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Advocacy and Policy Influencing

Advocacy and Policy Influencing. August 6 th , 2013. Content. Terminologies Policy Influencing Principle Policy Influencing Cycle Stakeholders Principled Negotiation Role of Language in PI. Terminologies.

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Advocacy and Policy Influencing

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  1. Advocacy and Policy Influencing www.tawanmandi.org.af August 6th, 2013

  2. Content • Terminologies • Policy Influencing Principle • Policy Influencing Cycle • Stakeholders • Principled Negotiation • Role of Language in PI www.tawanmandi.org.af

  3. Terminologies • Policy Influencing is the deliberate and systematic process of influencing the policies, practices and behaviour of different targeted stakeholders that are most influential on the issue. • Lobbying: all activities whereby dialogue with those you want to change is central. It is agreement-driven and both parties are willing to work towards a agreement. • Advocacy: all activities that do not use violence and/or other illegal activities. This includes lobbying. www.tawanmandi.org.af

  4. Terminologies • Activism: activities that involve third parties in the process of change of influential stakeholders. Mostly this is the public, through campaigns and demonstrations. Activism overlaps with advocacy. However, activism also includes violent and illegal activities. • Awareness-raising: a pre-condition for policy influencing. Therefore it is generally part of policy influencing activities. It can never be an end in itself, but should be part of a strategy towards a pre-defined result (behavioural change). www.tawanmandi.org.af

  5. Policy Influencing Principles • Credibility: Why would people trust us, believe in us? • Legitimacy: Who or what gives you the right to interfere? • Accountability:How can you be transparent towards decision makers, back donors, and beneficiaries? • Service-oriented: How are you being helpful, and do you focus on win-win solutions? • Power:What is your power base and how do you use it? www.tawanmandi.org.af

  6. Credibility Credibility What & Credibility How www.tawanmandi.org.af

  7. Legitimacy Legitimacy What & Legitimacy How www.tawanmandi.org.af

  8. Accountability Accountability What & Accountability How www.tawanmandi.org.af

  9. Service Oriented Service oriented What & Service oriented How www.tawanmandi.org.af

  10. Power Power what & Power How www.tawanmandi.org.af

  11. When To Apply CLASP? CLASP should always be applied: • Throughout the whole PI Cycle • At the level of each step • At every moment of PI www.tawanmandi.org.af

  12. Fact finding Assessing outcome Alliance building Preparing deliverables Policy Influencing Cycle Identify the policy issue Issue analysis & Fact Finding Primary beneficiary Influence Impact on primary beneficiaries Stakeholders and interests Define policy issue Mapping of policy process Birth of EARLY message CLASP Delivery of FINAL message Lobby, media, campaign www.tawanmandi.org.af Strategic networking Prepare action plan Positioning Managing network dynamics Resourcing for PI-plan Policy influencing plan 12710.232

  13. Identifying/Defining the Policy Issue Identification: • More clear goal • Good outcome Defining: • Contextual analysis • Theory of Change • Involvement of stakeholders www.tawanmandi.org.af

  14. Contextual Analysis -The contextual analysis presents the baseline of your work. It is the departure point for planning your future interventions. -A contextual analysis should contain at least three types of analysis that sometimes overlap: • Analysis of actors (Stakeholders) • Analysis of factors (PESTLE) • Analysis of own organisation (IOM) www.tawanmandi.org.af

  15. Theory of Change • Theory of Change defines all building blocks required to bring about a change. This planning methodology helps you further define the policy issue and how to place your policy influencing intervention in a greater context. • Theory of Change defines as clearly as possible not only the ultimate outcomes and impacts you hope to achieve but also the avenues through which you expect to achieve them www.tawanmandi.org.af

  16. Steps of Theory of Change • Determine the Vision • Map the changes • Choose your “change buttons” (i.e. identify which outcomes you will address) • Check the assumptions of your hypothesis www.tawanmandi.org.af

