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SGS: Activities and Requests. Helen Middleton. Contents. ESAC and ESOC Science Ground Segment (SGS) SGS activities and requests for input Traceability Matrix (TMX) Science Activity Plan (SAP) Off-pointing Calibrations, Integrated System Test (IST#2) and Flexible downlink
SGS: Activities and Requests Helen Middleton
Contents • ESAC and ESOC • Science Ground Segment (SGS) • SGS activities and requests for input • Traceability Matrix (TMX) • Science Activity Plan (SAP) • Off-pointing • Calibrations, Integrated System Test (IST#2) and Flexible downlink • Data Handling and Archiving
SGS @ ESAC SGS refers to the ESA elements of the wider BepiColombo Science Ground Segment. The Science Ground Segment (SGS) is located at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), Madrid, Spain. The SGS combines the functionalities of a Science Operations Centre, covering the science operation planning and generation of consolidated payload command requests, and the science data handling and archiving functionalities, such as the science data pre-processing, Quicklook analysis and long-term scientific archiving. ESAC experience in different areas, e.g.: Mission planning : MEX, VEX,ROS (automated optimization),XMM, Herschel Data processing pipelines: XMM, Herschel,Gaia and to a lesser extent VEX Real time archiving : Herschel
OGS @ ESOC OGS refers to the ESA BepiColombo Operational Ground Segment, located at European Space Operations Centre (ESOC), Darmstadt, Germany. The OGS will be responsible for the operation and control of the Mercury Composite Spacecraft (MCS) during the cruise phase as well as the MPO and MMO orbit insertion • The OGS will be responsible for all mission operations planning, execution, monitoring and control activities during the science phase • ESOC will provide a ground station network to support telemetry acquisition, telecommand and tracking operations during all mission phases. • OGS and SGS work closely together for everything concerning payload operations
BepiColombo ESA Ground Segment(Mercury Science Phase) Overview
SGS Role Provide value added services to all involved (and thus enhance the science return of the BepiColombo mission) Centralise common functions to free up resources in the Instrument Teams Implement a Science Ground Segment which will allows maximum planning flexibility, while maximising the overall mission science return efficiency Data Handling and Archiving, Science Operations and Liaison Scientist Teams
SGS Context So, what is the SGS responsible for? Science Operations Planning Producing the Science Operations Plan with SWG and Project Scientist Coordinating inputs and send to the Operational Ground Segment Monitoring data quality for quick corrections to the operations plan Data Handling Distributing data (labeled, packaged with auxiliary data, etc.) to Instrument Teams Providing Quicklook data facilities also monitoring data quality Supporting Instrument Teams in identifying issues relevant to science planning Running data processing pipelines for generation of scientific raw products Ensuring processed data suitable for long term archiving (with Instrument Teams) Definition/Design/Implementation of the BepiColombo Archive Archiving MPO data Providing access to MMO scientific data (MPO/MMO science data sharing)
Traceability Matrix (TMX) • The Science Themes Table (STT) was restructured following the format of the JUICE TMX. • All information from the STT was transferred into the TMX draft. • The content of each level of the TMX is more or less known and at least partially populated. • Details of the type and amount of information in each level are currently being worked out with the SGS system design team. • The progressively more-detailed structure of the TMX levels will be worked into the currently-under-design operations database. • From you: define a measurement and an observation for each sensor?
Science Activity Plan & Operations Planning • Issue 1.0 sent out in Oct 2012 • Feedback to Issue 1.0 received from most PI teams • Feedback incorporated into Issue 1.1 circulated end of January • SAP Chapter 2 significantly reworked by the LST and PS. • Chapter 2 delivered by Harri to HEWG on 26 April for discussion. • The LST are preparing to update the science operations plan during the summer, once the s/c resources are known. • Planning/analysis tools (EPS/MAPPS) are being updated and validated. • SAP 1.2 planned by Sep 2013 will be an input to the S/C Delta CDR • In parallel an orbit test case will be analyzed (to understand the impacts on science operations of a highly variable orbit)
Off-pointing FROM you: All requests for off-pointing for operations or in-orbit calibration and commissioning activities must be detailed in the EID-B
Calibration(s), IST#2 and Flexible downlink On-ground calibration activities – SGS would like to be involved! In-orbit calibration – a working group has been established which will analyse requests for off-pointing for in-orbit calibration campaigns • activities kicked off last March (meeting at ESTEC within the frame of the SOWG); • b) Next meeting expected to take place early Summer IST#2 on ETB using EM with latest software and maybe hardware upgrades – should be as close as possible to the FM IST on FM can then use same specs and debugged code Flexible downlink – how would you like to use it?
Data Handling and Archiving • Data Handling and Archiving concept document has been produced and distributed to DHAWG members FROM you: Provide comments and help to refine some of the open issues • Data Management and Archive Plan: It provides a detailed description of the strategy for the design, generation, validation, transfer and archive of MPO science data. It also specifies policies for distributing data (within BepiColombo, to scientific community and to general public). FROM you: to identify the science data products (raw, calibrated, derived, etc) and provide an estimation of the data volume of those products.
Data Handling and Archiving (cont.) • A document on software engineering guidelines has been produced by the SGS (presented at last DHAWG) FROM you: Fill in the questionnaire, comments on the document • Experiment to Archive ICDs: These are separate documents and including detailed information about the data generated and also information on all data deliverables, including the data flow, data processing and analysis system, and any SW algorithms for generating the data. FROM you : These documents will be produced by each Instrument Team
Contact Any questions or comments concerning DHA: bepic-dha@sciops.esa.int For other questions or comments: bepi_ls@sciops.esa.intor helen.middleton@esa.int