 9 mai. May 6 th -10 th French Plans. 7 th period-(4 th : F 2 R). 1. Warmup : notes: 294 , 296, 302
7th period-(4th: F 2 R) 1. Warmup: notes: 294, 296, 302 2. All work in (Wed.notes- (274, 276, 278-100%) & Wed. APT pages (pg. 89, 90: not ex. 3 at bottom, pg.93-94 all, pg.101-102 all-100% at TOP of class only, 70% later, 50% Fri). 3. Make sure you’re set for your game projects! Discuss with group, exchange info. REMINDER: MAJOR GRADE—game is due May 20th! Creative, correct, playable!
5th -F 2 PreAP Unit 4 workbook with audio Unit 3-5 DVD Work on borrowed words-due tomorrow for 105% Reminder: Verb board game project due 5/20. Must be creative, correct & playable! MAJOR GRADE!
French 1 – 7th (7:30-9:41) & 6th (9:47-11:58) 1.DUE NOW: All notes (196, 199, 200, 210 & 220. One time each & APT pgs. unit 4 lessons 11 & 12 (59-64). Reminder: “MOI” powerpoints in this week up until midnight Sunday for 105%. (sample): 2. Notes: IR, RE verbs-pgs. 278 & 290 (green/yellow). See: IR verbs: http://www.showme.com/sh/?h=XnxSLJY RE verbs:http://www.showme.com/sh/?h=Bt599Wq F 1 re and ir verbs intro.pptx 3. Review of ER* verbs & Aller/Venir**(next slides) 4. SONG practice: F 1 Oral grade La vie en rose.doc H/W: Study for quiz (Avoir, Aller, Venir) Monday! & Finish up your projects by Sunday for 105%
F 1-ETUDIEZ! http://www.showme.com/sh/?h=ZOOx8lM http://vimeo.com/59291691 http://www.showme.com/sh/?h=8zipUzw http://vimeo.com/56421849
F 1 ALLER: to go Je vais… Nous allons Tu vas Vousallez Il/Elle/On vaIlsvont “TO THE” Contractions: À + Le= AU (M)….au café! To the café! À + la= À LA (F)…à la plage! To the beach! À + l’= À l’ (V/H)…. à l’hôtel!To the hotel! À + Les= AUX (Pl)….Aux parcs!To the parks!
F 1-Venir- to come Je viens… Nous venons TuviensVousvenez Il/Elle/On vientIlsviennent “FROM THE” Contractions: De + le= Du (M) Du café. From the café. De + la= De la (F) De la plage. From the beach. De + l’ = De l’ (V/H) De l’école. From school. De + les= Des (Pl) Des magasins. From the stores.
F 1 On utiliseALLERpour… 1) going somewhere: ex: Je vais à la bibliothèque. 2) expressing how someone is: Çava? Oui, çava! ex: Comment vas-tu? Je vaisbien,merci. 3) expressing a future activity: ex: Nous allonsjouer au foot samedi. Vousalleztravaillerlundi? Marie ne va pas étudier!
* F 1: REVIEW:“ER” verbsHow do they work? nous --ons vous--ez ils/ellesent • Take the verb: parler • Take off the er: parl-- • Add the correct ending: je----e tu---es il/ellee
Observez!Le verbeparler 1.Nousparlons 2.Vousparlez 3.Ils/Ellesparlent If it’s in the boot, the ending is silent! 1.Jeparle 2.Tu parles 3.Il/Elleparle
Qu’est-cequeçaveut dire? (What does it mean?) Noustravaillons We work/we are working/do work Voustravaillez You work/you are working/do work Ils/Ellestravaillent They work/they are working/do work Je travaille I work/I am working/do work Tutravailles You work/you are working/do work Il/Elletravaille He/she works/ he/she is working/does work
F 1-A vous! (your turn)Le verbechanter Jechante Tuchantes Il/Elle chante Nouschantons Vouschantez Ils/Elleschantent SAY, then translate 3 ways!
F 1-A vous!Le verbeaimer Je becomes J’ before a verb beginning in a vowel sound. J’aime Tuaimes Il/Elleaime Nousaimons Vousaimez Ils/Ellesaiment
F 1-Le verbemanger Note:this is a “Ge verb”. The “e” is necessary in the “nous” form to keep the g soft. Same is true for all “ger” verbs. (Voyager, nager, etc.) Jemange Tumanges Il/Ellemange Nousmangeons Vousmangez Ils/Ellesmangent NEXT: IR & RE VERBS!!!