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Sectoral Approaches to Training and Skills Development. Embedding Standards (ICT Industry) EASCMF (Automotive Industry) Ways to Sustainability (Automotive Industry). Gerald Thiel, DEKRA Akademie. General Challenges of the ICT Sector. Technological developments take place with high velocity
Sectoral Approaches to Training and Skills Development Embedding Standards(ICT Industry)EASCMF (Automotive Industry)Ways to Sustainability (Automotive Industry) Gerald Thiel, DEKRA Akademie
General Challenges of the ICT Sector • Technological developments take place with high velocity • ICT is not a sector as others:- It is an element of production and service in various other sectors- It provides the basis of new cultural skills(„digital competence“) with the perspective of an „information society“
Educational Challenges of the ICT Sector • Velocity of technical development requires high qualified workforce able to adapt their abilities to this needs quickly • Societal and economic importance of ICT caused a lot of initiatives trying to improve e-skills, originally working independently from each other, using different approaches in various countries, at the beginning not referring to the processes of Bologna and Copenhagen and the development of the EQF („standardisation divide“)
Embedding Standards: Overall Objective Contribute to overcome the „standardisation-divide“ in Europe by developing and piloting sector-oriented qualification approaches
Embedding Standards: Partnership LEONARDO-Partners: • DEKRA-Akademie (Koordinator, DE); Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Wien (AT); Bundesverband der Digitalen Wirtschaft (BVDW, DE); Fachhochschule Osnabrück (DE); MMB – Institut für Medien- und Kompetenzforschung, Essen (DE); Asociación Española de Empresas de Multimedia (ASEDEM, ES); Indra S.A., Madrid (ES); Association Multimedia Emploi, Bordeaux (FR); South-East European Research Center (SEERC), Thessaloniki (GR); Security Technologies Competence Centre (SETCCE), Ljubljana (SI); Fastrak Consulting, Brighton (UK); National Institute for Vocational Education (NIVE), Budapest (HU); Prompt, Gödöllö (HU) Corresponding Partners: • KIBNET/BITKOM (DE); Association SwissMedia (CH) Subcontractor: • E-Skills UK (UK)
Embedding Standards: Activities • Identify grids existing ICT/multimedia profiles and curricula could be measured against: The British Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) and the European Qualification Framework (EQF) • Define reference profiles and qualifications: IT Project Coordinator, IT Security Coordinator (taken from the German AITTS), Web Content Specialist (taken from a previous LEONARDO project • Define smallest assessable units (already deliveredby description of reference processes) • Define the relative weight of units, thereby delivering interfaces for the assignment of credit points • Carry out and evaluate training, thereby creating Zones of Mutual Trust
Embedding Standards: Main lessons learnt • A common understanding of occupational profiles/job profiles is crucial for enabling transnational training • If these profiles are described by work elementsfrom whichcompetences can be derived, to be defined aslearning outcomeswithin curricula, this common understanding is easily achievable among experts despite their national educational tradition. • Under these conditions, instruments like ECVET are assignable totransnational curricula, whatever the concrete design of the credit transfer system might be.
Embedding Standards: Perspectives • Carry out transnational courses on the basis of a virtual platform, taking in account national requirements by using EQF descriptors for course design and ECTS/ECVET credit systems for usability of learning outcomes in various national VET environments • Update course design continuously according to the requirements of technological change
General Challenges of the Automotive Sector • The sector has to be considered as a key industry to which a lot of other sectors are directly or indirectly related; the sector itself reflects this in being divided in supply industry, production, and service and repair. • Industrial developments take place with high velocity, including hybrid technology to a large extent (i.e. technology not limited to a classical sector, but integrating elements of various origin as ICT, metallurgy, chemistry) • Competition has left only a few global players, competing strongly.
Educational Challenges of the Automotive Sector • Integration of elements of various technological origin into the work process have required corresponding integrative abilities of the workforce leading to the development of occupational profiles which can be considered as variants of a European core profile: the Car Mechatronic. • At the same time, technological development has enabled a destruction of work processes in terms of workers‘ specialization for a limited number of work steps to be performed without reflection of the total product to be manufactured. • This extreme specialisation does not create good conditions for human ressources development which is necessary in order to stay competitive on the long run.
