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Phil Anderson (1972) "More is Different". limitations of “representative individual” “mean field” / continuum / linear way of thinking
Phil Anderson (1972) "More is Different". • limitations of “representative individual” “mean field” / continuum / linear way of thinking • conceptual gaps between various disciplines. - accompanying mysteries connected to the nature of life, intelligence, culture • arise exactly when "More Is Different". • life emerges from chemistry, chemistry from physics, conscience from life, social conscience/ organization from individual conscience etc.
The Microscopic Representation Method. MICRO - the relevant microscopic degrees of freedom INTER - their fundamental interactions MACRO - the macroscopic emerging collective objects • Intrinsically interdisciplinary: • Micro belongs to one science • Macro to another science • Mechanisms: statistical mechanics (?) phase transitions, scale invariance, spontaneous symmetry breaking etc At 1000 C nothing special happens to one or two H2O molecules! or 100 or 1000! How come that 1 Kg of them behave so dramatically?
- Microscopic Customers and Macroscopic Sales MICRO– Customers, products / ideas / information INTER– purchase, inform, learn, hear-say MACRO– global trends, waves of sales (e.g. Tamaguchi), hits, flops, market fluctuations, anomalous diffusion demarketing
Percolation transition From non-sales at all to a lot of sales Infinitely sharp at infinite size system
ALSO: effects of • Expectations Adaptation • Self tunning to criticality • Fractal fluctuations and correlations
ALSO: effects of Expectations Adaptation Fractal space-time fluctuationsProduct Success prediction (15/ 17)
“ANTI-Percolation” Antivirus
Parallel Networks Consumption; home Expectations work
- Microscopic Investors and Macroscopic Crashes /Power Laws MICRO - Investors, individual capital,shares INTER - sell/buy orders, gain/loss MACRO - social wealth distribution, market price fluctuations (cycles, crushes, booms, stabilization by noise)
-Microscopic Concepts and Macroscopic Ideas MICRO - concepts, connections between concepts INTER - creating/deleting/activating connections between concepts - Microscopic Seers and Macroscopic Sight MICRO - motion visual sensors for points and line elements. INTER - time and space local data integration. MACRO - Perception of 3 Dimensional global structure.
- Microscopic Picassos and Macroscopic Drawings MICRO - local line / motion features, mental states, mental eventsINTER - line breaks and mind events(changes) vs line/mind inertia.MACRO - drawing shapes, emergence of representational meaning - Microscopic Doctors and Macroscopic Health MICRO - Cells, Enzimes, Antigens, AntibodiesINTER- producing, destroying, changing state of a cell/enzime,MACRO- immunity, health, infection, sickness, inflamation. • Microscopic Drivers / police and Macroscopic Jams • MICRO - cars • INTER - go ahead/give way at intersections. • MACRO - traffic flow, jamming; self-organization; useless police
Microscopic Grimm Brothers and Macroscopic Stories MICRO – persons, relations INTER – change in relations ; acting MACRO –plot, story, meaning
browse link Copy a gene to another location Internet network Gene network
Microscopic Investors and Macroscopic Crashes M. Levy, H. Levy and S. Solomon, Economics Letters 45 (1994) 103-111.
Fundamentalists believe the market will eventually revert to the fundamental price. Hence, the price they offer will be determined by: Chartists, believe in trends they. The simplest choice for short times is a linear extrapolation Noise-traders are making “random” offers at a price randomly distributed around the current price.
L.Muchnick and S.Solomon Physica Scripta, in press
Stock market shock explained Physicists model recent trading frenzy.1 October 2002 Newton(after loosing 20 K Pounds in stock market)“I can calculate the motions of heavenly bodies,but not the madness of people.“ Market makersMarket 'spikes' are seen by traders as freak events.Physicists expect them, Thursday October 3, 2002
Levy, Solomon and Levy's Microscopic Simulation of Financial Markets points us towards the future of financial economics."Harry M. Markowitz, Nobel Laureate in Economics
Creative Sparks Jacob Goldenberg, David Mazursky, and Sorin Solomon Science 285: 1495-1496, 1999;
Figure 2b: General scheme underlying the replacement version of the pictorial analogy template
Examples of Replacement computer produced ideas ·Image of Apple Computer Terminal/ handing of Flowers (for advertising Apple computers friendliness) ·Texture of Tennis Ball / Temple Mountain Mosque (for advertising World Cup Tennis Tournament in Jerusalem). ·Shape of Plane/ Coo-coo in Coo-coo Clock (for advertising the time accuracy of a flight company). ·Picture of Jeeps/ Speaking in Sign Language (for silent car engine) shape of car/ bullet (for fast car).
Table 2: Idea Ratings for the Four Sources Creativity Ratings Mean S.D. Winning Ads 3.26 .49 Magazine Ads 2.88 .55 Routine-Generated Ads 2.89 .48 Laymen-Generated Ads 2.22 .43 Originality Ratings Mean S.D. Winning Ads 3.33 .55 Magazine Ads 2.85 .58 Routine-Generated Ads 2.89 .54 Laymen-Generated Ads 2.22 .46
What Are Stories Made Of? Quantitative Categorical Deconstruction of CreationY. Stolov,M. Idel, S. Solomon, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11 (2000) 1 ;
EVENT EVENT NO EVENT TOTAL DENSITY but and NO LINK LENGTH NO LINK LINK RAVEN 9 8 1 1652 0.7 % PRINCESS 12 3 1312 1.4 % (Lost Princess story has no end) 21 commentators, 29 events Ordered in nr of commentators. Highest one diagonal was only rank 14 Only one non-link below it.
Testing the Turing Test Do Men pass it?
Method: • Doing the imitation game not between human and computer but between a man and a woman. • Interrogator: needs to discover who is the man and who is the woman. Turing said – can be of either sex • Woman: Aim to help the interrogator. • Man: Aim to fool the interrogator. Turing himself talks about imitation game between man and woman!
Losing All Battles and Wining the War HIV time hierarchy: U Hershberg, Y Louzoun, H Atlan and S Solomon Physica A: 289 (1-2) (2001) pp.178-190 ; http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/nlin.AO/0006023
Ai Ai+AiVirons multiply Ai+Bi Ai+Bi+BiImmune cellsmultiply when they meet virons with complementary shape to theirs Bi+Ai BiVirons are destroyed when detected by immune cells of complementary shape Ai Ai 1Virons can mutate (actually in a n-dim space) Ai+B* Ai Immune cells of any type are destroyed when infected by viruses of any type A = antigens (virons) B = cells of the immune system i = index of the particular characteristic shape of virus/immune cell
New strains appear and are destroyed within weeks. REALITY Many new small strains accumulate and destroy many immune system cells. The system collapses The strains of the first invasion are completely wiped out SIMULATION