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Release date: January, 2013. Operations Orchestration 9.07 Release. This is a sneak peek document for the OO 9.07 Release. RESTART THE INTERACTIVE RUNS OF A FLOW ( from an intermediary step ). Allows the restart of an interactive run from a specific step. This feature is available for:
Release date: January, 2013 Operations Orchestration 9.07 Release
RESTART THE INTERACTIVE RUNS OF A FLOW(from an intermediary step) Allows the restart of an interactive run from a specific step. • This feature is available for: • Steps that have been set as checkpoint in Studio. • Steps that are not multi-instance sub-steps, non-blocking steps or a steps within a parallel lane. • Interactive runs (not headless runs). • F lows that were not modified since the previous run.
RESTART THE INTERACTIVE RUNS OF A FLOW(from an intermediary step) – cont. Allows the restart of an interactive run from a specific step. • Users can restart their own runs or others’ runs (in this case, the user should have MANAGE_RUNS capability). • Functionality is available in both Basic and AdvancedReport tabs. • Restarting a run will trigger the Run All functionality within the Preview Page.
INSTANT RUN LINK The user has access to the Instant Run link. • New Instant Run Page that can be embedded in external applications. • The ability to retrieve the Instant Run link from the Execution Links section. • The ability to open this Instant Run page in a different browser tab or window.
TRACK THE SCHEDULES OF A USER The schedules contain the name of the user who scheduled them. • A column was added, containing the name of the user who scheduled the flow. • Icons are used to differentiate between internal and external users.
TRACK THE SCHEDULES OF A USER – cont. Users can filter runs using the "Scheduled by…" criterion. • A new filtering criterion was added. • Users can filter the runs using the name of the user who scheduled the run.
TRACK THE SCHEDULES OF A USER – cont. The reports contain the name of the user who scheduled the run of the flow. • A column was added, containing the name of the user who scheduled the flow.
Update configurations The changes in the Authentication section take effect without restarting the Central Service. • AD settings take effect without restarting the service. • LDAP settings take effect without restarting the service. • Kerberos settings take effect without restarting the service.
NEW API The user can get the flow history details based on the runID. Request sample <soapenv:Body> <wsc:getFlowRunHistoryByRunIdsoapenv:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> <runIdxsi:type="soapenc:long" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">run_ID</runId> </wsc:getFlowRunHistoryByRunId> </soapenv:Body> Response sample <soapenv:Body> <ns1:getFlowRunHistoryByRunIdResponse> <getFlowRunHistoryByRunIdReturnsoapenc:arrayType="ns2:WSRunHistoryDetailsExtend[1]" xsi:type="soapenc:Array" > <getFlowRunHistoryByRunIdReturnxsi:type="ns2:WSRunHistoryDetailsExtend"> <duration xsi:type="xsd:long">83</duration> <flowRevisionxsi:type="soapenc:string">6</flowRevision> <numStepsxsi:type="xsd:int">23</numSteps> <runIdxsi:type="xsd:long">1485</runId> <runNamexsi:type="soapenc:string">GeFileFolderListTestProperties_1486</runName> <scheduledByxsi:type="soapenc:string" xsi:nil="true"/> <startTimexsi:type="xsd:long">1357647297361</startTime> <status xsi:type="soapenc:string">Resolved</status> <userIdxsi:type="soapenc:string">admin</userId> <uuidxsi:type="soapenc:string">1a92d74b-f759-4b83-a489-5c83a437f35c</uuid> </getFlowRunHistoryByRunIdReturn> </getFlowRunHistoryByRunIdReturn> </ns1:getFlowRunHistoryByRunIdResponse> </soapenv:Body>
NEW SUPPORT Support for .NET 4 and .NET 4.5 (cumulative versions) ESXi5.1 support UPGRADE JAVA upgrade to 1.6.0_37 version • Apache Load Balancer upgrade to • 2.2.22 version for Windows • 2.2.23 version for Linux