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GEWEX Americas Prediction Project (GAPP). Jin Huang NOAA Office of Global Programs September 17, 2003 Boulder, CO. GAPP History. GAPP is a follow-on program to GCIP GAPP extends from Mississippi river basin to SW and NW US to cover GAPP advances its focus from analysis to prediction
GEWEX Americas Prediction Project(GAPP) Jin Huang NOAA Office of Global Programs September 17, 2003 Boulder, CO
GAPP History • GAPP is a follow-on program to GCIP • GAPP extends from Mississippi river basin to SW and NW US to cover • GAPP advances its focus from analysis to prediction • GAPP Science Advisory Group (SAG) provides science guidance to both agencies. 1995-2001 2001-2007
GAPP Objectives • Improve monthly/seasonal climate prediction focused on improved understanding and modeling of land-atmosphere interactions. • Provide decision support through interpretation of climate forecasts for water resource management applications.
Observations Predicted: Without Soil Moisture Initialization 10 3. 1. 0.5 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.5 -1. -3. -10 1988 U.S. Drought Prediction Improved by Soil Moisture Initial Condition Predicted: With Soil Moisture Initialization (using full GLDAS system) JJA precipitation anomalies (in mm/day, after R. Koster)
GAPP Objectives • Improve monthly/seasonal climate prediction focused on improved understanding and modeling of land-atmosphere interactions. • Provide decision support through interpretation of climate forecasts for water resource management applications.
GAPP Supports BoR Decision Support System BoR AWARDS - ET Toolbox System GAPP Products
GAPP Major Research Activities Objective 1: Improve monthly/seasonal climate prediction focused on improved understanding and modeling of land-atmosphere interactions. • Improve understanding and modeling of land-surface processes • e.g. NAME, soil moisture, snow, vegetation, topography,… • Incorporate new understanding into climate prediction system (thru GAPP NOAA Core Project) • Land surface models • Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) • Regional climate models • Provide hydrologic data sets (e.g. soil moisture) for climate model development/validation and predictionresearch • e.g. Regional reanalysis, long-term and realtime precipitation data; CEOP
Parameterization of Fractional Snow Cover Yang and Niu CLM2/Default – OBS CLM2/Yang – OBS The significantwarm biasboth in Eurasia and North America fromthe default NCAR Community Climate Model (CAM2/CLM2) is largelyreducedby using the Yang et al (1997) SCF scheme
GAPP Major Research Activities Objective 1: Improve monthly/seasonal climate prediction focused on improved understanding and modeling of land-atmosphere interactions. • Improve understanding and modeling of land-surface processes • e.g. NAME, soil moisture, snow, vegetation, topography,… • Incorporate new understanding into climate prediction system (thru GAPP NOAA Core Project) • Land model improvement • Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) • Regional climate models • Provide hydrologic data sets (e.g. soil moisture) for climate model development/validation and predictionresearch • e.g. Regional reanalysis, long-term and realtime precipitation data; CEOP
NOAA GAPP Core Project……to provide a pathway for research to NOAA operations • NCEP • OHD • NESDIS
GAPP Major Research Activities Objective 1: Improve monthly/seasonal climate prediction focused on improved understanding and modeling of land-atmosphere interactions. • Improve understanding and modeling of land-surface processes • e.g. NAME, soil moisture, snow, vegetation, topography,… • Incorporate new understanding into climate prediction system (thru GAPP NOAA Core Project) • Land surface models • Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) • Regional climate models • Provide hydrologic data sets (e.g. soil moisture) for climate model development/validation and predictionresearch • e.g. Regional reanalysis, long-term and realtime precipitation data; CEOP (Coordinated Enhanced Observation Period)
REGIONAL REANALYSIS (NCEP) (REGIONAL REANALYSIS DOMAIN) High Resolution, Dynamically Consistent Historical NA Analysis for: 1) Diagnostics Studies 2) Prediction Model Initialization and Validation. NCEP/ETA MODEL 32 KM Spatial Resolution; 3 Hourly Temporal Resolution; 1979 through 2002. A SYSTEM WILL BE IN PLACE TO CONTINUE PRODUCING THESE FIELDS BEYOND 2002 1-Year RR data (Feb. 95-Jan. 96) is available now at: http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/rreanl/index.html
GAPP Major Research Activities (cont.) Objective 2 : Provide decision support through interpretation of climate forecasts for water resource management applications • Improve hydrologic prediction • Downscaling, biases correction of climate forecasts, initialization, • Ensemble streamflow prediction (ESP) • Hydrologic predictability • Model improvement • Develop water resources decision tools • Helping water managers to understand and use climate forecasts • Developing place based tools, tools for using ensemble climate forecasts • Assessing forecast quality for decision making
soil moisture signal dominant; • snow signal dominant in W in summer • climate signal strong in SE in winter Hydrologic Predictability Most of hydrological predictability comes from initial boundary conditions => importance of LDAS (Maurer and Lettenmaier)
GAPP Major Research Activities (cont.) Objective 2 : Provide decision support through interpretation of climate forecasts for water resource management applications • Improve hydrologic prediction • Downscaling, biases correction of climate forecasts, initialization, • Ensemble streamflow prediction (ESP) • Hydrologic predictability • Model improvement • Develop water resources decision tools • Helping water managers to understand and use climate forecasts • Developing place based tools, tools for using ensemble climate forecasts • Assessing forecast quality for decision making
Ensemble Predictions (Probabilistic Forecasts) Assess Value in Decision- Making Climate Prediction Assimilate Observations and Handle Input/Output Uncertainties GAPP Strategy for Water Resources Weather & Climate Inputs Hydrologic Model Water Resources Decision Tool Better Decisions
GAPP CCSP-GWC ISIP • Drought monitoring • Prediction products for water monitoring • Land surface processes and feedbacks • Regional climate models • Mountains, precipitation, • Water resources • Clouds/Radiation • Water vapor and energy balances • Aerosols and clouds • Water and carbon • Sea ice • Global models • SST Forcing • Teleconnections • Etc. GAPP’s Role in ISIP and GWC
Summary on GAPP • Land surface expertise • Water resource applications • Critical datasets • Mechanism for science/technology infusion to NOAA operations