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Geo-Storytelling. Ch. 20 of Theorizing Digital Cultural Heritage Presented by Sandra Wilson. Some Background…. Next generation technologies are emerging technologies that challenge the way we archive and present history Affect presentation and documentation EX: Locative Media, Geograffiti

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  1. Geo-Storytelling Ch. 20 of Theorizing Digital Cultural Heritage Presented by Sandra Wilson

  2. Some Background… • Next generation technologies are emerging technologies that challenge the way we archive and present history • Affect presentation and documentation • EX: Locative Media, Geograffiti • People are aware of this new wave of technology; almost taken for granted • EX: GPS

  3. Locative Media • Locative media involves the use of information encoded into a physical location. • “Big Brother” • Immersive Online Games • Roy All Around You • Being looked at for the use of preserving cultural heritage.

  4. Geograffiti • Graffiti – derived from Roman practice of scratching political messages on public walls • Considered wrong in modern social order • Geograffiti – “virtual graffiti” • Proposes an open-access spatial authoring system for mobile, network-enabled, location aware devices • Interaction w/o alteration • Not all people need to see it

  5. Geograffitictd…

  6. Flexible Storytelling • Storytelling – one of the oldest art forms of human beings • Originally an oral tradition • Changed forms with new platforms of communication and changes in society • Interactive => Non-interactive w/invention of written narrative • Storytelling in the Digital Era • Interactive • Hyperlinks, side-bar materials, streaming (dynamic) materials, visual media, etc

  7. Locative Media and Storytelling • Physical artifacts in museums are arranged in some order to tell a story. • Problem: All objects have own story • Locative Technology allows significance to be attached to every object

  8. Heritage Ecology • Def: considering whole field of production when engaging with a problem regarding media; each type of media has value • Term coined by Marshall McLuhan • Views of the Media Ecologist • Traditional field of heritage lacks multiple POV’s • People tend to look more at “first-person” media • EX: blogging combined with locative media would allow easier access to other bloggers’ views about the location

  9. The Future • Geoscope – project intended “to be a fully computerized globe” • Everything in real space has some kind of locative media attached to it • Preserves space AND culture • Importance of locative media • Development of user-centric and dynamic systems for nonlinear storytelling • Sensation of navigation beyond official story into many details • Simplify and organize the chaos of “Geograffiti” among people with locative technologies

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