EASCMF: Objective To create conditions for setting up a EQF-related sectoral competence framework for the European automotive sector
EASCMF: Partners • DEKRA Akademie GmbH • 3s research laboratory – Forschungsverein • Europäischer Metallgewerkschaftsverbund (EMB-EMF) • DaimlerChrysler AG, Geschäftsbereich Lkw Europa/Lateinamerika (Mercedes-Benz), Werk Mannheim • Lux Kultur Agentur GmbH • Universität Bremen, Institut Technik und Bildung • Volkswagen Händlerentwicklung und –qualifizierung • Zentralverband des Deutschen Kraftfahrzeuggewerbes (ZDK) • IG Metall • Societé Montgelas pour la promotion de la coopération franco-bavaroise/Montgelas-Gesellschaft • Centre Regional pour le Developpement local, la Formation et l’Insertion des Jeunes (CREDIJ) • Politecnico di Torino • Center Republike Slovenije za poklicno izobraževanje – CPI • Solnij Center Ptuj
EASCMF: Major Activities • To deliver a generic overview of available sector-oriented occupational/job profiles profiles • To describe profiles and qualifications in EQF terms specified by sector-oriented competences (thus delivering a first outline of the EASCMF), • In this context, to test the applicability of the EQF descriptors • To initiate sectoral EQF-based standardisation by suggesting an organisational framework for this purpose (e. g. a CEN workshop), in order to ensure that the development of a full-fledged competence framework continues after the end of the project.
EASCMF: Main Challenges To describe occupational/job profiles by EQF-derived sectoral descriptors of knowledge, skills and competence in a way which ensures that context orientationof work is not lost in favour of a summary of mere performance skills Thereby to ensure that the EQF can be used as an instrument of promoting lifelong learning, and not as a tool which could help to adapt workers abilities to a tayloristic organisation of work To gain a sufficient number of stakeholders willing to discuss the issues arising from the contradiction between current competition needs and long term human ressources requirements
Ways to Sustainability: Objective To help organisations and individuals all over Europe to use a Europe-wide established educational space for lifelong learning, thereby following individual career paths as well as realizing objectives of enterprises, and taking in account the needs of social partners, public bodies, and vocational/educational institutions.
Ways to Sustainability: Approach • Bottom-up approach which means that possible EQF/NQF/SQF application scenarios in the automotive sector will be confronted with situations in relevant fields of educational policy at national, sectoral, and European level
Ways to Sustainability: Starting point • Implementation of the European learning space (resp. of instruments as EQF, ECVET, etc.) requires the collaboration of a big number of stakeholders • Views of stakeholders on these instruments differ considerably in terms of understanding and focus of interest
Major Activities • Scenarios of using the instruments of a future European learning space are described. • Obstacles and favourable conditions are analyzed:- Statements to the set-up of EQF and NQFs - Studies related to the requirements of setting up frameworks (as currently carried out in Austria and Germany by project partners) and to the evaluation of already existing frameworks - Documents produced in the framework of EQF related projects inside and outside the automotive sector - Contributions to virtual communities • Recommendations for future use of the instruments are delivered
Partners • DEKRA Akademie GmbH • 3s research laboratory – Forschungsverein • Centre Regional pour le Développement, la formation et l’insertion des jeunes (CREDIJ) • Lux Kultur Agentur GmbH • Universität Bremen, Institut Technik und Bildung • Volkswagen Original Teile Logistik GmbH & Co KG (VW) • IG Metall • Centre Regional pour le Developpement local, la Formation et l’Insertion des Jeunes (CREDIJ) • Council for the Curriculum Examination and Assessment(CCEA)Politecnico di Torino • Šolski Center Ptuj
For further information http://www.embedding-standards.com http://www.eascmf.eu Thank you for your attention!