  17. Women marry when they choose (at mature age) Women have jobs and income Women have healthy children Women are healthy Support teachers for new education Community openly discusses reproductive health Girls visit doctors Work on awareness of community members on gender roles Girls go to school regularly Com and family encourages girls education and healthy lifestyle Schools educate girls adequeately Support NGOs that work with communities Policy influencing for better health and education Parents ensure that gender roles don’t interfere with education Healthy and self-sufficient women that are members of their family and community in an equal and sustainable way Sphere of Concern Sphere of Control Sphere of Influence 5

  18. Policy Influencing initiative Political Targets Beneficiaries sphere of concern sphere of influence sphere of ‘control’ www.tawanmandi.org.af 7/26/2014

  19. Who Are Stakeholders? • Persons, groups or institutions whose interests or concerns are ‘at stake’. • Persons, groups or institutions who influence or are influenced by the issue. • Having something to win or something to lose by change on the issue. www.tawanmandi.org.af

  20. What Is Stakeholder Analysis? • Stakeholder Analysis is the identification of the key stakeholders in a planning or change process. • An assessment of their interests. • The way in which these interests are likely to affect the process. www.tawanmandi.org.af

  21. Why To Do Stakeholder Analysis? • Better plans • Participation of the right parties • Objectives more likely to be achieved • Activities more likely to be sustainable • Clearer view on participation / responsibility • Clearer distribution of responsibilities • Clearer assumptions • Better advocacy & policy influencing strategy • Beneficiaries participation and knowing your target audience. Very crucial! www.tawanmandi.org.af

  22. Beneficiary Participation • A beneficiary is a stakeholder. Stakeholders are persons, groups or institutions with interests in a process, such as policy influencing. • Your actions should be guided by the will of the beneficiaries and your actions should increase the power of beneficiaries (empowerment). If this is not the case then you risk losing all legitimacy, one of the key principles. www.tawanmandi.org.af

  23. Participation Ladder Self mobilisation/Empower Collaborate Consultation Information Gathering www.tawanmandi.org.af Receiving Information Manipulation

  24. Networking/Alliance building www.tawanmandi.org.af

  25. Principled Negotiation • Soft negotiators: soft on the people, soft on the problem • Hard negotiators: hard on the people, hard on the problem • Principled negotiators: soft on the people, hard on the problem www.tawanmandi.org.af

  26. How to Negotiate Successfully • Prepare thoroughly • Get to know the other side – ask and wait for answers • Never enter negotiation when you are tired, impatient, hungry or angry • Allow for the possibility of not reaching agreement • Define your goals • Identify shared goals • Define your negotiable + value to your opponent • Anticipate alternative scenarios + prepare tactics • Your BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement) • You are not weaker or stronger than your opponents • Both sides share goals and are willing to bargain www.tawanmandi.org.af

  27. How to Negotiate Successfully What should you emphasize? • Repeat the goals you share with your opponent • State your position clearly and repeatedly • Clarify positions, repeat what they said, ask questions What should you avoid? • Do not make concessions early • When you make concessions, avoid large concessions • Avoid irritating the other side or making them angry • Do not accept a deadline for reaching a settlement What should you remember? • Nearly everything is negotiable. When the other side says: "This is my last offer!" that too, may be negotiable. www.tawanmandi.org.af

  28. The Role of Language in Policy Influencing • Language is a very powerful tool in politics and in policy influencing. It affects the way we are looking at reality. • It plays a central role in any Advocacy and Policy Influencing initiative. Advocacy Initiatives and framed messages • Advocacy messages can take the form of frames and be used in a similar way as politicians do. • Help gain broader support for advocacy position. • Effective means of passing a message in media (radio, television), oral interventions or even in written papers. • Good frames become quotes. www.tawanmandi.org.af

  29. Examples of Frames • Don’t give the fish, provide the fishing rod! • Why would the peasant have to pay for the study of the banker? • A policeman is a thief with a government gun. www.tawanmandi.org.af

  30. Thank You! www.tawanmandi.org.af

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